2021 年上海高三英语一模阅读理解应用文类汇编 1.宝山区 Ever look at your to-do list and want to run and hide? Me too. But life is more than working hard to finish tasks, collapsing into bed, judging the past 24 hours and our success by how much we've managed to tick off. So here’s how to get stuff done and enjoy yourself at the same time. 1.Rename it My friend Jim Kwik says, “Call your ‘got-to-do’ list your ‘get- to-do’ list.” It’s a tiny change but a major shift. Think about it. You get to walk your dog, choose wonderful dinner ingredients and go to a job each day that affords you the life you have. 2.Add some action Instead of writing plain reminders down as memory urges, like “Dentist” and “Report,” add some verbs and result-based benefits, like “Book dentist and get teeth sparkly white!” or “Complete report and let out your breath.” Imagine the good feeling attached to each agenda item and let it fuel you. 3. Trust there’s time Have you ever noticed when you’re in a rush, you make mistakes? Like when you’re late for work: You can’t find your jeans, you hurt your toe on the bed by accident and you misplace your phone as you head down the elevator. When we operate from a place of calm, stuff happens faster. We find what we need. We don’t burn the toast. It can be as simple as sitting up in bed, taking ten deep breaths when you wake up and setting a simple intention for the day (not reaching straight for Instagram and email). 4.Ask yourself this How are you spending your days, your life? Are you having enough fun? Can your got-to-do list be a getto-do list with some good moods dancing on the page and an air of “I got time!” attached to it? Yes, it probably can. Now, what’s first? 60. Which of the following does the author agree with about “your to-do list”? A. Choose wonderful dinner ingredients and go to a job each day. B. Change “Dentist” into “Book dentist and get teeth sparkly white!” C. Remind yourself you have plenty of time to deal with daily routines. D . Keep asking yourself questions with the air of “I got time!” 61. It can be concluded that the key to getting stuff done and enjoying yourself at the same time is ___. A. A. a state of mind B. a get-to-do list. C. a memory urge D. a place of calm 62. What’s the writing purpose of this passage? A. To find out what to do first every day. B. To imagine the good feeling of tasks. C. To explain the importance of lifestyle. D. To discover how to enjoy daily life. 答案:60--62BAD 原文出处: https://susie-moore.com/productivity/crazy-simple-ways-make-list-fun/ 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了四种在完成工作的同时享受生活的方法。 【60 题详解】 细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 2.Add some action 部 分 中 “ Instead of writing plain reminders down as memory urges, like “Dentist” and “Report,” add some verbs and result-based benefits, like “Book dentist and get teeth sparkly white!” or “Complete report and let out your breath.”(不要随着记忆 的冲动写简单的提醒,比如‘牙医’和‘报告’,添加一些动词和基于结果的好处,比如‘预约牙 医,让牙齿闪闪发光!’或‘完成报告,然后长舒一口气’)”可知,关于“你的待办事项清单”,作 者可能会认同 B 选项“把‘牙医’改成‘预约牙医,让牙齿闪闪发光!’”的做法。故选 B。 【61 题详解】 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“ How are you spending your days, your life? Are you having enough fun? Can your got-to-do list be a get-to-do list with some good moods dancing on the page and an air of “I got time!” attached to it?(你是如何度过你的日子,你的生活的?你的乐趣够 吗?你的待办事项清单是带有一种跃然纸上的好心情以及一种“我还有时间”的气氛的必做 事项清单吗吗?)”可推知,要在完成工作的同时享受自我,其关键是一种心态。故选 A。 【62 题详解】 推理判断题。根据第二段“So here’s how to get stuff done and enjoy yourself at the same time. (以下就是如何在完成工作的同时享受生活的方法)”结合文章主要介绍了四种在完成工作的 同时享受生活的方法。可推知,这篇文章的写作目的是去发现如何享受日常生活。故选 D。 2.崇明区 (B) Hearing Specialists Develop New Ultra- TV VOICE PRO AIR $299 USD Lightweight (超轻的) TV Listening Earbuds (耳塞): At just Half an Ounce, they Weigh 90% Less than Traditional TV Headphones! HAVING TROUBLE HEARING THE TV CLEARLY? Get ready to clarify TV dialogue like never before, with our new Ultra-Lightweight Wireless TV Listening Technology. Big and heavy TV headphones are now a thing of the past, thanks to Hearing Specialists who have developed new ultra-lightweight wireless TV earbuds, which enable the wearer to hear the speech and dialogue on any TV show with clarity. The unique speech clarification audio works for those with any level of hearing loss, and has been proven to outperform even the most advanced digital hearing aids for TV clarity. TV VOICE PRO AUTOMATICALLY CLARIFIES TELEVISION DIALOGUE Revolutionary TV speech enhancement technology made simple Speech enhancement technique based upon clinical hearing assessments of over 1,000 people with varying lev

docx文档 2021届上海市高三英语一模阅读理解应用文类汇编(答案详细解析版)

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