2020-2021 学年高一英语下学期期中专项复习(人教版版 2019) 专题 01 高频单词 必修三 Unit 1-2 一、单词拼写 A组 1. New research finds that if people____________________( 退 休 )early, their brain will decline at a fast rate although they can enjoy a comfortable life. 2. Usually popular science books explain basic____________________ (原则)of nature in a simple and interesting way. 3. The Chinese government has set up the Silk Road____________________ (奖学金)Program to help train talents for countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative. 4. We should support simple, green and low-carbon ways of life, and____________________ (拒绝)waste of resources. 5. In modern society, honesty is a necessary____________________ ( 美德). Everyone should be honest with his friends. 6. The first volume of The Three-Body Problem, which was p ____________________in a Chinese sci-fi magazine in 2006, attracted great attention around the world after being translated into English by Chinese-American author Ken Liu. 7. China has seen a s ____________________increase in the number of aged people over the past decade. 8. In the face of disasters, nothing is more p ____________________than human lives and nothing is more urgent than saving lives. 9. Personally, I think physical stores will exist along with online stores and will never be r_____________________ 10.The m ____________________of the students in China learn English, while a small number of students choose to learn other foreign languages, such as Korean and Russian. 【答案】 1. retire 2.principles 3. Scholarship 4.reject 5. virtue 6. published 7. sharp 8.precious 9. replaced 10.majority B组 1. The curtain rose and lights dimmed. Dressed in a beautiful c_______________, the lead actress performed the Beijing Opera masterpiece The Drunken Beauty. 2. During the National Day parade, many kinds of_________________ ( 行 进 )in the street in front of teams Tian'anmen Square. 3. This popular tourist attraction offers a wide r ________________ of activities to the tourists. 4. Hoping for success without hard work is like trying to_________________ ( 收 获 )where you haven't planted seeds. 5. The novel was based on a historical ________________ (人物). 6.Handshakes are exchanged on special__________________ (重要的社交活动). 7. Education about diet is one of the most essential____________________ ( 特 点 )of a country's health care program because it affects our health. 8. Intellectual property is a product of the mind that has___________________ (商业的)value. 【答案】 1.costume 6.occasions 2.marched 7. features 3. range 4. Harvest 5.figure 8. commercial C组 单词拼写 1.I hope that you are not angry at my criticizing this_______________ (特色)of English life. 2.I could see a f ______________ in the distance, but I couldn't make out who it was. 3. They all g ______________ around the student whose mother was ill in hospital. 4. He wrote a book about the________________ (起源)of the universe. 5.Warm and wet weather is very_________________ (典型的)in South China. 6. As the saying goes, "A heavy snow promises(预示)a good ______________ (收获).” 7. There's a feeling among a lot of people that music has become too__________________ (商业化的). 8. Christmas is an important ________________ (宗教的)festival for Christians around the world. 9. I'm going to take a __________________ of this tour to explore the history of the castle. 10.I have great f _________________ in him; he won't let me down. 【答案】 1.feature 2.gathered 7.commercial 3.figure 8.religious 4.origin 5.harvest 9.advantage 6.typical 10.faith D组 1.The food looked h______________, but it tasted OK. 2. Several girls were invited to attend her________________ (婚礼). 3. She was a beautiful girl with the _________________ (优雅) of a natural model. 4. The outer door is wide open but the i _________________ one is locked. 5.After she danced, people_________________ (鼓掌)wildly. 6. As she picked up the___________________ (信封),a key dropped out. 7.I want him to________________ (尊重) me as a career woman. 8. All traditional Chinese festivals are_________________ (阴历的)calendar festivals. 9.I guess there are much less people in the arctic__________________ (地区)than here. 10.The waste the factories create goes into the_________________ (大气层)and makes us sick. 【答案】 1.horrible 2.wedding 3.grace 4.inner 5.clapped 6.envelope 7.respect 8.lunar 9.regions 10.atmosphere E组 1. Please allow me to introduce my___________________ (同事)Professor Zhang to you. 2.In spite of my efforts, the boy lay__________________ (被动). 3.M______

doc文档 专题01 高频单词(必修第三册 Unit 1-2)-2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末专项复习(人教版2019)

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专题01 高频单词(必修第三册 Unit 1-2)-2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末专项复习(人教版2019) 第 1 页 专题01 高频单词(必修第三册 Unit 1-2)-2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末专项复习(人教版2019) 第 2 页 专题01 高频单词(必修第三册 Unit 1-2)-2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末专项复习(人教版2019) 第 3 页 专题01 高频单词(必修第三册 Unit 1-2)-2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末专项复习(人教版2019) 第 4 页 专题01 高频单词(必修第三册 Unit 1-2)-2020-2021学年高一英语下学期期末专项复习(人教版2019) 第 5 页
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