U1 Do you want to watch a game show? 知识清单梳理: 1、“你认为……怎么样?” 2、show 的用法 3、mind 的用法 4、stand 的用法 5、plan 的用法 6、辨析 hope wish except 7、辨析 find find out look for 8、happen 的用法 9、famous 的用法 10、rich 的用法 11、reason 的用法 12、face 的用法 13、danger 的用法 14、ready 的用法 15、尽某人最大努力做某事 16、come out 的用法 17、成功的不同表达 18、discuss 的用法 19、educate 的用法 知识点 一 What do you think of talk shows ? 1、What do you think of ? =How do you like ? 意为: 2、show n. /v. show sb sth = show sth to sb show off show sb around sp 【即学即练】 — What do you think of soap operas? — ______. But my mother likes them. A. I like them B. I enjoy them C. I can’t stand them D. I don’t agree 知识点二:I don’t mind them. 1 : mind 意为: , (mind sth. 介意做某事) 句型:----Would you mind doing sth ?/Do you mind……? (1) ----Not at all. / Certainly not. /Of course not. (表示不介意) (2)----I’m sorry, but...... / Please don’t...... (表示介意) 【即学即练】 1.— What do you think of bananas? — I don’t mind _____. A. it B. them C. their D. its 2. —Would you mind ______ in the dining hall? —Of course not. A. not to smoke B. not smoking C. smoke D. not smoke 3.—Would you mind not _____ noise? Alice is sleeping. —Sorry, I didn’t know. I _____ she was awake. A.make ; think B.making; thought C.making; think D.make ; thought 知识点三:can’t stand stand 除了站立还有 的意思。stand sth. 意为忍受做某事,常用于否定句和疑问句 中。 知识点四:She plans to watch Days of Our Past tonight. plan v.打算,计划 (plan n.打算,计划 (make a plan sth.计划做某事) sth.=make plans 2 sth.制定计划做某事) 知识点五:辨析 hope , wish , 与 expect 1、hope hope sth. 希望做某事 思考:希望某人做某事如何表达? wish 表达的希望大体上是可以实现的,其动词搭配为 wish sb. to do sth. 2、expect 既“盼望”,其动词搭配可以是 expect to do sth. expect sb. to do sth. expect + that 从句 知识点六:辨析 find , find out , look for . find find out “ ”,强调结果 “ ”,多指经过困难和曲折并通过调查、询问、研究之后找出较难找 到的东西 look for “ ”,是有目的的找,强调过程 【即学即练】 1.She found ___ hard to finish the work by herself. A. that B. it’s C. it D. this 2.The window is broken. Try to_____ who broke it. A. find out B. find C. look D. look for 3 知识点七:happen v.意为: ①happen 意为发生时,主语为事,不能为人。 思考:“某人发生了某事”如何表达? ②sth. happens/ed + 地点或时间 ③sb. happens/ed to do sth. 某事或某地发生了某事 某人碰巧做某事 【即学即练】 What happened _____ the boy? A. with B. to C. at D. on 知识点八:famous be famous for = be well known for be famous as = be well known as 【即学即练】 ① We’ll have dinner at Qianxilong Restaurant , which is famous ____ its food. A. of B. to C. for D. as ② Kunming _____ its fine weather . It’s warm all the year round, A. be famous for B. be famous C. is famous for D. is famous as ③ Lady Gaga is famous ___ her beautiful voice. A. as B. with C. for ④Yao Ming is famous ___ playing basketball. A. to B. as C. for D. between 4 知识点九:rich 意为 (其反义词为 ) the rich be rich in 知识点十:reason a/the reason for doing sth. the reason why *在英语中,reason 和 because 不可以出现在同一个句子中。 知识点十一:face face to face lose face make faces 知识点十二:danger (in danger of / out of danger) dangerous 知识点十三:be ready to do sth. get/be ready for doing sth. 知识点十四:try one’s best to do sth. = do one’s best to do sth. 知识点十五:come out 意为:____________,_______________,________________,__________ __。 如: 1.His new book came out last year. 2.This cartoon came out in New York on November 18,1928. 5 3.The sun is coming out. 4.Some flowers begin to come out. 知识点十六:成功的不同表达 动词_____________,名词__________,形容词__________副词________________ 如:1. He is a _________________man, he ____________ in helping others. 2.I passed the exam _________________last week. 【即学即练】 ① She works very hard ,so she will ____ in ____ the exam. A. successful; pass B. success ;passing C. succeed; passing D. successful; passing ②Lost on journey is a very _______ movie. A. success B. successes C. successful D. successfully 知识点十七:We had a discussion about TV shows. discussion n. discuss v. _________________________________ 和某人讨论某事 e.g. He is having a discussion with his friends about his plan. 知识点十八:Sally thinks game shows are more educational than sitcoms. educate v. → education n. → educational adj. 教育的;有教育意义的 【即学即练】 (1)My mother is an ___________ worker. She puts all her heart into _________. (2)She knows some good ways to _______ teenagers. (educate) 6 (3)This is an _____________(education) book. (4)Every week the students in No.1 Middle school see an __________(education) film. (5)____ free education, more and more poor children can go back to school in the mountain areas. A. Without B. Thanks to C. Instead of 典例练习 【例 1】—________do you think ________the weather today? —It's pretty good. A.How,of   B.

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