八年级下册 8B 现在完成时时态难度练习(附答案) 一: 1.My son _______ up yet because he _______ to bed very late last night. A.hasn’t got;has gone B.didn’t get;went C.doesn’t get;went D.hasn’t got;went 2.He ________ going swimming on Sundays. A.used to B.is used to C.has used to D.is using to 3.This is the most interesting story I have _______ heard. A.never B.ever C.once D.always 4.He _______ interested in flying since he took his first flight when he was young. A.was B.to be C.has been D.is being 5.---When did your parents___________? ---They __________ for 20 years. A.marry;got married B.get married;have got married C.marry;have got married D.get married;have been married 6.John,you______________ the computer games for two hours.It’s bad for your eyes. A.played B.have played C.were playing D.play 7.I___________the way.I_____________here for quite many years. A.knew;have lived B.knew;live C.know;have lived D.know;live 8.---He is___________ in class and has___________for two hours. ---He is so tired these days preparing for the mid-term exam. A.asleep ;sleeping B.sleep;sleeping C.slept;asleep D.sleeping;been asleep 9.He_________a worker in a factory,but he____________a pop star two years ago. A.used to be;has become B.used to be;became C.was used to be;becomes D.was used to being;has become 10.---Mr Lee is really good at repairing computers. ---Yes.You know he _________in Lenovo until he got a new job in our company. A.has worked B.worked C.is working D.will work 11.Catherine got married____________ a policeman twenty years ago. A.with B.for C.to D.of 12.It_________three years since____________as a social worker.I really enjoy my job. A.was;worked B.has been;have worked C.is;worked D.B and C 13.She’s already back from her hometown,_____________she? A.isn’t B.hasn’t C.is D.has ( )14.---Excuse me, when ________ you ________ the man in blue? ---Last year. And I _______ him for one year. A.have;known;have known B.did;know;have known C.did;know;knew ( D.have;known;knew )15.Mr Li ________ Kunming. He ________ the city three times. This time he _______ Kunming for three days. A.has been to,has gone to,have been in B.has gone to,has been to,has been in C.has been in,has been to,have gone to D.has gone to,has been in,has been to ( )16.I became a teacher 15 years _______. I have been a teacher _______ 1997. I have taught here _______ about 15 years. A.ago,since,for ( B.ago,for,since C.ago,before,for D.ago,in,after )17.---Let’s turn on the TV and watch the football match. ---It’s too late. It _______ for an hour. And the result was 1-0 China won. A ( .has finished B.has begun C.has been on D.has been over )18.---It’s a long time _______ we last met. How is everything? ---Not bad, except that I am always missing you. A.when ( C.before D.while )19.Nobody except Tom and Millie _______ that park before. Only they can be our guides. A.have been to ( B.since B.has been to C.has gone to D.have gone to )20.---She ________. Please be quiet! ---What? It’s seven a.m. I _______ for an hour. A.has just fallen asleep;have got up C.has just fallen asleep;have been up B.has just slept;have got up D.has just been asleep;have been up ( )21.---How long has Robert ________? A.been to Beijing ---Since 2004. B.become a policeman C.joined the art club D.studied in this school 22. ---Where is Mr. Wang? ---He together with his students____ Zhuyuwan Park. A. has gone to B. have gone to C. have been to D. has been to 23. ---Have you ever traveled abroad? ---Sure. I____ in a small town in the USA with my grandparents. A. used to live B. was used to living C. was used to live D. didn’t use to live 24. ---I hear Sam has gone to Qingdao for his holiday. --- Oh, how nice! Do you know when he____? A. left B. was leaving C. has left D. had left 25. ---Did you have a good time at Linda's birthday party? ---Yes. It's several years ____I enjoyed myself so much. A. when B. before C. since D. that 26. ---He's never been late for school, ____he? ---____, he always arrives at school on time. A. is; Yes B. has; No C. has; Yes D. hasn’t; No 27. Becky ______in the city now, and she is not as shy as she_______. A. used to live; was used to be B. is used to living; was used to being C. used to living; used to be D. is used to living; used to be 28. The shop_______ since two years ago. A. is open B. has been opened C. has been open D. has open 29. She has been_______ Jim for ten years. A. married with B.

doc文档 2020-2021学年人教英语八年级下册现在完成时时态难度练习(附答案)

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  2020-2021学年人教英语八年级下册现在完成时时态难度练习(附答案) 第 1 页   2020-2021学年人教英语八年级下册现在完成时时态难度练习(附答案) 第 2 页   2020-2021学年人教英语八年级下册现在完成时时态难度练习(附答案) 第 3 页   2020-2021学年人教英语八年级下册现在完成时时态难度练习(附答案) 第 4 页
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