要点配套练习 一、重点单词练习 enthusiastic adj.热心的;热情的 单句语法填空 1[词汇复现]He is very enthusiastic academic research. 22019·四川成都七中高一期中]The whole playground was crowded with the audience cheering (enthusiastic)for the athletes. 单句写作 (对·不感兴趣)going to America. 3 She (对·热心)helping others. 4My new classmate amazing adj.令人吃惊的;令人惊讶的 单句语法填空 1 It was (amaze)how quickly he adapted to the environment. 难度 2 Visitors are often 3I'm amazed (amaze)to discover how little the ancient town has changed. (hear)from my school teacher again. It is ten years since we met last time. 4[2019·山西康杰中学高一期中]From his look,I knew John couldn't understand your opinion about the universe. 单句写作 (令人惊讶的是)he has 5 made such rapid progress in his studies. 6 (使我惊讶的是),the little girl was able to recite the whole poem from memory. 7 Children stood silent and stared (惊讶地)。 information n.[U]信息,消息 单句语法填空 1[词汇复现]For further (inform)on healthy eating,visitor website. 2 There (be)a lot of useful information on the Internet. 单句写作 3 The advertising firm usually collects (尽可能多的信息)about the product. 4 We (已经得到消息)that they have left the country. (提供······信息的) 5 The guide will give you a booklet about the area. method n.方法 单句语法填空 1[词汇复现]It's an important method collecting information. 2[词汇复现]Only this method/this means/this way can we achieve academic success. 单句写作 3 Ms Gao's (教学方法)is quite different from that of my former Chinese teacher. 4 I think reading aloud every day is (一种学习英语的好方法)。 替代词 that 单句语法填空 ① The weather here is different from in Beijing. ② My pencil is lost.I need to buy a new 辨析填空(that/it/one/ones/the one/the ones/those) ③I like this house with a beautiful garden in front,but I don't have enough money to buy ④[2015·天津卷]The quality of education in this small school is better than in some larger schools. ⑤ At our factory there are a few machines similar to described in this magazine. ⑥ If you're going to buy today's paper from the stand,could you get for me? ⑦If you haven't got a big plate,two small ⑧I like the book, which lies on the left. will do. 单句写作 ⑨I want to buy some apples, (看起来新鲜的那些)。 ⑩ The rent in Shanghai is (比济南的高)。 bored adj.厌烦的;厌倦的 单句语法填空 ①I don't consider him a nice man to work with.I'm getting bored ②[词汇复现]The speech was his empty words. (bore)and the audience were not enthusiastic at all.Many of them were soon (tire)of it and began to do something else. ③ Tom is a very ④There was a (bore)person.He always loves to stay at home. (bore)expression on her face.It was clear that she didn't like to talk with me. 单句写作 ⑤ The children quickly ⑥ You may (对··变得厌倦)staying indoors. (因······而疲劳)reading, (厌倦)it. but you should not introduce vt.介绍,引见;引进,传人 单句语法填空 1 Let me introduce 2He (I).My name is Simpson. (introduce) to Mr Black at that party yesterday. 3[词汇复现 Many new methods of teaching have been introduced our school since last year. 4[词汇复现]She searched for the the website. 单句写作 5He just walked over and (向我作自我介绍)。 6Do you know when the potatoes (被引入中国)? (introduce)of yoga on embarrassed adi.尴尬的;难堪的;困窘的 单句语法填空 1[词汇复现]Nora felt (embarrass)when she was introduced to the whole class. 2[词汇复现]He was embarrassed (admit)giving us false information. 3The questions the reporter asked sometimes were and they (embarrass) made me 单句写作 (尴尬地承认)that I was scared. 4I 5[词汇复现] (让她感到尴尬的是), she didn't understand the instructions on the bottle. 6 He (因······而尴尬)his mistakes in the interview. instruction n.(常用复数)指示,命令;用法说明 单句写作 1 Make sure you (遵照医生的嘱咐)。 2[词汇复现]The professor gave us (······方面的一些指导)how to improve our academic level. (按照说明)on the guidebook. 3 You should 单句语法填空 4 The doctor gave me detailed instructions when and how to take the medicine. 5The letter instructed him (report)to headquarters(总部) immediately. 6 He instructed that a wall (build)around the city. description 记述;描述;形容 单句语法填空 词汇复现】 1 he gave me a detailed (describe) of how he managed to get the information 2The beauty of the West Lake is description 单句写作 3[词汇复现] My teacher asked us to (描写) the province we live in 4[词汇复现]She (对…作了简短的描述) the amazing classroom 5I found the play boring (难以描述) impress vt.使印象深刻 单句语法填空 1[词汇复现]My first (impress)of her was that she was an enthusiastic woman. 2 I was impressed 3 This movie is so his honesty when we met for the first time. (impress)that we can't help crying. 单句写作 (对·····印象深刻) 4[词汇复现]1 her serious attitude to academic research. 5The first time I saw him,his sense of humour (给······留下深刻印象)me. 6 My f

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