2021 7A Unit 1 易错题训练 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( 一、单词辨音 )1. A. bedroom B. look C. goodbye D. food )2. A. thank B. uncle C. English D. orange )3. A. water B. want C. wash D. watch )4. A. blouses B. horses C. buses D. classes )5. A. over B. only C. old D. off )6. A. music B. June C. usually D. excuse )7. A. short B. for C. story D. sport )8.A.which B. where C. what D. who )9.A.mouse B. country C. mouth D. shout )10. A. egg B. else C. weekend D. enjoy 二、词汇运用 1. Who are the dog’s ____________ (主人)? They should learn how to look after them first. 2. --- Whose bag is bigger, yours or ____________ (he)? --- Of course mine is! It’s also heavier. 3. These bikes are my ____________ and those are theirs.(同班同学) 4. There are only twenty ____________ (man) teachers in our school. 5. Both Wendy’s and Bob’s ____________ (表妹) enjoy reading in their free time. 6. The film is ____________ (结束) and we work back to our home. 7. I want to be in the ____________ (swim) Club this term. It’s good to swim after school. 8. Peter sits between David and ____________ (I) in the class. 9. Jack, do you know ____________ (每人) name in your class now? 10. They have books for children of different ____________ (年龄) in the bookshop. 11. Millie is ____________ (good) at singing than Amy. 12.Walking,running and swimming are good forms (形式) of s _______. 13.Those fans want to get those famous_______ (swim) signatures(签名)? 14.The_______ (nine) School Arts Festival is coming next month. Every student is very glad. 三、单项选择 ( )1. --- Can you _____ French? --- Yes, I can _____ the word in French. A. speak; say B. say; say C. speak; speak D. say; speak ( )2. I _____ walk _____ after school. I ride the bike every day. A. /; home B. /; to home C. don’t; home D. don’t; to home ( )3. --- _____? --- He is tall and strong. A. What does Daniel like B. How does Daniel look like C. What does Daniel look like D. How is Daniel ( )4. The girl _____ glasses is our new classmate _____ from Shanghai. A. wears; comes B. with; comes C. wears; / D. with; / ( )5. --- Oh, it’s too late. I must go to bed. --- _____. A. Good morning B. Good evening C. Good afternoon D. Good night ( )6. --- Are your names Allen and Teddy? --- Yes, _____. A. you are B. we are C. they are D. it is ( )7. --- Who _____ the old man _____? --- Nobody. He lives alone. A. is; living B. does; live C. is; living with D. does; live with ( )8. His birthday is _____ June 12th and he _____ born in Suzhou. A. in; is B. on; is C. in; was D. on; was ( )9. --- _____ boy is you cousin? --- The one _____ short dark hair. A. Whose; with B. Which; with C. Whose; has D. Which; has ( )10. --- Isn’t Mr. Brown your English teacher? --- _____. He teaches us very well. A. Yes, he isn’t B. No, he is C. Yes, he is D. No, he isn’t 1 ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )11. --- _____ your cousin _____? --- He is tall and strong. He is a football player. A. What does; like B. How does; like C. What does; look D. How does; look )12. _____ are good friends. We always help each other, right? A. I, you and Jimmy B. You, I and Jimmy C. You, Jimmy and I D. Jimmy, you and I )13.---Don’t you think it’s________ useful book? ---Yes, I also want to buy ________ this afternoon. A. a; one B. an; it C. an; one D. a; it )14.I don’t know how ________. Can you help me? A.to do B.do it C. doing D.to do it )15.He is ill ________ and his mother asks him to ________ tomorrow. A.in the bed; go to the hospital B.in bed; go to the hospital C.in bed; go to hospital D.in the bed; go to hospital )16.Let’s ________ twenty to ten, ________? A. meet on; shall we B.to meet at; will you C. meet in; will you D. meet at; shall we )17.Why ________ meet your friends when you’re free? A. not B. don’t to C. not you D. don’t not 四、动词填空 1. Sandy, together with her parents, often ___________ (come) to China for holiday. 2. Look, the students in the team each ___________ (have) a new bag on their bag. 3. Girls, listen to the music, and ___________ (tell) me the name of the music. 4. Toby, you ___________(not be) very tall, but you can still play basketball very well. 5. --- who ___________ (fly) kites here? --- Sandy is. 6. Kitty ___________ (not do) well in Maths, but she speaks English well. 7. Here ___________ (be) some good sports news for you, boys and girls. 8.My father has much work to do on weekdays. He has no time _____________ (meet) his friends. 9.It’s 7 p.m. now. I think the Greens _____________ (walk) in the park together. 10.“Jane, _____________ (not be) late for school again.” sai

docx文档 Unit1 易错题练习 2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语上册

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 Unit1 易错题练习 2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语上册 第 1 页  Unit1 易错题练习 2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语上册 第 2 页  Unit1 易错题练习 2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语上册 第 3 页  Unit1 易错题练习 2021-2022学年牛津译林版七年级英语上册 第 4 页
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