Unit 1 基础知识巩固练习 I.根据提示完成单词。 1. We usually s in the river in summer. 2. Can you sing or d ? 3. I'm thirteen years old. He is ________________thirteen years old. 4. She is Chinese, but she can s English very well. 5. Zheng Yuanjie can w many interesting stories. He's a writer. 6. --- Can your brother play the g ? --- Yes, he can. 7. She likes volleyball. She wants to j 8. My grandfather can't t the sports club. stories. 10. --- Who is your favorite m ? --- Liu Huan. 11. We have many (club) in our school. 12. Mary has some (story) to tell us. 13. Who is good at (tell) stories in your class? 14. I want (join) the art club. 15. She likes to make 16. Can your sister 17. She doesn't want 18. Mary is good at (friend) on the Internet. (play) ping-pong well? (watch) TV this evening. (draw). What about you? 19. --- Does your little brother like 20.They buy some 21. Are you good at 22. Mrs. Black 23. What do you 24. He (eat) chicken? --- No, he doesn't. (sport) shoes today. (跳舞)? (讲) a story to her daughter every night. (画) on the wall? (教) us English well, so our English is very good. 25. I like swimming. But I don't want to (游泳) now. It's too cold. II.句子翻译。 1. 你想加入什么俱乐部? do you want ? 2. 吉娜非常擅长游泳。 Gina is quite . 3. 我喜欢同人们交流,同人们一起玩游戏。 I like to and with people. 4. 你们跟孩子们相处的好吗? you kids? 5. 我想和那些老人交朋友。 I want with those old people. 6. 在周末我的叔叔也很忙。 My uncle is also very busy . 7. 史密斯太太喜欢和孩子们一起做游戏。 Mrs. Smith likes to kids. 8. 我可以参加你们学校的音乐节吗? Can I your school music festival? 9. 玛丽喜欢英语。她英语说得非常好。 Mary English and she English very well. 10. 你会画画或者下棋吗? Can you draw ? 11. 让我们到乡村去帮助孩子们学习。 Let's go to the countryside to the kids their study. 12. 玛丽很善良,她善于与朋友相处。 Mary is kind. She her friends. 13. 学生们将通过电脑和老师谈话。 The students will their teachers their computers. 14. 你会弹钢琴或拉小提琴吗? Can you the violin? 15. 我给她看我的书。 I my book . III.单项选择。 1. --- Can he dance? --- . And he doesn't like the dance club. A. Yes; he is 2. The boy can play A. the; the 3. James is good B. the; a playing basketball. A. at 4. My parents often A. 5. --- B. Yes; he does C. No; he can't D. guitar well and he also has guitar. B. for me to C. /; the C. with to Mr. Gao after school. tell; tell B. speaks; tell C. does he want to join? --- An art club. tell; talk Yes; he can D. /; a D. to D. talk; speak A. How many clubs B. What subject C. What club D. Where 6. --- Can you play piano?--- No, I can't. But I can play soccer. A. the; the 7. --- Can he B. the; / English? --- Yes, he can. A. tell B. say 8. My friend Lin Feng can help me A. to; at B. 9. --- Can you swim? --- C. a; the too B. with; at C. at; at But I can write stories. also /; the C. speak D. talk math and he is also good old people. A. Yes, I can. B. No, I can't. C. Yes, I can't. 10. My sister likes to sing. Her sister likes to sing, . A. D. C. but D. with; with D. No, I can. D. and 11. --- Do you play piano in your free time? --- No, I like sports. I often play A. /; the 12. I want soccer with my friends. B. the; / home this weekend. C. the; the D. a; a B. to go your new bike. C. goes D. to going D. mine D. with; with A. go 13. Please show A. I B. 14. Our teacher is good my C. me singing and he is good A. at; at B. with; at C. 15. Jim plays basketball well, so he can join the us. at; with . A. music club B. art club C. English club D. 16. The boy's mother always him a story before he goes to bed. sports club A. says B. 17. --- Can you help me D. talks D. about A. with 18. --- What speaks C. tells my English? --- Yes, sure. B. of do you like? --- I like C. on basketball. A. subjects; play B. sports; to play C. subjects; to play D. sports; play 19. --- When do you usually play basketball with your friends? --- . A. On weekend B. On the weekend C. In weekend D. In the weekend 20. Mary needs to school before 7:30 from Monday to Friday. A. get 21. Alan B. to get C. gets singing. He likes to listen to music. A. is good at B. is good with 22. Tom wants to you. Are you free? A. to tell 23. Lingling can play B. tells C. basketball and play A. the; the B. /; the 24. What time do you leave school A. in B. on 25. Andy often helps her mother A. to B. C. of D. getting are good to D. good at to talk piano. D. talks D. the; / C. /; / the weekend? C. / D. of the housework on Sunday afternoon. C. for D. with Key I:1. swim 2. dance 3. also 4. speak 5. write 6. guitar

doc文档 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar 基础知识巩固练习-2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级下册

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