2021 年高考英语培优计划之高频短语对比练 900 例 高频短语对比练 06 1.—Did you remember to give Mandy the bag? —Yes. ________ I saw her, I’m sure. A.As far as B.In case C.The instant D.Now that 2.A concert was given ________ the flooded areas. A.in aid of B.in search of C.in hope of D.in charge of 3.To stay healthy, Professor Li ________ cycling as a regular form of exercise last month. A.took up B.caught up C.took on D.caught on 4.________ the problems they’ve faced, they are happy with the life they lead. A.In spite of B.Due to C.So long as D.regardless of 5.As for this incident, there is less than one chance in 10.000 that it has ________ accidently. A.come across B.come about C.come around D.come into 6.He spent too much time in surfing the Internet. ________, he didn’t pass the IELTS. A.By accident 7. B.In consequence C.In return D.On the contrary the numbers in employment the hotel industry was the second largest Swiss industry in 1929. A.Instead of B.In terms of 8.The success of this project A.relies on A.took up D.In favor of everyone making an effort. B.cares for 9.After retirement, Mr. John C.In honor of C.reminds of D.calls up dancing, which he had always loved but had no time for. B.got up C.held up D.looked up 10.Scientists estimate that smoking reduces life expectancy by around 12 years . A.in common B.in all C.on the whole D.on average 11._____ air pollution is no doubt one of the great challenges of our time. Everyone should do their bit for the environment. A.Struggling for B.Fighting against C.Giving up D.Working out 12.He______to help us, but in fact his coming _____our difficulty. A.managed; would add B.attempted; would add up to C.attempted;would add to D.managed;would add up to 13.He saw hundreds of delighted students who had ________ to welcome him. A.turned out B.turned down C.turned off D.turned left 14.The doctor will_____ your weight and then give some suggestions. A.take into account B.contribute to C.depend on D.break down 15.All children should get access to a high-quality education_______ their race or family income. A.depending on B.regardless of C.due to D.apart from C.be given out D.use up 16.Save your energy or it will soon ______. A.be run out B.run out 17.Large national food and drink companies are ______ other solutions as it is unlikely to stop using disposable (一次性的) cups completely. A.holding back B.holding on C.looking into D.looking for 18.—Why did he suffer failure again? —It was his carelessness ________ ________it. A.which, managed by B.that, resulted from C.that, contributed to D.that, benefited from 19.If Helen says she will complete the job on time you can always ________ her to deliver the goods. A.go on B.rely on C.look on D.put on 20.The theory _____ by Einstein was later to prove true, but at that time few people could accept it . A.put out B.put together C.put aside D.put forward 21.---- What can I do for you, Mum? ----- The salt has _____. You’d better go to the shop to buy some. A.run out of B.used up C.made use of D.run out 22.After the big job was finished, the builder _____ the number of men working for him. A.cut off B.cut back on C.cut up D.cut in 23._____ his wife’s strong objection, the husband insisted on putting all the money they had into the stock market, which almost drove her crazy. A.Regardless of B.In relation to C.On behalf of D.In memory of 24.While we may not be born with a natural talent, we can ______ for it with hard work. A.break up B.take up C.bring up D.make up 25.A lot of people _____the theory that acupuncture blocks pain signals from reaching the brain. A.apply to B.submit to C.relate to D.subscribe to 26.Mary and her friends _____ a plan and gathered forty people from my company to help the homeless people at the Christmas party. A.came up with B.put up with C.caught up with D.kept up with 27.Canada is a country _______ many different nationalities as well as one with foreign immigrants (移民) _______ the majority of its population. A.making up of; occupied with B.consisting of; making up C.made up of; consisting of D.consisted of; taking up 28.He always tries to avoid being_______with his headteacher. A.left out B.left alone C.left behind D.left over 29.Mary ______ and saw that a bear was moving towards her. A.turned down B.turned up C.turned on D.turned around 30.— I’d better _____ now. The water is boiling in the kitchen. — Goodbye. A.r

doc文档 06 高频短语对比练06---2021年高考英语培优计划之高频短语对比练900例【名师堂】

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