Grammar 连词关(Conjunction) 知识大纲 1. 表并列关系:and,not only. . .but also. . . ,as well as 2. 表转折关系:but,yet,however,though/although 3. 表选择关系:either. . .or. . . ,neither. . .nor. . . 4. 表因果关系:for,so 5. 引导时间状语从句:when,while,before,after,as soon as, (not)...until... 6. 引导原因状语从句:because,since,for,as 7. 引导条件状语从句:if,unless 8. 引导让步状语从句:though,although 9. 引导比较状语从句 10. 引导结果状语从句:so,so that,so/such. . .that. . . 衔接阶段难点 1. 区分: both. . .and. . . 两者都······; neither. . .nor. . . 两者都不.... either. . .or. . . 不是······就是····“; 谓语动词用复数 谓语动词根据“就近原则”, 即随 or/nor/but also 后面的主语而定单复数 not only. . .but also. . . 不仅······而且. . . . as well as 和······一样 谓语动词随 as well as 前面的主语而定单 复数: 2.because&so;though/although&but 不能同时出现在一句子里。 3.and 用于肯定句;or 常用于否定句或疑问句中,表示“或”, “还是”;还可以表示“否 则”。 4.区分 when&while:while 表示的只是“一段时间”, 它引导的从句中的动词是延续性动 词、从句的行为可与主句的行为同时发生,或者主句的行为发生在从句的行为正在进 行的某一点上。when 既可指“一段时间”, 也可指“在某个时间点”。 温馨提示 常考点: 区分 and&or 在祈使句中的用法一“and” 表示如果这样做的结果,“or”表示如果 不这样做(即否则)的结果。如: Get up early, ______ you'll be late. A. o B.and C.but D.or 【提示】: 判断出后半句为不早起的后果,选 D. 名校真题 ( ) 1. Get up early, ________ you'll be late. B.and C.but D.or ( ) 2. It's raining hard, ________ the farmers are still working hard in the field. A.and B.but D.though ( ) 3. My mother likes little animals _____ they are friendly and gentle. A.but B.and C.or D.because 4. Although Tom was much younger,he draws as ______ as Peter! ( ) A.well B.better C.good ( ) 5. He had a stomachache______ he ate something bad this morning. A.or B.if C. so D.because ( ) 6. Though the nurse is tired,_______she is still working. A.but B. / C.because D. So ( )7. --Which subject do you like? -I like science______ it is difficult _______. A.though;sometimes B.though;sometime;sometimes;sometime ( )8. Hurry up, ______ you will be late. A.and B.or C. so D.but ( )9. Don't give up, ______you will never succeed. A.and B.but C.while D.or ( )10. You will not be healthy _______ you have a balanced diet and do exercise regularly. A.if B.unless C.when D.because ( )11. I will take an exam next week, ______ I must bury myself in the books. B.but C.if D.when ( )12. The bus driver always says to us, "Don't get off ______ the bus stops. " A.when B.while C.until D. if ( )13. -What do you think of the four classics (名著)of China? -They are wonderful,but I've read _____ of them. A.both B.none C.neither D.all ( )14. The show is so boring that I left the hall ______ it was over. A.after B.before C.though D. until ( )15. He doesn't go to school today _______ he is ill. A.and B.or C.because D.but ( )16. We bought Granny a present, _____she didn't like______. A.and,it B.but,it,one D.but,one ( )17. Which of the following describes the right order? A. First-Next-Then-Afterwards-Finally B. First-Then-Next-Afterwards-Finally C. First-Next-Afterwards-Then-Finally D. First-Then-Next-Finally-Afterwards 答案: 1-5 DBDAD 6-10 BABDB 11-15 ACBBC 16-17 BB

doc文档 专题03 连词-2021年小升初衔接英语语法过关(全国通用)

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