2021 年普通高等学校招生 全国统一考试深圳一模 读 后 续 写 Continuation Writing 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写 两段,使之构成一篇完整短文。续写词数应为 150 左右 。 The football season was almost over. Sally had been playing football all summer. She really enjoyed running around with the other players in her bright orange uniform, chasing the black and white ball across the grassy field. As much as shewed, though, Sally still had not scored one single goal. Before each game, they had a practice session. The coach showed Sally and her team how to pass the ball to each other and take shots at the goal. Sally was pretty good at passing the ball, but even during practices, she couldn't kick the ball past the goalkeeper. She wondered if she should quit football and join a different club. “Don’t give up,” said the coach. But it was half-time, and Sally was feeling frustrated (沮丧) . She was trying! Every time she got a chance to kick the ball, it would go in the wrong direction or a player from the other team would take control of it. She sipped at her cola and pouted (撅嘴) . The break was over and the referee blew his whistle to start the game again. The two teams walked back onto the field, both determined to win. Sally bent, tied up her shoelace and heard her mother whisper in her ear. “Stay focused. Keep your eyes on the ball. Look for an opportunity to get the ball. You can do it.” Sally stood up and took a deep breath. Even if she didn't get one goal all summer, she knew that she had tried her best. That was something to be proud of. So she smiled at her mother and headed to her position. The whistle blew, and the game continued. The score was tied with one goal each. The green team was pretty good, but Sally's orange team was fast. The girls' ponytails bounced as they ran, with many feet kicking frantically (拼命地) at the ball when it came near them. It was a rather boring game and Sally's heart was no longer in it. 注意 : 所续写短文的词数应为 l50 左右 ; 请按如下格式在答题 卡的相应位置作答。 续写部分分为两段 , 每段的开头语已为你写好 ; Paragraph 1 Sally started daydreaming about joining other school clubs. ______________________________________________ Paragraph 2 Recalling her mother's words. Sally was woken from her 一、准确理解材料,理清人物事件 1. 浅层信息理解 第一、三人称 首先要审题:⑴体裁:记叙文 _______ ;⑵人称: _______________ ;⑶主体时态: _______________ 。 一般过去时 during a game how She didn't score a goal and felt bored about the when whereon the grassy field Sally and Story whoher mother , co ach , refere what e why Playing a football game, Sally considered to quit it. 2. 深层信息理解 ① 理清故事的发展线索( How ) PARAGRAPH Behaviors ( 行 (段落) 为) football season , enjoyed running around in her Para. 1 bright orange uniform , chasin g the ball across the grassy field Topic (段意) Sally still had not score one single goal. PARAGRA Behaviors (行为) PH ( 段 落) had a practice , The coach showed , pass the Para. 2 ball , take shots at the goal , wondered , quit football , join Para. 3 feeling frustrated , trying , go in the wrong Topic (段意) Sally was pretty good at passing the ball but couldn't kick the ball past the goalkeeper. Every time she got a chance to kick the ball, it would go in the wrong PARAGRA Behaviors (行为) PH ( 段 落) the referee blew his whistle , walked back , Para.4 bent, tied up , whisper , Keep your eyes on Para. 5 Para. 6 Topic (段意) Her mother encouraged her to catch the opportunity to make it. Sally headed to her position. took a deep breath , smiled at , headed , continued was tied It was a rather ② 判断细节描写类型:心理活动□√;动作 □;环 境□;外貌性格□。通过 really enjoyed ; wondered if she should quit football and join a different club ; feeling frustrated ; something to be proud of ; It was a rather boring game and Sally's heart was no longer in it ; daydreaming about ; pouted , took a deep breath , was woken from her daydream 等词汇,体现 Sally 热爱足球,渴望获胜的心理,但又不很自信,性 格情绪不稳定,故事发展情感自然且真挚。 3. 整合本篇的故事情节和情感线索: Sally 喜爱足球,很会传球,但足球赛季结束 ,仍然没有进一球,因为总是把球踢偏了,她的 母亲和教练不断鼓励她,但 Sally 倍感无聊,想退 出足球,加入另一个不同的俱乐部……。 二、分析续写段首,确定续写方向 根据段首句 1 ( Sally 开始做参加其他学校俱乐部 的白日梦),设想以下问题获取写作要点: ① Which words or phrases catch your eyes? (daydreaming , joining other school clubs) ②What club would Sally join? ③What would she do in the club? ④How would she feel? ⑤How did she recall her mother's words? 二、分析续写段首,确定续写方向 根据段首句 2 (想起母亲的话后, Sally 从她 的白日梦中醒来),设想以下问题: ⑥Which words or phrases catch your eyes? (Recalling , words , woken from) ⑦What would she do? ⑧How was the game going? ⑨How did she feel? ⑩What about her teammates and the other team? Did her team win the game? 三、借助文本资源,创设续写情节 根据六要素和自己的想象,借助文本资源,

ppt文档 04《洪亮英语》2021年深圳一模读后续写再开发

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