2021 高考英语必备高级词汇,作文满分的同学都在用! 高中英语学习过程中,尤其是高考复习备考阶段,很多同学总是习惯于用自己很熟悉的 常用的初中阶段所学词汇,而忽视高中阶段所学词汇,致使写出来的作文用词单调、表达乏 善可陈。 下面我们整理了大量的同义词或近义词,在练习时,尽量用高中阶段所学的亮点词汇以 期达到异曲同工之妙,增加作文的厚度。“写作高级词汇”,并不是追求那些生僻的、看起来 “高大上”的词,其实有时候让人眼前一亮的单词并不一定都是高难度单词,在我们学过的词 汇中,有很多不起眼的词,放到合适的语境中,也会产生意想不到的效果。 学会使用以下替换词汇,会使你的文章避免落入千篇一律的俗套,一定会让你的文章增 色不少,也才有获得高分甚至满分的可能。本章节通过大量教学资料和日常教学积累,为大 家整理这些可替换的亮点词汇供大家参考使用。 名词 1.课程 course→ curriculum 2.机会 chance→ opportunity 3.人们 people/persons→ individuals/ characters/ folks 4.选择 choice→ alternative 5.缺点 shortcoming→ drawback 6.方法 way→ approach 7.职业 job→ career/employment/ profession 8.老人 old people→ the old/ the elderly/ the aged/ senior citizens 9.青少年 young people→ youths/ adolescents 10.事情 thing→ affair/ business/matter 11.顾客 customer→ shopper/client/consumer/ purchaser 动词及动词短语 1.给 give→ offer 2.想要 want to do sth. →be eager to /be long for / seek to do sth. / intend to do sth./ have an urge to do sth. / have a strong desire to do sth. 3.感谢 show thanks to sb.→ show appreciation/ gratitude to sb. 4.希望 hope→ expect 5.应该 should→ be supposed to 6.想出 think of→ come up with/ put forward 7.节约 save→ set aside 8.提到 mention→ refer to 9.不得不做 have to do→ can’t help but do sth. 10. 对 … … 感 兴 趣 be interested in→ be absorbed in/ show interest in/ be addicted to/be caught up in/be crazy about/be keen on/sth. exerts a tremendous fascination 11.忙于做某事 be busy doing→ be engaged in/ be occupied with/ be buried in 12.导致 cause→ contribute to/ bring about/ result in/ lead to/ give rise to 13.反对 be against→ be opposed to/ object to 14.肯定 be sure to do sth.→ be bound to do sth. 15.建立 build→ set up/ establish 16.尽力做某事 try to do sth.→ take pains to do sth./ spare no effort to do sth. 17.使用 use→ sb. has access to sth. /sth. be accessible to sb./ make use of/ take advantage of 18.理解 understand→make sense of/ figure out 19.考虑 consider→ take sth. into account/consideration 20.记住 remember→ keep sth. in mind/ bear sth. in mind 21.忍受 stand/bear→ put up with/ tolerate 22.帮助 help sb.→ do sb. a favor/ assist 23.发展,促进 develop→ promote 24. 决 定 做 某 事 decide to do sth.→ make up one’s mind to do sth./ be determined to do sth. 25.对……厌倦 be bored with→ be fed up with 26.不听某人的话 don’t listen to sb.→ turn a deaf ear to sb. 27.某人想出一个好主意 sb. thinks of an idea→ an idea occurs to/hits/ strikes sb. 28.拥有 have→ possess 29.代替 replace→ substitute/take one’s place/ take the place of 30. 我 认 为 I think→ from my perspective/ from my point of view/ from where I stand/ I hold the view that 31.由……组成 be made up of→ consist of/ be composed of 32.对……满意 be satisfied with→ express one’s satisfaction with 33.对…有影响 have an effect on→ have an influence/ impact on 34.我喜欢 I like sth.→ sth. wins my favor 35.看见 see→ catch sight of 36.遇见 meet→ come across 37.面对 face→ be faced with 38.解决 solve→ deal with/ cope with 39.参观 visit→ pay a visit to/ call on sb./ call at some place 40.分发 hand out→distribute 41.站起 stand up→ get to one's feet 42.习惯于 be used to→be accustomed to 43.为……做准备 prepare for→ make preparations for/ be prepared for 44.因……而出名 be famous for→ have a reputation for 45.感到舒心 feel comfortable→ feel at ease 46.美化学校 make our school beautiful→ beautify our school/ campus 47.成功做某事 succeed in doing sth.→ make it 48.照看 look after→ attend to 49.向某人寻求帮助 ask someone for help→ turn to sb. 50.想,怀有……想法,认为 think→harbor the idea that/ take the attitude that/ hold the view that /it is widely shared that/ it is universally acknowledged that 51.累,筋疲力尽 be tired→ be worn out/exhausted 52.坐 sit→ be seated 形容词 1.真实的 true→ real/actual/ veritable 2. 好 的 good→splendid/ fabulous/ remarkable/ outstanding/ positive/ favorable/rosy(美好的)/ promising(有希望的)/ perfect/pleasurable/excellent 3.开心的 happy→ glad/amused/ joyful/ cheerful/bright 4. 重 要 的 important→vital/ vitally important/ of great importance/sb. attaches importance to sth. 5.困难的 difficult→ hard/tough/ challenging 6.必要的 necessary→ indispensable 7.有用的 be useful/helpful to→ contribute to/ be beneficial to/ be of great benefit to 8.基本的 basic→ essential/fundamental/ elementary/ primary 9.各种各样的 different→ various/ varieties of/ a variety of 10.有趣的 interesting→ appealing/ absorbing 11.疲惫的 be tired→ be worn out/ be exhausted 12.勤奋的,努力的 hardworking→ diligent/industrious 13.令人惊奇的 surprising→ amazing/ astonishing/ shocking 14.贫穷的 poor→ needy/poverty-stricken 15.优秀的 excellent→ outstanding/ distinguished 16.明显的 obvious→ apparent/ evident 17.常见的 common→ universal 18.可用的 usable→ available 19.不可能的 impossible→ out of the question 20.小心谨慎的 careful→ cautious 21

docx文档 2021届高考英语必备高级词汇,作文满分的同学都在用!

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