广州牛津版九年级下册 Unit 4 词汇与句型讲解  词汇讲解 1. What other natural disasters can you think of? 你还能想到其他什么自然灾害? 解析:think of 意为“想到;想起;想过”。例如: When you are in danger, will you think of others? 当处于危险时,你会想到别人吗? 【拓展】think 搭配其他介词有不同的意思,如: think about 考虑;思考 think over 仔细考虑 例如: This activity is exciting, but you should think about its safety. 这个活动是刺激的,但你要考虑它的安全性。 This problem is a little difficult. We must think it over. 这个问题有点难,我们必须要仔细考虑。 2. I looked out of the window. Water was everywhere. 我望向窗外,到处是水。 解析:everywhere 是表示地点的副词,意为“到处;四处;遍地” everywhere=here and there 例如: 春季的时候,街上到处都是花。 In spring, there are flowers everywhere in the streets. = In spring, there are flowers here and there in the streets. 3. I tried to call my dad, but the line was dead. 我试图打电话给我爸爸,但电话线路不通。 解析:形容词 dead 在此句表示“(电话等电器设备)不再运转;没电的”等含义, 常与动词 be 和 go 连用构成短语 be / go dead。例如: Is the battery dead? 这电池没电了吗? The phone went dead during the storm. 在暴风雨中电话都断了。 【拓展】dead 的另一含义为“死的”,表示状态;其动词形式为 die,名词形式为 death。例如: 他奶奶已去世两年。 His grandma has been dead for two years.= His grandma died two years ago. 你知道那个明星的死讯吗?Have you known the death of the famous star? 4. He sent me an email back which said ... 他给我回了一封邮件,说…… 解析:which said ...是定语从句,修饰前面的先行词 email。which 是关系代词,指代物,在此从句 中作主语。 关系代词还有:who(指代人)和 that(指代人或物) 关系代词在定语从句中可作主语或宾语。例如: Yesterday my grandpa told me a story which / that happened in the 1980s.昨天我爷爷告诉我 一个发生在 20 世纪 80 年代的故事。 Did you see the man who / that carried some books just now? 你看见了刚才拿着书的那个人吗? This is the bike which / that I want to buy. 这是我想买的那辆自行车。 5. In surprise, people finally started to notice the flood ...最后,人们惊讶地开始注意到洪水…… 解析:in surprise 意为“惊奇地;惊讶地”, surprise 在该短语里是名词。 in surprise =surprisingly,可置于句首或句末。例如: In surprise, he spoke at the meeting. 惊奇的是,他在会议上讲话了。 I found him in the crowd of people in surprise. 我惊奇地发现他在人群当中。 巩固练习 一、从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 ( )1. The man was badly hurt in the accident. A. seriously B. hardly C. nearly ( )2. It’s no use shouting at him because he is deaf. A. not able to see B. not able to hear C. not able to talk ( )3. When he awoke, he found his mother standing near the bed. A. stopped working B. stopped lying C. stopped sleeping B. a moment ago C. in a moment ( )4. I have nothing to do for now. A. for the moment ( )5. He didn’t notice me when I passed by. A. ran away B. came along C. went past 答案:ABCAC 二、选择最佳答案填空。 ( )1. ____, he found his wallet stolen. A. With surprise ( C. In surprise D. To surprise )2. After the storm, snow is ____ in the morning. A. somewhere ( B. In surprised B. everywhere )3. He gave me a beautiful card ____ wrote “Happy birthday”. C. nowhere D. any where A. which ( C. death D. dead C. over D. for B. about B. look C. stare D. notice )7. when the girl saw the famous star, she jumped up in ____ surprise. A. a ( B. died )6. looking someone in the eye is important in communication, but do not ____ at him. A. see ( D. what )5. I thought ____ my grandma when I met the old woman. A. of ( C. where )4. There is a ____ mouse on the road. A. die ( B. who B. an C. the D. \ )8. Mum was tired from work and had no time____ shopping with us. A. go B. went C. going 答案:CBADA 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 他昨天很忙,以致没有时间和朋友们一起踢足球。 Yesterday he was so busy that he _____ _____ _____ _____ play football with his friends. 2. 医生建议多喝水和多吃水果。 The doctor _______ _________ more water and _____ more fruits. 3. 他惊讶地看着我,没有说一句话。 He looked at me _____ ________ without saying a word. 4. 广州的房价太高了,他买不起新房子。 The price of houses in Guangzhou is too high. He _____ _____ _____ _____ a new house. 5. 吉姆在公园闲坐了几个小时,他感到很无聊。 Jim _____ _______ in the park for a few hours. He felt very bored. 6. 我坚持我原来的主张。 I _____ _____ my original idea. 7.她盯着那个空箱子看了一会儿,然后转身离开了。 She _____ _____ the empty box for a while, then turned around and left. 8.昨晚我梦到我爷爷奶奶了。 I _____ _____ my grandparents last night. 9. 他很生气,因为他的话没人理睬。 He was very angry because his words _____ _____ _____ _____. 答案: 1. had no time to 2. suggests drinking D. to go 3. in surprise 4. can’t afford to buy 5. sat around 6. stick with 7. stare at 8. dreamt about 9. fell on deaf ears

doc文档 广州牛津版九年级下册Unit 4 Natural disasters 词汇与句型讲解

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广州牛津版九年级下册Unit 4 Natural disasters 词汇与句型讲解 第 1 页 广州牛津版九年级下册Unit 4 Natural disasters 词汇与句型讲解 第 2 页 广州牛津版九年级下册Unit 4 Natural disasters 词汇与句型讲解 第 3 页 广州牛津版九年级下册Unit 4 Natural disasters 词汇与句型讲解 第 4 页
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