八年级下册英语期末复习重点考查词汇整理训练 根据所给中文、句意或首字母提示,填入单词的正确形式。 1. Early this morning, Nancy was busy______________(挖) in the garden to plant trees. 2. Many people will go to the concert, ____________ (包括) teachers, students and parents. 3. If you’re ___________ (认真的) about any goal, you will be successful some day. 4. Vitamin A is usually used by eye doctors to treat people with night (blind). 5. I know I can_______________(获得) success if I keep on trying. 6. Germans started (分开) rubbish into different groups as early as 1904. 7. Every student has the (权利) to go to school for education. 8. This spring most people took the____________(医学的) advice and stayed home, studying or working. 9. Natural resources are very important for us and we should use them______________(明智地). 10. Listen! The rain is beating (碰) the window, making a sound. 11. This is the (骄傲的)thing I have ever done. 12. It’s amazing that a small ant has two (胃). 13. All the children should receive basic ____________ (教育). 14. He’s made the same mistake again and again. Why do you keep____________(宽恕) him for doing so? 15. It is a ____________ (明智的) and better choice(选择) for you , I think. 16. Modern medicine is __________(发展) so quickly that most eye diseases can be cured . 17. The government has built shopping malls in some large open (空地). 18. Suzy felt so sorry about the (死) fish when she came back. 19. Do you know that many famous painters have secret messages (隐藏) within their works? 20. Japan is u to hold Tokyo Olympic Games on time this summer because of coronavirus. 21. ---Honey, don’t trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. You need to calm down. ---I see, out of sight, out of______________. 22. Mother was so tired that she didn’t wake up ____________ (直到) noon. 23. You will be________________(惩罚) if you are found copying others’ homework. 24. ---What’s the m______________? ---I don’t feel well.I’ve got a headache. 25. Nobody is here.The classroom is e_________________. 26. What’s the_______________(right or correct) way to greet people in the UK? 27. Would you closing the window? It's a bit cold here. (介意) 28. In Africa,many patients can’t__________(have enough money to pay for something) to go to hospital. 29. People with different _________ (背景) can be close friends when they work together as volunteers. 30. Sanya is a nice city at the ______________(south) end of Hainan Island 31. Before you leave the classroom, make sure that all the windows __________(close). 32. ---The of the garbage classification(垃圾分类) is to help protect our environment. ---Yes. It’s time for us to go green. 33. Just now my classmates had a ____________ (discuss) about how to spend their summer holidays. 34. In fact, that film is more exciting than Tom ____________ (预料). 35. Driving ____________ (care) on the highway often leads to terrible traffic accidents. 36. You will b lucky or sometime in your life. (成功的) 37. It is________________(不礼貌的)of you to speak loudly in public. 38.Hack felt __________ ( 自 豪 ) than anyone else because he was recommended as “the Most Helpful Student” in our school. 39.Shenzhen used to be a little fish village______________(在…对面) Hong Kong, but now it has turned into a modern city. 40. I'm ['terәbli] sorry. I had no idea you felt that way. 41. Is it__________________(有意义的) to donate some books to those children in poor areas? 42. He made many mistakes because he did his homework c_______________. 43. I have the honor of [intrә'dju:siŋ] to you Mr. Smith. 44. ---What did you do last night, Lily? ---I continued (开展)on with my study of red-crowned cranes. 45. When you're travelling in Thailand, don't people's heads. (触摸) 46. Broadway has been well-known for its theaters since the early__________(twenty) century. 47. Lang Ping is one of the most famous_______________(教练) in China. 48. She wanted to take part in the club activity, but was (拒绝). 49. During the visit to France, President Xi said that China and France should work c for the peace and development of the world. 50. ---Have you made up your about your further education? ---Yes. I will surely go to Beijing University for Physics. 51. ---Some people usually sleep in the open air. ---I think the government should provide them with cover. 52. ---How was the sick girl, Dr Ma? ---She was on in time and now she is much better. 53. It is raining really hard in most areas of our country . (近来) 54. When talking with British people, remember to subjects like age, weight or money. (避免) 55. The guide advised

doc文档 2020-2021学年牛津译林版八年级下册英语期末复习重点考查词汇整理训练(word版含答案)

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2020-2021学年牛津译林版八年级下册英语期末复习重点考查词汇整理训练(word版含答案) 第 1 页 2020-2021学年牛津译林版八年级下册英语期末复习重点考查词汇整理训练(word版含答案) 第 2 页 2020-2021学年牛津译林版八年级下册英语期末复习重点考查词汇整理训练(word版含答案) 第 3 页
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