Unit 5 LANGUAGE AROUND THE WORLD 5.2 Discovering Useful Structures 定语从句(二)关系副词的用法 一.判断定语从句的关系副词的方法 如果先行词是指代“时间的名词”,还原到定语从句中作时间状语,则用关系副词 when;如果先行词是 指代“地点的名词”,还原到定语从句中作地点状语,则用关系副词 where;如果先行词是指代“原因的名词 (reason)”,还原到定语从句中作原因状语,则用关系副词 why。 二.关系副词的基本用法 指代 关系 在从句中 副词 的作用 时间 when ( =at/ in/ 名词 on +which) 时间状语 例句 I shall never forget the day when we moved into our new house. ( 先 行 词 the day 还 原 到 从 句 中 为 : we moved into our new house on the day , 作时间状语,用 when 或 on which) 我永远不会忘记我们搬入新房子的那一天。 地点 where(=at/ in/ 名词 on+ which) 地点状语 This is the village where my father was born. ( 先 行 词 the village 还原到从句中为: my father was born in the village, 作地 点状语,用 where 或 in which) 这就是我父亲出生的村庄。 原因 why ( =for 名词 which) 原因状语 This is the reason why he missed the early bus. (先行词 the reason 还原到从句中为: he missed the early bus for the reason, 作原因状语,用 why 或 for which) 这是他错过早班车的原因。 三.关系副词和关系代词的正确使用 关系副词和关系代 I’ll never forget the day( that/ which ) I spent with you on the farm. (先行词 词的选择要看先行 the day 还原到从句中为: I spent the day with you on the farm, 作 spent 的宾 词在定语从句中充 语,用 that/ which) 当什么成分:如果 我永远不会忘记我们在农场一起度过的那一天。 作状语,则用关系 I’ll never forget the day when I worked with you on the farm. (先行词 the day 副 词 ; 如 果 作 主 语 、 还原到从句中为: I worked with you on the farm on the day, 作时间状语,用 宾语、表语,则用 when 或 on which) 关系代词,而不能 我永远不会忘记我们在农场一起工作的那一天。 只看先行词是什么。 He works in the factory(that/ which )I visited last year. (先行词 the factory 还原到从句中为: I visited the factory last year, 作 visited 的宾语,用 that/ which) 他在我去年参观的那个工厂工作。 He works in the factory where these bikes are made. (先行词 the factory 还原 到从句中为: these bikes are made in the factory, 作地点状语, 用 where 或 in which) 他在制造这些自行车的那个工厂工作。 This is the reason (that/ which )he explained to us. (先行词 the reason 还原到 从句中为: he explained the reason to us, 作 explained 的宾语,用 that/ which) 这就是他对我们解释的理由。 I don’t know the reason why he was so angry.( 先行词 the reason 还原到从句 中为: he was so angry for the reason, 作原因状语, 用 why 或 for which) 我不知道他如此生气的原因。 四.关系副词易错点: 1.where 指 where 既可以指代具体的 I have reached a point in my life where I should make 代抽象地 地点名词,也可指代抽 decisions of my own. 点,意为 象地点名词,常见的抽 我已经到了一个在我人生中自己做决定的地步了。 “在…… 象地点名词:case, point, Nowadays people are more concerned about the 中(下)” situation, condition, scene, environment where they live. stage, position , activity, 目前人们更加关心他们所居住的环境。 platform, Life is like a long race where we compete with others race, environment,atmosphere, to go beyond ourselves. 人生像一场长跑比赛, 我们 family, job 等。 在比赛中和他人竞争以超越自己。 2.when 指 when 既可以指代具体的 Occasions are quite rare when I have the time to spend 代抽象时 时间名词,也可指代抽 a day with my kids.我有时间和孩子们呆一天的机会 间,意思 象时间名词,常见的有 很少。 为“在 … occasion ( 时 机 ) , time, We are living in an age when many things are done on …的时间 age, period 等。 computers. 我们生活在一个许多事情靠计算机来做 的时代。 里” 不 非限制性定语从句不能 I have told him the reason, for which I missed the early 能引导非 用 why 引 导 , 要 用 for bus. 我没赶上早班车, 我已经告诉了他原因。 限制性定 which。 The main reason, for which he lost his job, was that he 3.why drank too much. 他失去工作的主要原因是酗酒。 语从句 4.way 先行词 作 ① 先行词 way 在定语从 This is the way (that/in which) he solved the problem. 句中充当方式状语,引 (先行词 the way 还原到定语从句中为:he solved 导 词 用 that 或 in which the problem in the way,作方式状语,引导词用 that ,也可省略。(注意不 或 in which,也可省略。) 用 how, how 不能引导定 这就是他解决问题的方法。 语从句。) This is the way (that/which) he used to solve the ② 充当主语、宾语,引 problem. 导词用 that 或 which,做 (the way 作 used 的宾语,that/which 可省略) 主语时不可省略,做宾 语时可省略。 这就是他所使用的解决问题的方法。 This is the way that/which was used to solve the problem. (the way 作 was used 的主语,that/which 不可省略) 这就是被使用的解决问题的方法。 五.使用定语从句时注意的几个方面: (一)分割式定语从句 定语从句和它所修饰的 A new teacher will come tomorrow who will teach us English. 先行词中间插入谓语、 教我们英语的一位新老师明天就要到了。 状语或另外的定语等成 The days are gone when physical strength was what you needed to 分,使定语从句与所修 make a living. 饰的名词分割开来,或 完全靠体力挣钱谋生的时代已经过去了。 者插入语把引导词与定 I walked up to the top of the hill with my friend, where we enjoyed 语从句分割。理解句子 时,注意找准先行词。 a splendid view of the lake. 我和朋友爬到了山顶,在那里我们欣 赏了美丽的湖光景色。 The scientist has made another discovery, which , of course, is of great importance. 科学家另有发现,当然,这个发现很重要。 (二)易混从句对比 1.Is this factory the one (that )you visited yesterday? (the one 作表语,that 引导定语从句,修 饰 the one) Is this the factory (that/ which) you visited yesterday? (that/which 引导定语从句并作宾语, 可省略) 2.The old man has three sons , one of whom is a teacher. (定语从句,用引导词 whom) The old man has three sons, and one of them is a teacher.(并列句,用代词 them) 3.The news (that/ wh

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