【原创精析】2021 届高考英语提分必备—读后续写素材精析与积累(一) 精析篇 1. My life has been full of ups and downs, and during my childhood the downs seemed to rain on me like a never-ending storm. ups and downs n. 沉浮;盛衰;高低 近义:vicissitude The ups and downs of the market.市场波动 We are bound to see some ups and downs along the road to recovery. 在复苏的道路上我们一定会经历一些波折起伏。 The course of life never runs smoothly for it is full of ups and downs and twists and turns. 人生之路从不一帆风顺,因为它充满了起伏与曲折。 2. My body was shivering with fear/terror. shiver v. 颤抖,哆嗦;打碎 n. 颤抖,哆嗦;(因恐惧产生的)寒颤;碎片 When you shiver, your body shakes slightly because you are cold or frightened. (因寒冷或害怕而) 颤抖 He shivered in the cold. 他在寒冷中发抖。 Shiver is also a noun. 颤抖 The emptiness here sent shivers down my spine. 这里的空寂让我感到脊背一阵颤栗。 terror n. 恐怖;恐怖行动;恐怖时期;可怕的人 in terror 恐惧地;惊恐;处于恐惧状态 adj. terrifying 令人恐惧的;骇人的;极大的 n.terrorism 恐怖主义;恐怖行动;恐怖统治 vt. terrify 恐吓;使恐怖;使害怕 Her eyes were wild with terror. 她的眼睛里充满了恐惧。 Day and night I begged my mother and father to take the bag away shaking with terror because no one saw them but me. 我无时无刻不乞求我的父母,指着那些袋子,让他们带走,我怕的发抖,由于除了我再也没人能看到。 3. I walked up the stairs with jelly knees/my knees trembling. tremble vi. 发抖;战栗 vt.用颤抖的声音说出 n. 颤抖;战栗;摇晃 If you tremble, you shake slightly because you are frightened or cold. 颤抖 例:His mouth became dry, his eyes widened, and he began to tremble all over. 他嘴巴干涩,眼睛睁大,而且开始全身发抖。 例:Lisa was white and trembling with anger.莉萨气得脸色发白,身体颤抖。 4. He stared down in horror at the deep bite marks on his had.I suffered verbal and physical abuse from my stepfather, because he was determined to crush me both physically and mentally. vi. 凝视,盯着看;显眼 vt. 凝视,盯着看 stare He fixed her with an angry stare. 他生气地盯着她。 Hlasek gave him a long, cold stare. 赫拉塞克冷冷地盯着他看了很久。 horror n. 惊骇;惨状;极端厌恶 He stared at me in horror, his mouth working. 他恐惧地盯着我,嘴在抽搐着。 In his dreams he relives the horror of the attack. 那次袭击的恐怖景象在他的梦中一再重现 5. No sooner had these words left my mouth than he grabbed hold of my head and began slapping me.(倒装句) grab vt. 攫取;霸占;将…深深吸引 联想:grip、squeeze、snatch、seize His hand shot out to grab her. 他猛地伸出手去抓她。 He shot out his hand to grab her. 他猛地伸出手去抓她。  6. The wolf sank its sharp fangs/teeth deeply into the prey’ 7. My mother seemed to light up in his company. s body. light up 照亮;点亮(脸上)呈现高兴的情绪 Sue's face lit up with surprise. 苏的脸上露出惊讶的表情。 She was relieved to see his face light up with a boyish grin. 看到他脸上显出孩子气的笑容,她松了一口气。 From bizarre antimatter to experiments that tie light up in knots, physics has revealed somespooky sides of our world. 从奇异的反物质到把光捆扎成结的实验,物理学已经揭示了我们世界的一些幽灵般的方面。 8. I had a very heavy heart when Peggotty and I had to return home. 9. She got up in a rage and stormed out, with the slamming of the door. rage n. 愤怒;狂暴,肆虐;情绪激动 vi. 大怒,发怒;流行,风行 A tide of rage surged through her. 一股怒火燃遍她的全身。 Most air rage incidents involve heavy drinking. 大多数空中愤怒事件都与酗酒有关。 拓展:fury, anger, wrath, rage, indignation 这组词都有“愤怒”的意思,其区别是: fury 语气最强,指极端的气愤,甚至达到发疯的程度。 anger 普通用词,通常指因受到侮辱、损害、指责或顶撞等而引起的愤怒。 wrath 文学用词,含义与 anger 相近,但语气强,含欲加惩罚或报复的意味。 rage 侧重突然而猛列发作,难以控制的大怒。 indignation 较正式用词,指出于正义或对不公正之事而发出的愤怒。 10. I felt as if the air had been strangled out of me. Mr. Murdstone was the kind of man that smothers all hope and happiness. (夸张) be strangled out of 被勒死;窒息 The dead man got up and cried, "Now will I strangle you." 那死人站起来叫道:“现在我要把你掐死。 He tried to strangle a border policeman and steal his gun. 他试图扼死一位边防警察并偷走他的枪。 She tried to smother her anger and help them resolve their conflicts. 她试图抑制住怒气,帮助他们解决纠纷。 刻意练习 1. The little lamb was 2. (颤抖)with nerves (令我万分惊恐的是),He jumped out of the bad. 3. No sooner had I removed the lid the flames flared up. 4. The government had taken precautions to 5. I 6. For elderly people, (镇压)any resistance . (乞求)to move that this House deplores the government's policies. ( 抓 ) rails at strategic places is likely to prevent accidents. 7. The speech was a coded acknowledgement of the barely suppressed 气)of Tory MPs. 8. Write a sentence using 强调句 9. Write a sentence using “tremble” (怒 10. Write a sentence using “夸张” 参考答案 1. shivering 4. crush 2.To my utter horror/terror 5.begged 3. than 6.grabbing 7.rage/irritation 8.It is your contributions that enriched this glorious activity. 9.I was curled up at the corner,trembling with despair. 10.I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold 我珍惜你的爱胜过座座金山

doc文档 【原创精析】2021届高考英语提分必备—读后续写素材精析与积累(一)

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