Unit1 Unit 1 Living Well 一、重点 词组翻译练习 1. 过着……生活_______________ 16. 记住 ____________________ 2. 适合 ______________________ 17. 尤其地特别地_____________ 3. 换句话说 __________________ 18. 为……预订_________________ 4. 另外此外 __________________ 19. 遇到会晤_________________ 5. 撞到 ______________________ 20. 有尊严地_________________ 6. (改变)以适应 _______________ 21. 接近,使用_______________ 7. 每次,一次_________________ 22. 获利赚钱 ________________ 8. 切去删去停止 ______________ 23. 不必担心_________________ 9. 上气不接下气_______________ 24. 一切顺利_________________ 10. 总而言之__________________ 25. 因……而生某人气___________ 11. 闲坐着 ___________________ 26. 在背后___________________ 12. 为……感到难过______________ 27. 对……足够_________________ 13. 也,和____________________ 28.连续不断地________________ 14. 在很多方面________________ 29. 对……来说有益_____________ 15. 取笑______________________ 30. 在……方面祝贺某人_________ 【答案】 1. lead / live a …life 13. as well as 2. be suitable for 14. in many ways 3. in other words 15. make fun of 4. in addition 16. learn … by heart / keep … in mind 5. bump into 17. in particular 6. adapt to 18. reserve … for 7. at a tim8. cut out 19. meet with 9. out of breath 20. with dignity 10. all in all 21. have access to 11. sit around 22. make a profit 12. feel sorry for 23. never mind 24. all the best 28. in a row 25. be annoyed with sb. about sth. 29. be beneficial to 26. in one’s absence / in the absence of sb 30. congratulate sb. o 27. be adequate for 二、根据中文提示进行填空 1. She is _______ (有抱负的)for fame and interests. 2. The young man_______ (指导)his business carefully. 3. The research can not be completed without _______ (充分的)funding. 4. We had to_______ (辞职)ourselves to making a loss on the sale. 5. He never even stopped to _______ (祝贺)me. 6. As we know, the Internet helps people have easy _______ (通路)to all kinds of information. 7. Tom is a terrible dancer; he's too _______ (笨拙的) and keeps stepping on his partner's feet. 8. Cycling is highly _______ (有益的) to health and the environment. 9. She got _______ (恼怒的)when she heard the bad news. 10. The little girl will be a _______ (同伴)for my young daughter. 【答案】 1. ambitious 2.conducted 3. adequate 4.resign 5. congratulate 6.access 7.clumsy 8.beneficial 9annoyed10.companion 三、根据首字母提示进行填空 1. As he has no opportunity to achieve his a______,he intends to resign from the company. 2. When something can help people or improve their lives, we say it is b______ to people. 3. I'm afraid it'll be very hard for you ______ (adapt) this story for children. 4. You'd better not get a______ at his ignorance. 5. Finland gained i______ from Russia during the First World War. 6. The manager c______ his business carefully. 7. I'm interested in the classical l______ of France. 8. We must give ______ (assist) to the elderly. 9. A c ______ is a friend that you spend a lot of time with, or someone you traveling with. 10. I offer you my hearty c______. You are so great that you get the first prize in the competition. 11. Being afraid of losing d_______, he doesn't dare to take on any challenging task. 12. He received a lot of e______ from his teacher, especially when he was unsuccessful. 13. An unexpected accident made Sang Lan a girl with a physical d____________, but she never gave up. 14. We often observe the tiny cells with m______________ in our biology classes. 15. The production of iron and steel is the most important i______________ of the city. 16. Taiwan is part of China and not an i_______________ state. 17. I have passed all the exams and I am waiting to get the graduation c_______________. 18. A place is a______________ if it is possible to reach it. 19. I was not alone on the journey. Instead, I had so many c________________. 20. You can refer to old people in general as the o_______________. 21. We can use the word l_______________ to refer to the second of two people, things or groups just mentioned. 【答案】 1. ambition 2. Beneficial 5.independence 3. to adapt 6. conducted 4. annoyed 7. literature 8. assistance 9. companion 10. congratulations 11. dignity 12. Encouragement 13. disability 14. microscopes 15. industry 17. ceremony 18. accessible 19. companions 20. old 16. isolated 21. latter 四、选择单词进行填空 A companion, accessible, elderly, eyesight, disability, latter, breath, microscope, dignity, encouragement, conduct 1 We young people should show respect for the _________. 2 I would like to find a traveling _________, for I don’t want to go on a trip alone. 3 My father’s words were a gre

doc文档 Unit 1 Living Well-2020-2021学年高二英语下学期重点词汇通关练(人教版选修7)

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