中考语法专项复习练习--从句综合(包括定语、宾语、表语从句) 1. ________ I am in trouble, my best friend Li Lei always helps me. 2. Jennifer is always absent from school, _________is why she is criticized now and then. 3. He dressed_________ quickly that he put his shoes on the wrong feet. 4. --Susan, what are the advantages of MP5 players? --Mom, they are smaller and lighter ______ they can be carried very easily. 5. Nothing in the world is difficult ________ you put your heart into it. 6. --I'm waiting for the mail. Do you know ________ it will arrive? --Usually it comes by 4:00. 7. Could you tell me _________he mended the radio without any help? 8. No one can be sure_________ man looked like in a million years. 9. --Listen! It is still noisy in the teacher's office. --Go and see ________ they have finished correcting the papers yet. 10. Check your test paper carefully, _________you'll make fewer mistakes. 11. You'd better take some snacks with you, ________you'll feel hungry during the trip. 12. --Could you tell me________I can meet Cathy? --Fill 13. in this ________our 表 格 ) teacher is ill, form( and he I still will give comes you to her our telephone class to number. teach us. 14. --Excuse me. Could you tell me_________ I can get to the Space Museum? --Of course. You can take bus No.1. 15. She came up with an idea __________ interested all her friends. 16. Either Bill________Tom will go to your party, because one of them must stay at home to look after the baby. 17. Helen didn't know anything about it_________her father told her. 18. This is the best film ___________ I have ever seen. 19. I wonder ________ you would like to come to my birthday party. 20. Your handwriting will certainly improve_________ you practise it every day. 21. He talked about the teachers and schools ___________he had visited. 22. Cars make our life easier, __________they bring environment problems. 23. You can use English or Chinese_________ you travel in Singapore. 24. Peter, tell me the result of the discussions________ you had with your partner. 25. I work in a business _________ almost everyone is waiting for a great chance. 26. Your dream won't come true _________ you know what your dream is. 27. I visited a scientist ____________name is known all over the country. 28. --Anna, you wear a new dress today! --It fits me well, _________ the colour is not my favourite. 29. Peter likes reading a newspaper__________he is having breakfast. 30. Many students didn't realize the importance of study________they left school. 31. I won't be able to understand what you say, _________you speak too quickly. 32. He likes to read books ___________are written by foreign writers. 33. You should go over your test paper _________ you hand it in. 34. Scientists say it may be a few years _________it is possible to test the new medicine on patients. 35. I can't understand _________Christmas means. 36. --Is that all? --Yes. That's all __________ I want to take. 37. He said _________ she would leave the message on the headmaster's desk. 38. We will have no water to drink __________we don't protect the earth. 39. --Do you know __________the girl in red is? --I'm not sure. Maybe a teacher. 40. I can't find the book about famous sportsmen ________ I borrowed from the library yesterday. 41. Zhou Libo is Shanghai's favorite funny man. He is good at making people laugh. His lively shows were _______ hot that tickets sold out in minutes. 42. --Where did you meet Mr. Smith from the US yesterday? --It is in that market _________ we often buy things. 43. Mr. Green speaks very loudly_______all the people can hear him clearly. 44. I can't understand ________ he likes computer games so much. 45. You can't imagine _________ excited they were when they received these nice Christmas presents. 46. You can't watch TV ________ you finish your homework. 47. Members of the Beijing Wheelchair Dance Training Base, _________was set up in 2009, are able to manage their wheelchairs perfectly. 48. Teresa is so nervous ________ she can't talk in front of the class. 49. Could you tell me ________ the nearest hospital is? 50. There will be a flower show in the park________ we visited last week. 51. I can't remember ________ I have seen him before. 52. The earth is the planet________provides us with everything we need, fresh air, clean water and so on. It's our duty to protect it. 53. --I'm waiting for the mail. Do you know ________ it will arrive? --Usually it comes at 4: 00. 54.

doc文档 中考专项复习语法填空单句练习--复杂句(定语、宾语、状语从句混合练习84题)

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中考专项复习语法填空单句练习--复杂句(定语、宾语、状语从句混合练习84题) 第 1 页 中考专项复习语法填空单句练习--复杂句(定语、宾语、状语从句混合练习84题) 第 2 页 中考专项复习语法填空单句练习--复杂句(定语、宾语、状语从句混合练习84题) 第 3 页 中考专项复习语法填空单句练习--复杂句(定语、宾语、状语从句混合练习84题) 第 4 页 中考专项复习语法填空单句练习--复杂句(定语、宾语、状语从句混合练习84题) 第 5 页
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