The Past Participle Used as the Attribute and Predicative 过去分词作定语和表语 学习目标:理解和掌握过去分词作定语和表语用法 学习重点: 会学用过去分词作定语和表语来进行表达 学习难点:1.区分过去分词和现在分词作定语和表语; 2.区分过去分词作表语与被动语态 学法指导:1. 被修饰的词或句子的主语是过去分词动作的承受者,根据这种被动关系来确定过去分 词的使用; 2.根据一些固定搭配掌握过去分词的用法 预习案 Previewing Case 【温故知新】 过去分词定形式和谓语作用 [观察] 观察并指出下面句子中划线部分属于什么词性, 起什么作用。 1. He knew that cholera would never be controlled until its cause was found. 2. Finally “King Cholera” was defeated. 3. Have you ever seen snowmen ride bicycles? 4. They had been given free beer an so had not drunk the water from the pump. [发现] 1.上面句子中划线部分是动词的_____词,构成_____语的一部分, 即与助动词 be 构成_____语 态, 与助动词 have(has、have、had)构成________时或_______时。 2. 规则动词的过去分词与______相同,即由____原形+d 或 ed 构成;不规则动词的过去分词要参 考不规则动词表。 [归纳] 过去分词与现在分词一样,不能单独作_____语,只能构成_____语的一部分。 【新课导入】 过去分词的特征和非谓语动词的作用 [观察一] 观察下面句子,给句中的过去分词下划线,判断它们在句中作什么成份。 1. People were shocked. 2. She seemed (to be) excited about it. 3. The maid carried a bag filled with the stolen treasure. 4. After that, some huge animals, called dinosaurs, developed. 5. Your friend comes to school very upset. 6. Towards evening, I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind. [发现] 1、2 句中的过去分词跟在_____词后作_____语;3、4 句中的过去分词分别修饰它们前面或后 面的_____词,作_____语;5 句的过去分词说明动词 comes 的状态,作_______语; 6 句中的过去分词 在句中作 found 宾语 myself 的_____语。 [归纳] 过去分词是非谓语动词的一种形式,在句中可以作_____语、_____语、____语和_____语四种 成分,所以具有_____词和_____词特征(作用)。 [观察二] 根据课文补全句子,并指出所填词语在句中充当什么成份。 1 But he became _________(inspire) when he thought about helping ordinary people ________(expose) to cholera. 2 He got __________ (interest) in two theories that possibly explained how cholera killed people. 3 So many thousands of ___________(terrify) people died every time there was an outbreak. 4 From the stomach the disease quickly attacked the body and soon the _________ (affect) person died. 5 He found that it came form the river ________(pollute) by the dirty water form London. 6 He was ______________(determine) to find out why. 7 He immediately told the ____________(astonish) people in Broad Street to remove the handle from the pump so that it could not be used. 8 In another part of London, he found supporting evidence from two other deaths that were ________ (link) with the Broad Street outbreak. 9 With this extra evidence John Snow was able to announce with certainty that ___________ (pollute) water carried the virus. 10 A woman, who had moved away from Broad Street, liked the water from the pump so much that she had it ____________(deliver) to he house ever day. [发现] 1. 1(第一空)、2、6、8 句中的过去分词都是跟在系动词后作_____语。1(第二空)、 3、4、5、7、9、句中的过去分词都是修饰它们前面或后面的名词,作_____语。 2. 单个的过去分词一般作_________语(3、4、7、9 句),过去分词短语一般作_________语 (1、5 句)。10 句中的过去分词短语作_________语。 [盘点收获] 收获:__________________________疑惑:______________________ 探究案 Exploring Case 【探究一】 单个表示心理状态的过去分词作前置定语 [观察] 观察和对比下面表格左右两栏中(过去和现在)分词的特点、作用和意义(主动、被动)。 terrified people 感到恐惧的人们 terrifying films 令人、使人恐惧的影片 =people who are terrified =films that are terrifying astonished people 感到惊讶的人们 astonishing news 令人、使人惊讶的消息 =people who are astonished =films that are astonishing surprised look/expression 感到惊奇的样子/ 感到惊奇的样子/表情 [归纳] 单个(过去和现在)分词一般作_____定语。表示心理状态的过去分词只表示(被动/主动) 意义,不表完成意义,一般形容表示_____或_____的名词或代词,意为“感到...”; 表示心理状态的现 在分词只表示(被动/主动)意义, 不表进行意义,一般形容表示_______的名词或代词,意为“令 人...”或“使人...”。 [即学即练] 用括号里动词的适当形式填空。 1 It was a ____________ (frighten) night. The dam cracked and then burst under the weight of the water. 2 This ____________ (frighten) boy whose mother was lost in the disaster is looking for her now. 3 The King of Prussia would never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an ________ (amaze) history. 4 The __________ (amaze) audience gave the magician a standing ovation(起立鼓掌). (起立鼓掌). 5 __________(interest) readers should consult Resources for more information. 6 This book is extremely ____________(interest) reading from start to finish. 7 A ____________ (satisfy) customer is the best advertisement. 8 When she had finished her meal, she gave a ____________(satisfy) smile 9 He said he would keep on floating about until he found a _________ (satisfy) job 【探究二】多数单个及物动词的过去分词作前置定语 [观察] 观察和对比下面表格左右两栏中(过去和现在)分词的特点、作用和意义(主动、被 动) a burned car 被烧毁的汽车 a burning car 正在燃烧的汽车 =a car that has/had been burned =a car that is/was burning a closed door 被关闭的门 a closing door 正在被关闭的门 = a door that has/had been closed = a door that is/was closing [归纳] 多数及物动词的过去分词作前置定语一般表示______、 ______动作;(及物或不及物动词) 现在分词作前置定语一般表示______、 ______动作。 [即学即练] 英汉互译。 English an affected

doc文档 2022届高考英语语法 过去分词作定语和表语导学案

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