U7 Nobody Wins 重要单词 序号 英文 1 per 2 escape 3 kill 4 lie 5 snore 6 laser 7 torch 8 case 9 attract 10 interrupt 11 moment 12 aim 13 beam 14 hit 15 attack 16 damage 17 finished 18 whisper 19 panic 20 freedom 21 figure 22 silently 23 search 24 crash 25 base 26 petrol 27 decide 音标 /pɜː/ /ɪ'skeɪp/ /kɪl/ /laɪ/ /snɔː/ /'leɪzə/ /tɔːtʃ/ /keɪs/ /ə'trækt/ /ɪntə'rʌpt/ /'məʊm(ə)nt/ /eɪm/ /biːm/ /hɪt/ /ə'tæk/ /'dæmɪdʒ/ /'fɪnɪʃt/ /'wɪspə/ /'pænɪk/ /'friːdəm/ /'fɪgə/ /'saɪləntli/ /sɜːtʃ/ /kræʃ/ /beɪs/ /'petr(ə)l/ 词性 中文 prep. 每;每一 v. 逃走;逃跑 v. 杀死;导致死亡 v 躺;平卧 n. 打鼾;打呼噜 n. 激光(器) n. 手电筒 n. 容器;盒;套 v. 吸引 v. 插嘴;打扰;打岔 n. 片刻;瞬间 v. 瞄准;对准 n. 光线;波束 v. 击中;命中 v. 袭击;攻击 v. 损坏;毁坏;破坏 adj. 完蛋;失败;垮台 v. 耳语;低语;小声说 v. 惊慌失措 n. 自由 n. (远处人的)轮廓;人影 adv 悄悄地;静静地 v. 搜查;查找 v./n 猛撞;碰撞 n. 基地;总部 n. 汽油 v. 决定 重要短语 1. 2. escape from the cage 从笼子里逃出来 拓展:escape=run away 逃离(2 种) lie down on his bed 躺倒在他的床上 拓展:lie lay lain lying 躺 / 位于… lay laid laid laying lie lied lied lying 放 / 下蛋 说谎 巧记:躺 lie,lay,lain,lie in bed again; 撒谎 lie,lied,lied,don't be a liar; 产蛋 lay,laid,laid,a hen laid an egg; 3. fall asleep 睡着 4. immediately = at once = right now= right away 立即 5. use sth to do=use sth for doing sth 用某物做某事 6. too....to..=not....enough to do =so....that 从句 太...而不能 7. aim sth. at sb. 用某物瞄准某人 拓展:aim to do sth 旨在做...... moments later = a few moments later 片刻之后 拓展:at this/that moment 此时,那时 8. at the moment 9. go out one by one 10. sth happen to sb sb happen to do sth 此时此刻 一个接一个出去 某人发生了.... 某人碰巧做.... 11. make sure=be sure 确信 12. one of the most famous stories 最出名的故事之一 13. be made of 由...制成(看得出原材料) be made from 由...制成(看不出原材料) be made up of=consist of 由....组成 14. go across the sky 跨越天空 15. There be ....doing sth+介词短语 ....正在某地做.... 例句:There are three dead aliens lying by the side of the spaceship. 有三个死亡的外星人躺在飞船 旁边。 16. tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要做某事) 17. You are done for.=You are finished. 你完了 18. have a bad dream 做噩梦 词性转换: 原词 1. save (v.)挽救,节省 可能的变形 safe (adj) 安全的 (n.) 保险箱 safely (adv.)安全地 safety (n.) 安全 2. intend (v.) 想要,打算 intention (n.) 意图,目的 3. sleep (v.) 睡觉 asleep (adj)“睡着的,熟睡的” sleepy (adj)“困乏的,想睡觉的” sleeping (adj.) 睡着的 4. freedom (n.) 自由 free (adj) 有空的;免费的 freely (adv) 自由地 5. attract (v.) 吸引 attraction (n) 吸引;吸引力 attractive (adj.) 有吸引力的 6. silently (adv)沉默地 silent (adj)沉默的 silence (n.) 沉默 7. German (adj)德国的 (n.)德国人 Germany (n.) 德国 Germans (pl.)德国人 8. harm (n/v.)伤害;损害 harmful (adj) 有害的 harmless (adj)无害的 9. noise (n.) 噪音 noisy (adj.) 吵闹的 noisily (adv.) 吵闹地 10. danger (n.) 危险 dangerous (adj.) 危险的 endangered (adj.) 濒临灭绝的 11. decide (v.) 决定 decision (n.) 决定 同义句转换: 1. before = in front of 例题:He sits before me. = He sits ____________ ____________ ____________ me. 2. but = except 例题:We all went there, but Jim didn’t. = We all went there ____________ Jim. 3. how + 宾语从句 = how to do 例题:I wonder how I can deal with the trouble. = I wonder ____________ ____________ deal with the trouble. 4. one by one = one after another 例题:The students go into the classroom one by one. = The students go into the classroom ____________ ____________ ____________. 5. after a while = moments later 例题:After a while, we were all out of the cage. = ___________ ___________, we were all out of the cage. 6. at once = immediately 例题:After he ate breakfast, he went to school at once. = After he ate breakfast, he went to school ____________. 7. not anything = nothing 例题:He didn’t tell me anything about it. = He ____________ me ____________ about it. He could see nothing in the darkness. = He could ____________ see ____________ in the darkness. 8. can = be able to 例题:You can’t see the stars in the daytime. = You __________ __________ to see the stars in the daytime. 9. What + (a/an) + adj. + n. + 主 + 谓!= How + adj. + 主 + 谓! 例题:What a wonderful day it was! = ____________ ____________ the day was! How interesting the story is! = ____________ ____________ interesting story it is! How useful the information is!= _____________ ______________ information it is! 10. too adj. for sb. to do sth. = so adj that + 句子(否定)= not adj.(反义)enough for sb.to do 例题:We’re too weak to open the door. = We are ____________ weak ____________ we can’t open the door. = We are not ____________ ____________ to open the door. 11. adj. /adv. 最高级 = adj./adv.比较级 than any other + n.(单数) 例题:I walk fast. He walks faster. = He walks ____________ _________

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