学科教师辅导教案 授课主题 教学目的 教学重难点 授课日期及时段 动词第三人称单数及动词原形 学生通过对时间的表达方式常考知识点的学习,掌握相关知识点的同步考点,学会解题 思路方法和技巧,达到语言知识正确运用的能力 重点:动词第三人称单数及动词原形 难点:判断主语及使用动词原形的情形 教学进度 2020 年 12 月 10 日 14:00-16:00 教学内容 一、新课讲解 (一)课程导入 (二)本节基础考点讲解 考点一:第三人称单数 一)例题解析 1. Mary is a little girl, but she ________ a lot(很多) of English. A、knows B、doesn't know C、have 2. My brother __________ very much. D、doesn't have 第 次课 A、like banana B、likes bananas C、like bananas D、likes banana 3. Tom often_______me_______my English. A、help; with B、helps; with C、help; does D、helps; does 4. My friend Jack__________ a party__________ his birthday. A、have; on B、has; in C、has; on D、have; for 5. Jim, with his family, ______ a bus to go home every day. A、takes B、take C、is taking D、are taking 二)相关知识点讲解、方法总结 一、第三人称代词 he, she, it 作主语时。例如:   She ____ (be) very good at English. 她英语学得好。   He ____ (study) in a middle school. 他在一所中学学习。   二、单独使用的人名、地名或称呼语作主语时。例如:   Jim often _____ (play) football with his friends.吉姆经常和他的朋友们踢足球。   三、不可数名词作主语时。例如:   There ____ (be) any juice in the bottle. 瓶里有果汁吗.   四、单数可数名词作主语时。例如:   The box ____ (be) in your room. 箱子在你的房间里。   五、指示代词 this, that 等作主语时。例如:   This ____ (be) her red pen. 这是她的红钢笔。 三)巩固练习 1. Tony always __________ birthday __________. A、likes; party B、likes; parties C、likes; partys 2. He never _______ hamburger _______ sweets. A、eats, and B、eat, or C、eats, or D、eat, and D、like; party 3. My friend Tina _______ tennis on Sunday and so do I. A、play B、don’t play C、plays D、doesn’t play 4. People usually ________ at night, but Mr. Wang ________ in the day. A、sleep; sleep B、sleeps; sleeps C、sleeps; sleep D、sleep; sleeps 5. — I________to school at eight. What about your brother? —He________to school at seven thirty. A、go; goes B、goes; go C、go; go D、goes; goes 考点二:动词原形的判断 一)例题解析 1. ---Can she ___________ it in English? ---No, she can't. A、talk B、talks C、speak D、say 2. What time does Lisa________after school? A、watch TV B、watches TV C、do her homework D、does her homework 3. Don't________late for school. A、is B、be C、arrives D、are 4. They usually ________ to go home. A、takes ships B、makes ship C、take ships D、by ship 5. He can't _______, but he often _______ to the beach and play. A、swimming, go B、swim, goes 二)相关知识点讲解、方法总结 1. 第一、第二人称+动词原形 C、swims, goes D、swim, go 第一、第二人称:_____________ 2. 复数名词+动词原形 Students _____ (study) English at school. 3. 情态动词(can)+动词原形 Jim can _____ (swim). 4. 助动词(do, does, don’t, doesn’t) Tigers don’t ____ (eat) fruit and monkeys don’t ____ (eat) meat. 5. to+动词原形 He wants to _____ (visit) our school with his friends. 6. let sb. + 动词原形 Let's ________ (watch) TV. 三)巩固练习 1. Let me________the door for you. A、close B、to close C、closes D、to closes 2. — Does Bob ______ a cat? — Yes, he does. The cat ______ a nice room. A、have; has B、has; have C、have; have D、has; has 3. She ______ (go) to bed at 10: 00 in the evening. 所有考点综合练习: ( )1. —What do you want to ____ in the future, John? — I want to ____ a fashion designer. It is an amazing job. A、be ; be B、am; be C、am; am D、is; am ( )2. —Let's _____ baseball. —Sounds great, but we don't have a baseball bat. A、to play B、plays C、playing D、play ( )3. Tom _____ ping-pong A、to play B、plays C、playing D、play ( )4. Tom and John _____ (play) ping-pong. ( )5. --How about going to Huaxing Book Store? --Sounds good. This store ______ all kinds of books and all the books are on _____ today. A、sale; sell 四、家庭作业 略 B、sells; sale C、sell; sale D、sale; sells

docx文档 人教七年级上册英语同步讲义与练习:动词三单(无答案)

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人教七年级上册英语同步讲义与练习:动词三单(无答案) 第 1 页 人教七年级上册英语同步讲义与练习:动词三单(无答案) 第 2 页 人教七年级上册英语同步讲义与练习:动词三单(无答案) 第 3 页 人教七年级上册英语同步讲义与练习:动词三单(无答案) 第 4 页 人教七年级上册英语同步讲义与练习:动词三单(无答案) 第 5 页
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