8B 英语小题(8) 2021.5.13 一、词汇(每小题 2 分,共 30 分) A.请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。 1.---Pull is very________________ (almost the same) in appearance to his brother. ---They are twins.Don't you know that? wearing helmets and the news has been________________(扩散)quickly recently. 3.The writing competition was __________________(成功)held in our school last month. 4.The__________________ (the act of beginning something new) can tell you how to use Apple Pay on your iPhone. 5.His father is getting much better after the__________________. B.请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。 expect blind survive coach necessary s univers 6. Both of my grandparents are __________________of Tangshan Earthquake .How lucky they are. 7.Nantong Underground is ______________ to be in service soon. 8. The old man can't see anything because of__________________. 9.All the athletes who tale part in the Special Olympics Games are their _____________pride. 10.A higher fee does not _________________mean a better course . C 请据向意从方框中选择合适的动词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。 watch buy eat cut fail 11.-Excuse me,are you Mr.Brown? ----No.Mr.Brown _____________grass over there: 12.1t's just not my day.My watch was broken and I_____________to catch the last train home. 13.-I went to the shop and found that the comie book was sold out. -Don't worry.My father _____________one for me.You can have mine. 14.We_____________in a great restaurant tonight,John decided it yesterday. 15.The telephone rang while we _____________the fantastic programme.Nobody would like to answer it 二、单项选择(每小题 2 分,共 30 分)) 16.She was admired by all her friends because the famous university offered her__________extra chance after ___________last week’s interview. A./,the B.an ,the C.an ,/ D.the. 17.---Is Mr.Liu a teacher with a lot of teaching___________? .---Yes,she is,He always tells us some funny___________after class. A.experience;experience B.experiences,experiences C.experiences;experience D.experience;experiences 18.The exam he pay no attention to__________him the chance to go to college. A.being cost B.be cost C.costing D.cost 19.He found ___________very interesting_____________a horse, A.it is B.that;to ride C.it;to ride D.it;riding 20.Who knows when the fashion show ______________?We all hope it_____________. A.will be taken place;will be successfully held B.will take place;will be successfully held C.will be held; will be successfully taken place D.will hold;will be successfully taken place 21.It's generous_________him to donate money to the poor.,It's really meaningful___________us students to learn from him. A.of ; of B.for; for C.for; of B.of; for 22.The Olympics_____________an important event for all the athletes all around the world and the Special Olympics World Games__________ for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. A is;is B.are;is C.are;are D.is;are 23.When the earthquake happened at that moment,all the people felt like ___________ on the boat and they felt___________. A.being;frightened B.be; frightening C./;frightened D.being;frightening 24.The boy_________a serious skin disease_______ carefully in hospital. A.has;is looked after B.with;looks after C.with;is looked after D.has;looks after 25.The boy was in such a hurry__________he asked another question________ old grandpa could answer the first one. A.and; then B.that;after C.and;when D.that;before 26.Excuse me,can I park in the Youth Street? ----I’m sorry You can park on____side of the street or you'll be fined A.both B.either C.neither. D.none 27.--Listen,the bell is ringing.Who can it be? ---It______John,because he________Paris on holiday. A.can't be;has left for B.may be;has been to C.mustn't be;has gone to D.may be;has gone to 28._____________no attention to the difference between the two,1 am sure,will be one of the worst mistakes you make. A.Pay B.Paying C.Paid D.Having paid 29.____________two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend. A.Besides B.With C.As D.Because of B 30. Watching English films can help us relax and)improve our English as well. ---Sounds good._____________________. A. No pain,no gain. B.Kill two.birds with one stone C.Burn the candle at both ends. D.Actions speak louder than words. 三、完型填空(每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) I always think my daughter Kendall is the best-that's just what parents do. When she was only three,she_ 31 for the people, like a little angel. When Kendall was five,we noticed that she_32_had a tic(面部抽搐).When the problem got worse,we took her from doctor to doctor. 33 the

doc文档 2020-2021学年江苏省南通启秀中学八年级下册英语Unit6周练

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2020-2021学年江苏省南通启秀中学八年级下册英语Unit6周练 第 1 页 2020-2021学年江苏省南通启秀中学八年级下册英语Unit6周练 第 2 页 2020-2021学年江苏省南通启秀中学八年级下册英语Unit6周练 第 3 页 2020-2021学年江苏省南通启秀中学八年级下册英语Unit6周练 第 4 页
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