9BU3 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 【知识梳理 1】I’m complaining about you to the robot shop. (P36) 我正在向机器人商店投诉你。 complain,动词,意为“抱怨,诉苦” (1)不及物动词: complain about/ of: 抱怨 People complain about how children spend so much time on computer games. 人们抱怨孩子怎么花那么多时间玩电脑游戏。 complain to sb.向某人抱怨 I'm going to complain to the manager about this. 我要就这件事向经理投诉。 (2)及特动词: complain that …... 抱怨 Others complain that they can never find the time. 还有人抱怨说他们永远找不到时间。 [拓展]名词:complaint Could you put your complaint in writing ? 你能把投诉的内容写下来吗? [经典例题] (1)--What did your son complain __________ you _________? --His endless homework. A. to; with B. off with C. to; about D. of; about (2)She's complaining ________ the dress ________ the shopkeeper. A. about; about B. about; to C. to; to D. to; about (3)I’ll complain _____ the manager _____ it. A to , about B with, about C about, to D to, for (4)He likes to complain________his family_________his friends. A. to; on B. to; out C. about; to D. about; on 答案:CBAC 【知识梳理 2】post this for me. (P36)替我把这个寄了。 post,及物动词,意为“邮寄,邮递”。 常用搭配: 寄给某人某物:post sb. sth = post sth to sb. 替某人邮寄某物:post sth for sb. Please post the letter to him. 请把这封信寄给他。 [拓展] (1)post,名词,意为“职位,邮件”,常用搭配:by post: “通过邮件(这种方式)” I'll send the original to you by post . 我将把原件邮寄给你。 (2)post,及物动词,意为“张贴;公布”。 The results will be posted on the Internet. 结果将在互联网上公布。 [经典例题] (1)----I have a letter ______but I'm too busy. ----Why not have your son ______it for you ? A.to post; post B.posted; post C.to post; to post D. post; post (2)—Will you please_________it to me? —OK.I’ll go to the post office tomorrow. A.post B.lay C.serve D.buy 答案:AA 【知识梳理 3】explore outer space (P37) 探索太空 explore,动词,意为“考察;探险;探究”。 The increasing number of young people are willing to explore the outside world. 越来越多的年轻人愿意去探索外部世界。 [拓展] explorer,名词,意为“考察者,探索者” exploration ,名词,意为“考察,探索” exploratory,形容词,意为“勘探的,探索的” [经典例题] (1)With the development of modern science and technology, we can ________ the deep sea. A. expect B. explore C. excuse D. experience (2)That robot was named Robonaut R2A. It__________outer space by NASA. A. used to exploring B. was used to exploring C. was used to explore D. used to explore 答案:BC 【知识梳理 4】So they could do whatever they're asked to.(P37) 所以它们可以做任何它们被要求做的事情。 whatever ,代词,意为“任何,一切事物”,既可以引导主语从句,也可以引导让步 状语从句。引导主语从句时,谓语动词要用单数形式;引导让步状语从句时,相当 于 no matter what。 Do whatever seems best to you. 你觉得什么最好,就做什么。 I'll be there whatever happens. 不管发生什么事我都会到那儿的。 [拓展]常见的由“特殊疑问词+后缀ever”构成的单词: however 无论如何 =no matter how wherever 无论什么地方 =no matter where whenever 每当;无论何时 =no matter when whoever 无论谁;任何人 =no matter who whomever 无论谁;任何人 whichever 任何一个;无论哪个 =no matter which [经典例题] (1)She is kind and helpful and often does_______she can to help me. A. however B. whatever C. wherever D. anyway (2)— I am having some problems with my 15-year-old son. It seems that he says no to ________ I say. — I think you two should have more communication. A. however B. whatever C. wherever D. anyway (3)_________ we met with difficulties, they came to help us. A. However B.Whatever C. Wherever D. Whenever (4) ________ I do, I do it for you. Do not ever doubt that, my boy. A.Whatever B.Wherever C.Whenever D.Whoever (5)_________ they choose, we must accept their decision. A. However B. Whichever C. Wherever D. Whenever 答案:BBDAB 【知识梳理 5】They could do dangerous jobs like putting out fires or working on high buildings.(P37) 他们能做危险的工作,像灭火或在高层建筑上工作。 put out,意为“熄灭,关灯”,是“动词+副词”构成的短语动词,名词可放在中间,也 可以放在后面,而代词必须放在中间。 We just managed to put the fire out before it damaged the house. 我们抢在房子被烧毁之前将火扑灭了。 The house is on fire, so we should try to put it out. 房子着火了,所以我们应该努力扑灭它。 [拓展]put 构成的常见短语 put an end to :制止 ;停止 put away :放好,把...收起来 put back :放回(原处) put down:写下 put on:穿上;上演 put off :推迟 put up:兴趣;抬起 [经典例题] (1)Luckily,some firemen arrived in time and_________the fire. A.put out B.put up C.put in D.put through (2)—Have you heard of the big fire that broke out at Hao Yixing Clothes Market on June 2nd? —Yes.Luckily,hundreds of firemen immediately drove there and ________ the fire. A.put off B.put away C.put down D.put out (3)[2020 •黑龙江省龙东地区]—Kate, don't forget to ________ the light when you leave the room. —OK, mom. A. cut off B. put off C. turn off (4)[2020 •甘孜州]We have to _____________ the sports meeting for the bad weather. A. put on B. put up C. put off (5)[2020 •凉山州]—Why don't you____________ smoking? It's very harmful. —I tried many times, but

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