Words • dentist /ˈdentɪst/ n. 牙医 a dentist • refuse /rɪˈfjuːz/ v. 拒绝;回绝 • toothache /ˈtuːθeɪk/ n. 牙痛 tooth-teeth • rotten /ˈrɒtn/ adj. 腐烂的;腐败的 • fortunately /ˈfɔːtʃənətlɪ/ adv. 幸运地 ↔ unfortunately • headset /ˈhedset/ n. (尤指带麦克风的)耳机;头戴式 受话器 =headphone • aching /ˈeɪkɪŋ/ adj. 疼痛的 ache-aching • German /ˈdʒɜːmən/ adj. 德国的 n. 德国人;德语 Germans • wolf /wʊlf/ n. 狼 wolves By Anne  Have you ever had a toothache?  Are you afraid of going to the dentist? By Anne One of her teeth is rotten, she has no choice but to go to a dentist. 别无选择只能… She refuses to open her mouth to have an examination. refuse to do sth. 拒绝做某事 By Anne 立刻 The dentist saw right away that I was scared and gave me a headset. Then I’m not nervous at all. By Anne The Germans speak German in Germany. a German saying 恐惧让狼看起来更可怕。 By Anne Exercise Find the words in this lesson that have the same meaning as the circled words. (Let’s do it P5-3) 1. Jack invited her to the tea party, but she said no to his invitation. 2. She’s had a pain in her tooth all day. toothache refused 3. I was late, but luckily the train was late, too. fortunately 4. The students complete the activities on their computers and wear their headphones to talk to their teacher. headsets 5. These bananas will go bad in a week. rotten By Anne Unit1 Stay Healthy Lesson2 A Visit to the Dentist By Anne 01 Reading Read the lesson fast and match. By Anne Reading Match each paragraph with its main idea. (Let’s do it P5-2) 1 Wang Mei was nervous at the dentist’s office. pPara 2 Dr. Hu let Wang Mei listen to music to relax. pPara 3 Wang Mei is really afraid of going to the dentist. pPara 4 pPara 5 pPara 6 pPara Wang Mei’s mum told her a saying. Wang Mei had a terrible toothache this morning. Dr.Hu fixed Wang Mei’s tooth quickly. By Anne 02 Listening Listen to the passage and write T or F By Anne Listening Listen to the passage and write T or F. (Let’s do it P5-1) afraid 1) Wang Mei was scared to see the dentist. ( T) 2) Wang Mei showed great interest in everything at the dentist’s office. (F) 3) Dr. Hu asked Wang Mei to watch TV while she worked. ( F) 4) Dr. Hu was kind and good at fixing teeth. ( T) 5) Wang Mei’s mum told her an old Russion story on the way home. ( F) By Anne 1. I’m really afraid of going to the dentist. be afraid/scared of 意为“害怕……”,后加 n./pron./v-ing. E.g. : My little sister is afraid of cats. Tony is afraid of coming out at night. be afraid/scared to do … 意为“害怕做某事”; be afraid 后 还可加宾语从句,意为“恐怕……”。 E.g. : Danny is afraid to stay at home alone. We are afraid that we can’t finish all the work today. By Anne 2. I always refuse. refuse sb. 拒绝某人 sth. 拒绝某物 to do sth. 拒绝做某事 E.g.: I refused her yesterday. I refused her gift yesterday. I refused to get her gift yesterday. 上周 Tom 拒绝和我去购物。 (Translate) Last week, Tom refused to go shopping with me. By Anne 3. I have no choice but to go with her. E.g.: I have no choice but to leave here. He had no choice but to help Lucy. 除了放弃,我们别无选择。 (Translate) We have no choice but to give up. 昨天除了回家,她别无选择。 (Translate) She had no choice but to go home yesterday. By Anne 4. It can be used to address… be used to do “ 过去常常…” used to do 过去常常 be used to doing 习惯于… E.g. : The knife is used to cut things. She used to watch TV at home after supper. But now she is used to going out for a walk. By Anne 03 Speaking How do you take care of your teeth? By Anne Speaking How do you take care of your teeth? •Teeth are very useful. •Brush your teeth twice a day. •Eat less hot food, cold food or hard food. •Change your toothbrush( 牙刷 ) often. •Don’t eat sweets before sleeping. •If you have a toothache, you should go to see a dentist. •Healthy teeth, healthy body! By Anne 04 Exercise Check your knowledge. By Anne Exercise Fill in the blanks. 1. My bad tooth A. fixed C B. fix . C. was fixed D. to fix 2. On the way A the mountain village, we found the local houses different from ours. A. to B. by C. at D. on 3. 我别无选择,只能做作业。 I had no choice but to do the homework. 4. 我们必须立刻开始,否则我们将会迟到。 We must start right away , or we will be late. By Anne Summary Words: dentist, refuse, toothache, rotten, fortunately, headset, aching, German, wolf Phrases: go to the dentist, have no choice but to, right away Sentences: 1. I’m really afraid of going to the dentist. 2. I had no choice but to go with her. 3. Imagine how scared I was! 4. Fear makes the wolf bigger than he is. By Anne

ppt文档 Unit1 Lesson2 A visit to the dentist 课件 2021-2022学年冀教版英语九年级全册

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