初一上学期期末复习题集 【语音专项】 找出每组单词中划线部分发音不同的一个词 【番禺区期末】 ( ( ( ( ( ) 26. ) 27. ) 28. ) 29. ) 30. A. make A. bread A. cook A. dry A. sit B. late B. leave B. dance B. why B. bike C. back C. meat C. catch C. city C. give D. name D. easy D. correct D. fly D. did 【白云区期末】 ( ( ( ( ( ) 16. A. kill ) 17. A. part ) 18. A, teacher ) 19. A. over ) 20. A. sing B. like B. large B. three B. model B. washes C. thin D. live C. want D. card C. bean D. bread C. problem D. hobby C. makes D. books 【黄埔区期末】 ( ( ( ( ( ) (1). A. Asia ) (2). A. hardly ) (3). A. follow ) (4). A. makes ) (5). A. bike B. across B. diary B. own B. catches B. break C. space D. table C. beauty D. yourself C. snow D. town C. washes D. pushes C. know D. kite 根据音标写出单词 (6).【fri:】________ (7).【hɔbi】_________ (8).【bləu】_________ (9).【drai】________ (10).【nevə】________ 【荔湾区期末】 选出与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的词 ( ( ( ( ( ) 1. ) 2. ) 3. ) 4. ) 5. many shine thank warned town A. meat A. guide A. other A. opened A. yellow B. great B. bridge B. either B. attended B. follow C. bread C. minute C. these C. asked C. brown D. teacher D. swim D. think D. joined D. throw 【增城区期末】 ( ( ( ( ) 16. ) 17. ) 18. ) 19. A. across A. ring A. important A. camera B. about B. shine B. world B. country C. area C. trip C. word C. centre 1 D. away D. relative D. work D. close ( ) 20. A. used B. opened C. called D. visited 根据所给的音标写单词,并把答案填在答题卡上。(每空限填一词) 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. The man tried his best to /ti:tʃ/_________ me how to answer the questions. She will send you a /rɪˈpɔ:t/_________ about our city’s environment this year. The boy was/ˈeɪbl/_________ to read thousands of words when he was only three. Fish can’t live/wɪˈðaʊt/_________ water. Amy’s house is very/lɑ:dʒ/_________. It can hold more than 100 people at a time. 【单词专项】 【番禺区期末】 68. Class is over and let’s have a _________(课间休息). 69. We are going to take a _________(旅行) to Hainan Island next month. 70. Jim and Lily are _________(吃惊的) at the news. 71. Don’t put rubbish into the rivers. That p_________ them. 72. She gets up early and n_________ comes to school late. 【白云区期末】 56. Students in China usually leave junior high school at the a________ of 15 or 16. 57. My father went to Beijing yesterday. He will r________ home next week. 58. W________ water, we can only live for a few days 59. ---What do you think of the film? ---I don' t like it. It is too long and b________. 60. Tom, can you help me to p________ the doorbell. I’ m carrying a heavy box 【海珠区期末】 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. Will you be f__________ this Sunday? How about seeing the film Avatar III? Every year, Japanese k__________ a lot of whales for their meat. My d__________ is to be an engineer. At night, these tall buildings l__________ up the sky in every direction. Water is very important in our d__________ life. It is a large public a__________ with green grass, fountains and birds. I like flying a kite on a warm w__________ day. 【花都区期末】 (46). Mark often plants flowers at home. Now he has a big g____________ with lots of beautiful flowers. (47). The size of the shoes is too l____________. I want a smaller one. (48). Can you f____________ me? If not, I can speak more slowly. (49). The Stevens love sports very much. They s____________ lots of time going hiking. (50). After so many hours’ work, the doctor is tired and really needs to have a b____________. 2 【黄埔区期末】 (51). The sun s____________ brightly in summer and it is very hot. (52). This b____________ over the river has a history of 1000 years. (53). Did Tom’s father a____________ the meeting yesterday? (54). My T-shirt is l____________ but yours is small. (55). Lily’s d____________ is to be a teacher when she grows up. (56). The word is too difficult for you to understand. Please l____________ it up in the dictionary. 【荔湾区期末】 A.根据句子意思用所给单词的适当形式填空。在答题卷的横线上写出完整单词。 46 47. 48. 49. 50. Every day, Li Ming __________ (go) to school by school bus. I __________ (have) a picnic with my friends last Sunday. The room is too small. There is __________ (hard) any space for us to sit down. Tom is good at __________ (swim) and playing the piano. Today, there is a lot of __________ (pollute) on Earth. B.根据下列句子以及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。 (每空只写一词) 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. I love children. My d__________ is to be a teacher in a school. In autumn, the weather is cool and d__________. The earth is our home, so we should p__________ it for our future. Mother is much better now. She is a__________ to take a walk outside. At night, the tall buildings l

docx文档 2019-2020学年广东省广州市七年级上册英语期末复习综合练习(2018年各区期末真题)

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