外研版八年级下学期英语期中复习之单项选择和单词练习 A 一 单项填空。(每题 1 分,共计 10 分) 1 I like playing the piano ,but he likes playing _____ basketball. Aa B the C an D/ 2 Would you like to have more pizza ? Yes ,please .It _____ delicious . A tastes B sounds C looks D feels 3 What’s your mother like ,Henry ? She is ______ ,and she always helps others . A shy B tall C kind D heavy 4 I have ______ seen her before ,so I know nothing about her . A ever B never C just D already 5 Can you afford ______ the cartoon ticket ? No. It’s too expensive . A buy B to buy C buying D bought 6 With the help of the teachers ,the shy boy get _____ in class. A weak B angry C active D nervous 7 What a _____ you’ve made !You’d better clear it up before Mum gets home . A condition B mess C system D copy 8 ______ has Gerorge been away from our hometowm ? ----- Since 10 years ago . A How often B How soon C How long D How old 9 Hello ,may I speak to Mrs;Li ? Oh ,sorry !She _____ to England .She will come back in three days . A has been B has gone C went D goes 10 I have great trouble finishing the work by myself .Could you help me ? _______ . A No problem B I agree with you C I’m sorry to hear that D Good idea 参考答案:1-5 D A C B B 6-10 C B C B A 二 词汇运用。(每题 1 分,共计 15 分) A 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空 ,使句子通顺,正确。每词限用一次。 laugh ancient hobby yet exercise 1 Have they finished their homework ______ ? 2 China is an _____ country with a long history. 3 Jerry needs to ______ more because he is too heavy . 4 I always can’t help _______when I see the funny boy . 5 Many students have some _______ ,such as swimming and reading books . B 根据短文和所给中文的提示,写出空白处各单词的正确形式,每空一词。 “No one loves music more than I do .”Jack thinks .He has liked singing ___6____ (自某某以 来)he was a child .Although his parents don’t think he sings very well ,Jack believes that he will become a music star one day . In order to make his dream come true ,Jack has started a band ( 乐 队 )at school and he _7_____ (邀请)his friends to join his band .Jack is the lead singer ,and there are still two other ___8____ (成员).They practice twice a week at Jack’s home . Jack has __9____ ( 刚 才 , 刚 刚 )heard a piece of good news .His town will have a music ___10____ (比赛)next month .”What a great chance !”Jack said to his dear friends ,but they didn’t look as happy as Jack was .”I like music ,but I will be __11____ (紧张的)to stand in front of so many people .”Danny said .He played the drum in Jack’s band .”I don’t think we are good enough to win a ___12____ (奖项),”Jerry ,the bass (贝斯)player said . “Maybe you are right ,but nothing is ___13_____ (不可能的)”Jack said .”If we don’t have a try ,we will never know what we can do .”Danny and Jerry looked at each other .They all agreed that Jack was right .Music is their ___14_____ (最喜欢的).They decided to practice more in the next few weeks .Maybe they can really ___15_____ (创造)a miracle(奇迹).Let’s wait and see. 参考答案: 1 yet 2 ancient 3 exercise 4 laughing 5 hobbies 6 since 7 invited 8 members 9 just 10 competition 11 nervous 12 prize 13 impossible 14 favourite 15 create B 一 单项填空。(每题 1 分,共计 10 分) 1 Do you like milk ? Yes ,I do .But the milk in this bottle smells ______ .You can’t drink it . A sour B delicious C sweet D soft 2 It snowed heavily last night .Is everyone in our class here today ? Yes ,and _____ of us was late for school this morning . A all B neither C none D either 3 Oh ,the baby is crying again . Why not make him happy ______ singing to him ? A on B by C at D with 4 I’d like a pet ,but I am busy all day . Goldfish are a good choice .You _____ feed them every day . A needn’t B can’t C shouldn’t D mustn’t 5 What should I do to improve my English ? Well ,you need to _____ conversations and practice .Speaking is important . A look up B turn up C end up D make up 6 Hello ,this is Lily speaking .Could I speak to Mr Black ? Sorry ,he _____ the Mount Yandang . A has been to B went to C has gone to D will go to 7 _______ has the rain lasted ? More than a week .I really can’t stand it . A How long B How often C How soon D How far 8 I _______speaking in public . Don’t worry .Practice makes perfect .I’m sure you can. A can’t wait B keep C can’t help D am afraid of 9 You’d better not eat too much junk food .It’s bad for your health . ________ . A I don’t think we agree. B Thanks for your advice. C You’re welcome . D It doesn’t matter . 10 I haven’t found my dictionary .May I borrow yours ,Sandy ? _____ .But you have to return it this afternoon . A Sure ,no problem B That’s the problem C Not really D No, not usually 参考答案: 1-

doc文档 外研版八年级下学期英语期中复习之单项和单词练习 (有答案)

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