Unit1 Friends Grammar Compare them The first pig is quite fat. The second pig is much fatter. The third pig is the fattest of all. A.Comparatives(比较级) We use them to compare _two__ things/people and add _than_ after comparatives. 比较级用于比较两个人/事物;比较级后通常出现“than”. B. Superlatives(最高级) We use them to compare _three or more things/ people and add the before superlatives. 最高级通常用于比较三个或三个以上人/事物;最高级前要用 the 连接。 比较级和最高级的构成规则 比较级用法总结 1.两者之间,只能用比较级 Which do you like _______(well), Chinese or English? 2. than 前面的 adj.用比较级 He is _________(slim) than I. 3. adj. 前有 much= a lot, even(甚至), far 等来修饰, 则用比较级 1) He is much _______ (good) now(好多了). 2) She is much ______________(beautiful)(漂亮的多). 3) He becomes even __________(bad). 4. “the + 比较级 + of 两者” ,表示“在两者中较…” Lily is _______________ (clever) of the two girls. 5. 比较级+and +比较级 “越来越…..” 1) He is getting ______ and _______(tall) . 2) She is getting _______________________(越来越漂亮) . 6. The +比较级… , the + 比较级 … “越… , 越 …” 1) The ______(much) you eat, the ______(fat) you will be. 2)The ____________(careful) you are, the _______(few)mistakes you will make . 最高级用法总结 1. 三者或以上用最高级 Which do you like _____(good), Maths, English or PE? 2. adj.前有 the 常用最高级 Spring is the ______(good) time to plant trees. 3. the second/third/fourth…+ 最高级 表示“第几……” 1)Millie is the third _________(tall) in her class. 2) Huanghe is shorter than Changjiang, but longer than the other rivers in China. = Huanghe is ______ _______ ________ river in China. 4. of /among /in +范围,前面的形容词常用最高级 1)He is ___________(tall) of the three/all/us. 2) She is ______________(thin) in our class. 3) Peter is ______________(heavy) of/among the six students. 4) My mother is ____________(busy) in my family. 5. one of 后面的 adj.常用最高级 1)She is one of ____________(pretty) girls. 2) He is one of _________________(popular) teachers in our class. 比较级与最高级之间的转换 同义句:   比较级+than any other +单数名词 =比较级+than the other +复数名词=最高级+范围 He is the tallest student in our class. =He is taller than _____ ______ student in our class. =____ _______ students in our class. = ___ _____ _____ students in our class. = _______ ______ in our class. =_______ _______ is taller than him in our class. 几点注意 1. 修饰原级: very, quite, so, such, much too, too 2. 修饰比较级: much, a lot , far, even, a little, a bit 3. 易混淆的: He is _________(tall) of the 3 students. He is ________ (tall) of the 2 students. 4. 易混淆的: ● He is taller than ________ student in our class. ● He is taller than _____ girl in our class. A. all the other B. any C. other D. any other 5. 为免重复, 在 than 后常用 that(单), those(复), ones 等词来替代前面提到过的名词。 1) The weather there is better than _____ in Nanjing. A. one B. it C. that D. those 2) 小香蕉往往比大香蕉好。 Small bananas are often_______________________. 6. 最高级前通常要加 the,但是 adj.前有序数词,物主代词,指示代词,名词所有格等 限定词时,最高级前不加 the。 He is _________ teacher.(我们最好的) 7. 加 more/most 构成比较级和最高级的几种情况 单项选择 ( ) 1. My mother A.busiest B.the busiest C.busier ( ) 2. This apple is _______ of all. A.redder B.the redest C.the reddest is _______ D.busy D.reddest in our family. ( ) 3.Which pen is _______ , this one or that one? A.dear B.dearest C.the dearest D. dearer ( ) 4. Kate is ______ than all the other girls. She is _______ of all. A.taller , tallest B. taller , the tallest C. the tallest , tallest D. tallest , the tallest ( ) 5. _______ of the two men is my uncle. A. The older B. Old C. The oldest D. Oldest 翻译 1. 格林先生是这四个人当中最高最胖的。 Mr Green is ______________ and _______________________. 2. 小香蕉往往比大香蕉好。 Small bananas are often _______________________. 3. 我的铅笔比你的短得多。 My pencil is ______________________. 4. 在中国,哪一条河流最长? Which river is __________________ in China? 5. 他的观点比我的新。 His idea is ____________________. 用括号内所给形容词的正确形式填空 1.John is fifteen. Kate is fourteen. Lily is thirteen. John is ______ (young). But he is ____ (old) than Kate and Lily. Kate is _______ (young) than John but ____ (old) than Lily. Lily is __________ (young) of all. 2.Jack’s mooncake is _____ (nice) than Kate’s, but Sue’s mooncake is _____(nice) than Jack’s. Sue’s is ________ (nice) of all. 3.On the wall there is a picture. We can see the sun and the moon in it. The moon looks ______ (big) than the sun in the picture. But in fact the sun is _____ (big) than the moon. The moon is ______ (small) than the sun. 4.The red bag is _____ (heavy), but the white bag is _______ (heavy) than it. The yellow bag is _______ (heavy) than the white one. So the yellow one is __________ (heavy) of the three. 改错 1.My cat is more lazier than yours. 2.He is the taller

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