Day 1 High in a tree, a cat was stuck in a tree near Kolb's house. It was too ___1____ to come down, and it took Kolb two days to find someone who could ____2____ When he did, Kolb paid close attention. “When I watched him do it, I was ____3____ with how easy it was to climb the tree,” Kolb said. “I thought that was going to be the ____4____ part. I decided I wanted to ___5___ how to do that. ” Kolb, 64, found people to teach him the ___6___ skills, and he has bought and created equipment designed to ____7____ and capture cats so he can ____8____ bring them to the ground. Kolb brings ____9____, which often is so attractive that cats will walk into the cat carrier to get it. The earner is of his own ____10____. Kolb cut a hole in the bottom of a laundry bag and sewed it on a glove. He puts on the____11____ and pulls the bag over his arm , then ____12____up the cat and inverts(翻转) the bag over the cat. The cat ____13____ how long a rescue can take. Kolb said with set-up time, about the fastest it would last 30 ____14____. "It can take hours," he said. “I've had ____15____ that have gone on for hours. Sometimes, I may not have any good ____16____ except to wait for the cat to ____17____ and relax and see I'm not a ____18____ , and then I can get the cat to come to me. ” "People ask me sometimes, 'Isn't it ____19____ doing this?' " Kolb said. "I think yeah, it is. Driving over there is dangerous and driving home is dangerous, but the part in the ____20____is pretty good. I feel a lot less safe on the highway than I do on the tree.” 1. A. inspired 2. A. help B. scared B. leave C. confused C. observe 3. A. satisfied B. impressed 4. A. necessary B. urgent 5. A. record B. define C. popular C. common C. learn 6. A. climbing B. living C. painting 7. A. frighten B. secure C. reserve 8. A. quickly B. joyfully C. safely 9. A. energy B. liberty C. knowledge D. annoyed D. consider D. honest D. hard D. express D. running D. distinguish D. briefly D. food 10. A. strength 11. A. hat 12. A. gives B. information B. scarf 14. A. years 15. A. travels C. glove B. picks 13. A. determines C. invention B. remembers B. comments 17. A. fall down B. break down 20. A. middle C. mentions D. minutes D. points C. motivation B. witness D. option C. settle down C. suspect B. dangerous B. front D. represents C. rescues B. version 19. A. meaningful D. brings C. hours 16. A. regulation 18. A. stranger D. tie C. breaks B. months D. virtue C. queue D. turn down D. threat C. funny D. significant D. row 【答案解析】 1-5 BABDC 6-10 ABCDC 11-15 CBADC 16-20 DCDBA 【分析】 本文是一篇记叙文。Kolb 通过观察别人救助被困在树上的猫之后,决定自己也要参与其 中。于是他学习爬树和制作设备,通过救助那些被困的猫收获快乐。 【1 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它太害怕了,不敢下来,Kolb 花了两天时间才找到可以帮 助它的人。A. inspired 受启发的;B. scared 害怕的;C. confused 困惑的;D. annoyed 恼怒的。 结合上文 a cat was stuck in a tree near Kolb's house 可知猫被困在树上,害怕得(scared)不 敢从树上下来。故选 B。 【2 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:它太害怕了,不敢下来,Kolb 花了两天时间才找到可以帮助 它的人。A. help 帮助;B. leave 离开;C. observe 观察;D. consider 考虑。Kolb 一开始并不 知道如何爬树,所以他用了两天时间去找可以帮忙(help)的人。故选 A。 【3 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Kolb 说:“当我看到他这么做的时候,我对爬树是多么容易 感到印象深刻。”A. satisfied 感到满意的;B. impressed 印象深刻的;C. popular 流行的;D. honest 诚实的。别人轻易地爬上了树,Kolb 对此感到印象深刻(impressed)。故选 B 。 【4 题详解】 考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我以为这是最难的部分。A. necessary 必要的;B. urgent 紧 急的;C. common 普通的;D. hard 困难的。由于 Kolb 不知道如何爬树,他原以为这是困难 的(hard)。故选 D。 【5 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:我决定学习如何做到这一点。 A. record 记录;B. define 定义; C. learn 学习;D. express 表达。根据后文 to teach him 可知 Kolb 决定向别人学习(learn) 爬树,然后去救助被困的猫。故选 C。 【6 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:64 岁的 Kolb 找人教他攀爬技巧,他还购买并制作了专门保护 和捕捉猫咪的设备,这样他就可以安全地把它们带到地面上。 A. climbing 攀爬;B. living 居住;C. painting 绘画;D. running 奔跑。结合上文提到 Kolb 决定向别人学习爬树,可知 此处指找人教他攀爬技巧。故选 A。 【7 题详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:4 岁的 Kolb 找人教他攀爬技巧,他还购买并制作了专门保护 和捕捉猫咪的设备,这样他就可以安全地把它们带到地面上。A. frighten 使害怕;B. secure 保护;C. reserve 预订;D. distinguish 区别。结合上文 he has bought and created equipment designed to 可知 Kolb 购买的是专门用来保护和捕捉猫咪的设备。故选 B。 【8 题详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:4 岁的 Kolb 找人教他攀爬技巧,他还购买并制作了专门保护 和捕捉猫咪的设备,这样他就可以安全地把它们带到地面上。 A. quickly 快速地;B. joyfully 高兴地;C. safely 安全地;D. briefly 短暂地。结合上文可知 Kolb 学习爬树是为了 把那些困在树上的猫安全地(safely)带回地面。故选 C。 【9 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:Kolb 会带来食物,这些食物通常都很诱人,猫们会走进猫笼 去取食物。A. energy 能量;B. liberty 自由;C. knowledge 知识;D. food 食物。结合后文 so attractive that cats will walk into the cat carrier to get it 可知是指 Kolb 通常会带来一些能吸引 猫的食物(food)。故选 D。 【10 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是他自己的发明。A. strength 力量;B. information 信息; C. invention 发明;D. virtue 优点。用于救助猫的设备都是 Kolb 自己的发明(invention)。 故选 C。 【11 题详解】 考查名词词义辨析。句意:他戴上手套,把袋子套在胳膊上,然后拿起猫,再把袋子翻

doc文档 Day 1-冲刺2021年高考英语完形填空20天集训

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Day 1-冲刺2021年高考英语完形填空20天集训 第 1 页 Day 1-冲刺2021年高考英语完形填空20天集训 第 2 页 Day 1-冲刺2021年高考英语完形填空20天集训 第 3 页 Day 1-冲刺2021年高考英语完形填空20天集训 第 4 页 Day 1-冲刺2021年高考英语完形填空20天集训 第 5 页
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