名词性从句专练(宾从 表从) 一.选择题(共 32 小题) 1.Xinhua News has just uncovered _____ it's calling the world's first news anchors powered by artificial intelligence.(  ) A.what B.when C.that D.whether 2.The Roma originally lived in northern India in ________ is now Pakistan , and later tried in vain to settle down ________ they could live and trade peacefully.(  ) A.where; where B.which; in which C.which; where D.what; where 3.Jim didn't understand _____________.(  ) A.which is the way to the museum B.why his wife always go shopping C.what was the way to the museum D.how I could get to the station 4 . The world's population hit 7billion on Monday among celebrations and concerns about_______ the growing number of people will affect the earth's resources.(  ) A.why B.how C.whether D.what 5 . It is well﹣known ______ a person , especially the old , eats too much he'll feel uncomfortable.(  ) A.that 6.Compared with B.when if C.if D.that when we have already agreed on, our difference is almost nothing.( ) A.that B.which C.what D.where 7 . His grandfather was among the first to settle in ____is now a famous holiday center . (  ) A.what B.which 8.We'd better give out the books to A.whomever B.whoever C.where D.that hasn't got them in our class.(  ) C.those D.anyone 9.I think ________ is no need for us to comment on his action. It speaks for itself.(  ) A.it B.that C.there D.this 10.Mrs. Smith was very much impressed by _____.(  ) A.what had she seen in China B.that she had seen in China C.what she had seen in China D.which had she seen in China 11 . _______ can I do with such a situation ? Take _____ measure you consider best . (  ) A.How, whichever B.What, whatever C.How, whatever D.Which, whichever 12.As a leader, he never says no to ________ all his group members think is right.(  ) A.what B.as C.which D.that 13.He, an average citizen, always thinks of_____ he can do more for the people.(  ) A.how B.why C.what D.which 14.I have no doubt in my mind ____ they will be glad to see me.(  ) A.if B.whether C.that D.what 15.They want us to know _____ to help us.(  ) A.what can they B.what they can C.how they can D.how can they 16.From _____ I should say he is a good worker.(  ) A.what 1 know of him B.that I do know of him C.what do I know of him D.that do I know of him 17.Jim is absent from the party. That is ________ he was badly injured in the football game. (  ) A.because B.why C.how D.when 18.Young people are seeking excitement and challenges, and going where big companies are is ________ leads to so many old people being left alone in villages.(  ) A.where B.when C.what D.who 19.Education is _____ remains when we have forgotten all we have been taught.(  ) A.whether B.how C.that D.what 20 . That preserved historic village connected to downtown by a highway is ________ many office workers spend their weekends.(  ) A.what B.how C.where D.why 21.You are saying that everyone should be equal,and this is ______ I disagree.(  ) A.why B.where 22.My teacher will always say it is not C.what D.how you make life but how you take it that determines your future.(  ) A.that B.how C.which D.what 23 . A reading room is_____ you can read newspapers and magazines as well as books . (  ) A.in which B.that C.where D.the place 24.That is _____.(  ) A.where lived he there B.where did he live C.where he lived D.that where he lived 25.Things were not _____ they seemed to be.(  ) A.when B.why C.that D.what C.how D.why 26.That's _____ we should do.(  ) A.that B.what 27.That is _____ we all support his idea.(  ) A.what B.why C.where D.when 28.The reason______ their not being employed was______ they did it_____ the same way .( ) A.for; because; by B.why; that; in C.for; that; in D.of; because; by 29.The gate of the park is________she met her boyfriend for the first time ten years ago .( ) A.that B.what C.where D./ 30 . A lot of college students can't find jobs , and it's ________ their knowledge and ability cannot meet the job requirements.(  ) A.why B.because C.that D.for 31.The reason why he failed is _____________ he was too careless.(  ) A.because B.that C.for D.because of 32.The question is ______ we should ask them for help.(  ) A.if B.whether Keys: 1-5 ADDAB 6-10 CABCC 11-15 BAACB 16-20 AACDC 21-25 BDCCD 26-30 BBCCB 31-32 BB 日期:2020/2 /14 11:46:18 ;用户:账号 234 ;邮箱:gssch234@xyh.com;学号:25204657 C.that D.what

doc文档 广东实验中学2022届高考英语名词性从句(宾从 表从)专练

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