2021 广东中考英语提分冲刺天天练-语法选择 Day 4 姓名:__________ 班别:__________ 用时:______/mins 正确率:____/10 ____/10 【1】 Charlie’s life dream was to become a soldier, but he would never be able to because of his leg condition—he couldn’t stand on his right leg. He was very sad about it. One day, Harris, 1 army officer, heard the story. After communicating with Charlie’s parents, Harris thought of a good plan 2 would surprise the poor boy. A month later, Harris appeared in Charlie’s classroom. In front of boy, “Would you mind taking a ride with me?” Charlie 4 6 than anyone else in the world, 7 classmates. Harris asked the to the Army Reserve Center, where he really dreamed to go. Harris said to Charlie, “Today you will become a member he was 3 5 our team.” Charlie thought his dream came true. He raised his right hand and 8 the oath(誓言)loudly, “I volunteer to join the army and make all my efforts to protect the people and the country.” 9 people were moved by Harris’s kindness. Harris said that it was simply part of his job, “When I joined the army. I made a promise to protect the people. That also means I will try my best 10 the dream of a child.” 1.A.а B.an C.the D./ 2.A.who B.when C.which D.what 3.A.his B.he C.him D.himself 4.A.is taken B.is taking C.was taken D.was taking 5.A.to B.at C.on D.of 6.A.happy B.happier C.more happy D.the happiest 7.A.and B.or C.because D.but 8.A.repeats B.repeated C.will repeat D.has repeated 9.A.Thousand of B.Thousands of C.Thousand D.A thousand of 10.A.protect B.protected C.to protect D.protecting 【2】 What time is it? There are many ways you can 11 the time. You may have a watch on your wrist. You can look at a clock on the wall or your mobile phone or on a computer. It has not always 12 useful to know the time. A long time ago, people looked at the sun to tell the time. They could tell the time of day 13 looking at the sun in the sky: morning, night or afternoon. Around the year 1400, people began to use the hourglass. It was 14 was wide at both ends, 15 glass with some sand in it. It narrow in the middle. The sand ran from one end to end of every hour, people turned the glass over and began again. 17 16 in one hour. At the years later a machine called clock was invented. After that, people made small clocks War I, man started 19 18 they could carry them in their pockets. Then during World their watches on their wrists. Now, not only adults 20 children know the time easily in many ways. 11.A.look at B.look for C.find for D.find out 12.A.be B.been C.being D./ 13.A.from B.across C.by D.with 14.A.made B.made of C.made from D.made up of 15.A.but B.and C.even D.then 16.A.other B.the other C.another D.the another 17.A.Hundreds B.Hundred of C.Hundreds of D.A hundred of 18.A.so B.for C.so that D.so as to 19.A.wearing B.wear C.wore D.worn 20.A.and B.both C.also D.but also 答案解析 【1】 【分析】 文章讲述了查理的人生梦想是成为一名士兵,但他永远也不能成为一名军人,因为他的腿有问题— —他的右腿不能站立。他对此很伤心。一名陆军军官听到了他的故事之后,把查理带到了军营,让 他体验了成为士兵的光荣时刻。军官的善良感动了成千上万的人,军官说:“当我参军时。我发誓 要保护人民。这也意味着我会尽最大努力保护孩子的梦想。” 1.B 句意:一天,陆军军官哈里斯听到了这个故事。 a 不定冠词,修饰辅音音素开头的单词;an 不定冠词,修饰元音音素开头的单词;the 定冠词,表 示特指;/零冠词;此处是修饰“officer”,应用不定冠词,army 是元音音素开头的单词,应用 an 修 饰,故选 B。 2.C 句意:在与查理的父母沟通之后,哈里斯想出了一个好计划,这将使这个可怜的孩子大吃一惊。 who 关系代词,指人,作主语;when 关系副词,指代时间;which 关系代词,指物,作主语或宾语; what 什么,不能引导定语从句;句子是定语从句,先行词是 plan,在从句中作主语,应用 which 引 导,故选 C。 3.A 句意:当着同学的面,哈里斯问男孩:“你介意和我一起去兜风吗?” his 他的;he 他,主格;him 他,宾格;himself 他自己;空格修饰的是其后的名词“classmates”,指 代的是他的同学,应用形容词性物主代词代替,故选 A。 4.C 句意:查理被带到陆军预备役中心,他一直梦想着去的地方。 is taken 被带走,一般现在时的被动;is taking 正在带走;was taken 被带走,一般过去时的被动; was taking 正在带走;句子主语与动词之间是被动关系,要用被动语态,描述的是过去的事情,应 用一般过去时的是被动,故选 C。 5.D 句意:今天你将成为我们队的一员。 to 朝,向;at 在……点时;on 在……上;of……的;a member of“……的一员”,是固定短语,故选 D。 6.B 句意:查理认为他比世界上任何人都幸福。 happy 幸福的;happier 更幸福;more happy 错误形式;the happiest 最幸福;根据 than 可知,此处用 比较级形式,happy 的比较级是直接变 y 为 i,再加 er,故选 B。 7.C 句意:查理认为他比世界上任何人都幸福,因为他的梦想实现了。 and 和;or 或者;because 因为;but 但是;空格前后是因果关系,属于“前果后因”,应用 because 引 导原因状语从句,故选 C。 8.B 句意:他举起右手,大声重复着誓言。 repeats 重复,动词三单;repeated 重复,过去式;will repeat 将要重复,一般将来时;has repeated 重复,现在完成时结构;描述过去的动作,动词应用过去式,故选 B。 9.B 句意:哈里斯的善良感动了成千上万的人。 Thousand of 错误形式;Thousands of 成千上万;Thousand 千;A thousand of 错误形式;此处表达的 是概数,thousand 要用复数形式,且后面要加 of,故选 B。 10.C 句意:这也意味着我会尽最大努力保护孩子的梦想。 protect 保护,动词原形;protected 保护,过去式;to protect 保护,不定式;protecting 保护,现在分 词;try one’s best to do sth“尽最大努力做某事”,是固定短语,故选 C。 【2】 【分析】 现在如果我们想要知道几点了,有很多方法,那古代的人是如何知道时间的呢?这篇短文介绍了人 们计时方法的发

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