UNIT4 作文教案 Chen Bin used to be really shy. He was always ______ (沉默)in class. 教学目标 He wasn't _________ (积极)at all. He was never b_________ enough to 1.能用“used to”句型描述一个人过去的外貌、性格、爱好。 ask questions. Now he has changed a lot. He becomes more 2.能用 still,not···anymore,no longer ,always,really,quite ,so,never, o__________ What's more, he is very _________ (幽默). He often makes seldom”等词来表达变化(不变)程度。 people laugh and happy. 3. 学会借鉴例文。 (二) Changes in hobbies: 3.再读中考作文评分标准,了解写作要领。 例文展示: 4.不漏要点,行文流畅。 When Li was a little girl, she used to ________ (讨厌)playing the 一.语言积累 piano because it was too hard to play it well. But she didn't g (一) Changes in appearances: __________ up because of her mother's encouragement. Now she e 词汇拓展: tall\short\thin\heavy\skinny(太瘦的)\long and straight _________(喜欢)playing not only the piano b _________ also the violin. hair\short and curly hair\white skin and \black skin She often p _________ them for the w __________(整个)school. She 例句展示: dreams of being a f __________ musician. 1. My brother used to __________ very short, but now he ______ pretty tall. 2. Meimei used to __________ long straight hair, but now she (三) Changes in other facts: 例文展示:My friend used to be ________ of ____________ alone at _______ home. But now she ______________ to live all by herself. People sure short curly hair. change! 3. Peiling used to _________ jeans, but now she ________skirts. 二.课外链接 Changes in personalities: Time has wings. 词 汇拓展: Time works great changes. silent\quiet\active\talkative\brave\coward\lively\calm\peaceful\ Changes lead to progress. confident\diffident\blue\ sunny\optimistic(乐观的)\pessimistic(悲观的) Without changes ,our life would be very boring. \careful\careless\narrow-minded\open-minded\easy-going\serious They like changing because it improves their lives. Changes makes perfect. The biggest change in my life was becoming much better in 三.例文呈现 English. This is thanks to my English teacher, Mrs. Wong, who gave 思考:1.最喜欢哪篇?为什么? me an interesting book to read. I enjoyed it so much that I started to 2.从中可以学到什么? read other books. This is the most important change because I am no 3.参照中考作文评分标准,给出你的分数。 longer afraid of the English language and I am doing better in my exams. This has made my parents even prouder of me. A C Changes in my life My life has changed a lot in the past few years. I used to be short, but now I’m tall. I used to hate dogs,but now I like them very much and I sometimes play with them. I used to like I Have Changed A Lot! Time goes by.I grow up every day.Of course I have changed a lot in the last few years.Let me show you my changes. I used to be short and I often worried about it.But to my surprise,I'm watching TV and surfing the internet, but now I can hardly ever have much taller now.I think this change is really great.And I used to be time to do those because I am busy with my study. I used to be very shy and quiet.I was always silent in class.When I talked to outgoing ,but now I am quite quiet. Maybe too much homework people,my face often turned red.Now I'm much more outgoing and makes me stressed out. that makes me more popular.Now I can give a speech for the whole It seems that I was happier in the past. I really miss the old days. B How I’ve Changed My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to be overweight but I’m not anymore. I lost a lot of weight after I started playing tennis. Playing tennis three times a week is very good exercise. Now I’m fitter and healthier. school.I also make lots of friends.As for my hobby,I used to like reading books.But now I'm more interested in playing sports.That's because doing sports is not only exciting but also helpful for my health. Nowadays we students are too busy and under too much pressure.I used to hate the busy and boring school life.A year ago,my head teacher talked to me in person.He let me know the importance of study.That's when I decided to change.Now I work harder than before.Both my parents and my teachers are proud of me.They take ______________________________________________________________________ pride in everything I do.I also feel good about myself. ______________________________________________________________________ People sure change!I really believe my life will be better and better! ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _________

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