湖南省长沙市 2021 年九年级下学期二模英语试卷精选汇编 语法填空专题 湖南省长沙市麓山国际实验学校 2020-2021 学年九年级下学期第二次模拟考试英语试卷 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Susan lost her arms-in a car accident when she was a teenager. What was worse, she lost her parents at 56. age of 20. Her elder sister, who was ten years older than her, wanted to take care of her. 57. , Susan refused 58. (live) with her sister, saying that she would take care of 59. (she). She managed to enter college and 60. (study)very hard. Four years later, she graduated and 61. her diary, “I am quite lucky, Though I (give)a job. Once she wrote 62. lost my legs, I still have my legs” Susan chose to face her misfortune in a postsitive way. Instead of 63._____(feel) sad every day,she decide not to let it hold her back.She has taught us a good lesson.When something bad happens to us,we have two 64.______ ( choose ) .One is to complain,and the other is to face it 65._______ (brave).If we choose to escape ,it will always follow us wherever we go.If we decide to be strong,new hopes will come.So choose wisely. 56._____ 57._____ 58.______ 59._______ 60.______ 61._____ 62._____ 63._______ 64._______ 65.________ 56-65.the however to live herself studied was given in feeling choices bravey 湖南省长沙市开福区青竹湖湘一外国语学校九年级 2021 年中考第二次模拟考试英语 第二节 (共 10 小;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 On a recent evening, my host father was preparing food in the kitchen. This hardly happens, as we 56. _______ (normal) don’t cook dinner. I helped my host sister set the table by placing a red tablecloth, plates and candles. While my host dad was preparing the chicken and pork steaks, we girls made a salad. That day was my host parents’ 57. _______ (fifteen) wedding anniversary ( 纪念日). Unlike any other wedding anniversary that I’d ever seen before, my host parents didn’t hold a big party 58. _______ (celebrate) it. Instead, they just had some delicious food with the whole family together. During dinner, I was told that they were in 59. _______ same class during high school. My host mom stayed in Germany for three years after their graduation. After she came back to Canada, my host dad started to hang out 60. _______ her. I 61. _______ (touch) by their story. It made me think that those 62. _______ truly love you will never leave you. When all the kids went to sleep after dinner, I 63. _______ (talk) with my host mom and looking at her wedding album (影集). Then my host dad came into the living room with some 64. _______ (color) roses in his hands. They were both wearing simple night robes ( 睡袍) and there was no music playing, but my host mom was so happy and surprised to receive her favorite kind of flower. They hugged with the candlelight shining on their faces. Their lives are simple, but with love, I believe that their 65. _______ (happy) will last forever. 答案: 56. normally 57. fifteenth 58. to celebrate 59. the 60. with 61. was touched 62. who 63. was talking 64. colorful 65. happiness 湖南省长沙市雅礼集团 2021 年九年级中考第二次模拟考试英语 第一节 语法填空 通读下面的短文,然后在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确 形式。(共 10 小题,计 10 分) For many people, stuffed toys (毛绒玩具) and dolls are their first friends. Though they can’t speak, they hear plenty of 56. _______ (secret). But with the passage of time, sometimes those toys get ragged (破旧的). In Shanghai, Zhu Boming, a 74-year-old retiree, has opened a special “hospital” at home 57. _______ (help) ragged toys become “healthy” again. Zhu, the hospital’s only “doctor”, has treated hundreds of toys 58. _______ (send) from all over the country. Giving new life 59. _______ those stuffed friends means a lot to their owners. Liu Juan in Beijing is 60. _______ good example. She 61. _______ (keep) her doll for 30 years since she got it from her father at the age of 4. Her father passed away 62. _______ she was 28 years old. “Four years ago, the doll was worn out, which 63. _______ (true) made me upset, because it’s a symbol of my father’s love for me. I heard about Zhu’s workshop through the media. A month later, my doll came back in the same pristine (未受损的) condition as when I got it for the first time,” Liu said. “Toys are quite 64. _______ (value) to their owners. Behind them, there is always an important link (关联) to the past,” Zhu said, adding that the repair process is like a journey to their owners’ deepest regrets or best memories. So, if 65. _______ (you) favorite stuffed toy is ragged, sending it to Zhu can be a good choice. 答案: 56. secrets 57. to help 58. sent 59. to 60. a 61. has kept 62. when 63. truly 64. valuable 65

doc文档 湖南省长沙市2021年九年级下学期二模英语试卷精选汇编:语法填空专题

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