2019 届高三百所名校好题速递分项汇编(17)之完形填空 【福建省莆田第一中学 2019 届高三下学期第四次月考】阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 The stage lights dimmed, and I took a quick look from behind the heavy black curtains into the audience. Blinded by the lights, I quickly ___21___. It seems that a great number of eyes were looking at me. I took a deep ___22___ as the music of my dance began to play. I entered the stage and began my ___23___, the graduation test of the classical Indian dance. After a decade of learning this art form, I had ___24___ been considered ready to take on the most difficult act. The test is the most important event in a dancer’s life as it pays ___25___ to all the factors in one’s life that ___26___ the dance form: one’s culture and family. The performance is undertaken only by the most ___27___ and determined students. It is a difficult process that requires much ___28___. For more than six months, I spent two to three hours every day___29___ these dances. Many times, I ___30___ myself to my physical and mental breaking point, but still I would not stop. I could not give up. There was always so much more to do and so much more to ___31___. I ___32___ a lot about myself in those tiring hours. I learned that I was far too ___33___ to give up, and I was too proud to prove myself ___34___ after I had set an unrealistic goal. Even with physical pain and mental ___35___, I forced myself to meet my ___36___. Even when I was at the end of my ___37___, there was always something driving me on, forcing me not to give up. Fortunately, I made it. What I had done ___38___ the success. It was in those hours that I learned what a dancer ___39___ is. Those time was evidence that I could ___40___ something I set out to do. 21. A. pulled back B. set off C. reached out D. broke away 22. A. sleep B. thought C. breath D. sorrow 23. A. career B. attempt C. response D. performance 24. A. easily B. eventually C. absolutely D. desperately 25. A. debt B. visit C. interest D. respect 26. A. develop B. rescue C. introduce D. promote 27. A. focused B. beautiful C. intelligent D. considerate 28. A. talent B. strength C. commitment D. comprehension 29. A. recording B. practicing C. discussing D. designing 30. A. applied B. addicted C. treated D. pushed 31. A. forget B. design C. learn D. research 32. A. abandoned B. discovered C. controlled D. undertook 33. A. brilliant B. brave C. stubborn D. discourage 34. A. wrong B. nervous C. frightened D. careless 35. A. function B. action C. level D. stress 36. A. budget B. expectation C. expense D. deadline 37. A. limit B. purpose C. preparation D. destination 38. A. increased B. deserved C. expanded D. exposed 39. A. completely B. chiefly C. truly D. originally 40. A. change B. supply C. explain D. accomplish 【答案】21. A 22. C 34. A 35. D 36. B 23. D 24. B 37. A 38. B 25. D 39. C 26. A 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. D 31. C 32. B 33. C 40. D 【解析】 本文为记叙文。主要叙述了作者从小开始学习古典印度舞蹈,十年之后参加舞蹈毕业考试。成功之后,作 者对以前的学习过程进行了反思。作者认为只有最专注、最有毅力的学生,承受身心的压力才能获得成功, 也知道了什么是真正的舞者。 【21 题详解】 考查短语辨析。A. pulled back 拉回,往后倾;B. set off 出发;C. reached out 伸出手;D. broke away 脱离。 此处是指“我被灯光照得睁不开眼,赶紧身体往后倾。”故选 A。 【22 题详解】 考查名词辨析。A. sleep 睡觉;B. thought 思考;C. breath 呼吸;D. sorrow 悲伤。根据上文的内容可知,作 者感觉有好多人在观看,所以很紧张,于是“深呼吸(breath)”来缓解紧张,故选 C。 【23 题详解】 考查名词辨析。A. career 事业;B. attempt 尝试;C. response 回应;D. performance 表演,表现。上文说 “舞曲开始”,可知,我进入舞台后,开始了表演,故选 D。 【24 题详解】 考查副词辨析。A. easily 容易地;B. eventually 最终;C. absolutely 绝对地,当然;D. desperately 绝望。根 据语可知,此处是指“在学习了 10 年这种舞蹈艺术形式之后,终于(absolutely)认为我已经准备好接受最 难的表演。”故选 B。 【25 题详解】 考查名词辨析。A. debt 债务;B. visit 拜访;C. interest 兴趣;D. respect 尊重。此处是指“这项测试是舞 蹈演员一生中最重要的一项活动,因为它是对一个人一生中开发舞蹈形式的所有因素的尊重(respect)”。故 选 D。 【26 题详解】 考查动词辨析。A. develop 开发,发展;B. rescue 拯救;C. introduce 介绍,引进;D. promote 推广。此处是 指“因为它是对一个人一生中开发(develop)舞蹈形式的所有因素的尊重。”故选 A。 27 题详解】 考查形容词辨析。A. focused 专注的;B. beautiful 漂亮的;C. intelligent 聪明的,明智的;D. considerate 体 贴的。连词 and 连词的是两个并列的成分。分析句子可知,本空与“determined”是并列关系,可知“只有最 专注(focused)、最坚定的学生才会表演”,可知选 A。 【28 题详解】 考查名词辨析。A. talent 天赋;B. strength 力量,力气;C. commitment 承诺,投入,奉献,付出;D. comprehension 理解。根据语境可知,此处是指“这是一个需要很多付出(commitment)的艰难过程”,故选 C。 【29 题详解】 考查动词辨析。A. recording 录音;B. practicing 练习;C. discussing 讨论;D. designing 设计。此处是指“在 六个多月的时间里,我每天花两到三个小时练习(practicing)这些舞蹈”,故选 B。 【30 题详解】 考查动词辨析。A. applied 应用;B. addicted 上瘾;C. treated 治疗;D. pushed 推动,逼迫。根据后面的“my physical and mental breaking point”,可知此处是指“很多次,我把自己逼到(pushed)身心崩溃的边缘”。故

doc文档 专题03 完形填空(第17期)-2019届高三英语百所名校好题速递分项解析汇编

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