浙江省杭州市下城区 2019-2021 年(三年)七年级上学期期末考试英语试题分类汇 编 语法填空 浙江省杭州市下城区 2020-2021 学年七年级上学期期末考试英语试卷 第二节:(共 10 小题,每小題 1 分,满分 10 分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 My mother is a nurse. She thinks it's 61________ useful job. She is very busy every day because many 62._______ ( baby ) need her help. Every morning she gets up very early and makes 63 _________(health)breakfast for me. She always starts to work at eight o'clock. 64 _______ there isn't a fixed (固定)time for 65.________(she) to go home. Sometimes she has to work late in the evening. Do you know 66_________ she likes doing after work? She likes reading comic(漫画)books. She always 67________(say) “I don't want to be a dull woman. Knowing about 68 ________ ( children ) interests is interesting”. Sometimes she reads comic books and plays ping-pong 69__________ me. I think my mother knows me 70 _________(good) and she is also my friend. 答案: 61. a 62. babies 66. what 67. says 63. healthy 64. but 68. children’s 69. with 65. her 70. well 浙江省杭州市下城区 2019-2020 学年七年级上学期期末考试英语试卷 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Dear friends, Hello! I___41___Sarah from Oxford and I'm fourteen___42___(year) old. I go to New Oxford High School, in Class 2A. School is OK, I guess. I'm very good at music because I like the teacher, Mrs. Downey. She plays the piano very___43___(good). She's very nice with us. I also like art and English. They are my favorite___44___(subject). At school, I have two good friends, Jane and Kelly. Jane is tall___45___Kelly isn't. Kelly is good at math. Jane___46___(do) well in geography. Anyway, I love___47___(they) a lot. We do lots of things together, like going swimming. We___48___(real) have fun at the pool. What about you? What class are you___49___?___50___you have many friends at school? Sarah 【答案】41. am 43. well 44. subjects 45. but 46. does 47. them 49. in 42. years 48. really 50. Do 【解析】 【分析】 本文是 Sarah 写给她朋友的一封信,介绍了自己的情况以及学校的情况。 【41 题详解】 句意:我是 Sarah,来自牛津,我十四岁了。 此空为谓语动词或者系动词,根据空后 Sarah 可知,此处表示“我是 Sarah”,主语是 I,be 动词用 am。故答案为 am。 【42 题详解】 句意:我是 Sarah,来自牛津,我十四岁了。 根据空前 fourteen“十四”,可知 year 用复数形式,表示“十四岁”。故答案为 years。 【43 题详解】 句意:她钢琴弹得非常好。 此空为副词修饰动词,good 为形容词,副词形式为 well。故答案为 well。 【44 题详解】 句意:它们是我非常喜欢的学科。 此空为名词作表语,根据主语 They 可知,they 知道 art 和 English,因此 subject 用复数形式, 即 subjects。故答案为 subjects。 【45 题详解】 句意:Jane 很高,但是 Kelly 不高。 空的前后句为转折关系,用连词 but 连接。故答案为 but。 【46 题详解】 句意:Jane 擅长地理。 do well in 表示“擅长”,主语是 Jane,为第三人称,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,即 does。故答案为 does。 【47 题详解】 句意:总之,我非常爱它们。 此空为宾语,提示词为人称代词 they,因此用人称代词的宾格 them。故答案为 them。 【48 题详解】 句意:我们在游泳池玩得实在很开心。 此空为副词修饰动词,real 为形容词,副词形式 really,表示“实在”。故答案为 really。 【49 题详解】 句意:你在哪个班级? 结合句意可知,此处表示“在哪个班级”,在某个班级用介词 in。故答案为 in。 【50 题详解】 句意:你在学校有很多朋友吗? 给出部分不缺少成分,结合句意可知,此句是一般疑问句,因此助动词提前。主语为 you,助动词用 do。故答案为 Do。 【点睛】短文填空中非常重要的就是围绕着全文的主题,结合句意去选择正确词汇。同时 确定词性,根据不同词性,考虑不同形式。 名词(一般位于动词前作主语、动词或介词后作宾语或有定语修饰时)→确定单复数→可 数不可数。 代词:宾格(一般位于动词、介词后);形容词性物主代词(一般位于名词前);反身代 词(前后人称代词一致时,且常用表达为 by oneself,意为“亲自”)。 形容词:一般位于 be 动词、系动词之后作表语或名词前作定语。 副词:一般紧接动词前后、形容词前或句尾句首作状语。 动词:作谓语→确定时态 浙江省杭州市下城区 2018-2019 学年七年级上学期期末考试英语试卷 语法填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Dear Liz, I’m glad to get your letter. Thank you very much ______51______ the pictures of your friends and family. Your parents ___52___friends look really nice in the pictures. Now I can tell you something about______53______(I) and my family here in New York. I've got two brothers. ______54______ (they) names are Lukas and Andreas and they ______55______ (be) 16 and 19. My mother is French and her name is Christine. Dad is American and his name's Dieter. There is_____56_____ small garden and three bedrooms in our house. Our father and _____57_____(mother) room is big. My room is tidy, ____58____my brothers’ is not because they don't _____59_____(clean) it at all. We have a dog, Zak, and we think he's cute. We love him a lot. Please tell me all about your friends and school in your next letter. I'd like to_____60_____(know) about English schools. 【答案】51. for 52. and 53. me 54. Their 55. are 56. a 57. mother’s 58. but 59. clean 60. know 【解析】 本文是一封信,信中介绍了写信人的基本情况,一家总共五口人,还有一只宠物狗,父母 的房间很大,自己的房间很整洁,但是两个兄弟的房间不干净,因为他们从来不打扫房间。 【51 题详解】 句意:感谢你给我的你家人和朋友的照片。 thank you 表示“感谢你”,根据 the pictures of your friends and family 是感谢的原因,所以此 处用 for,即:thank you for sth.因为……感谢你。故填 for。 【52 题详解】 句意:照片中你的父母和朋友看起来真的很好。 根据上一句 the pictures of your friends and family 你朋友和家人的照片,可知,此处需要用 并列连词 and,即:your parents and friends 你的父母和朋友们。故填 and。 【53 题详解】 句意:现在,我能告诉你关于我和我的家人在纽约的一些事情。 根据 tell 是动词,tell sb. about sth.告诉某人关于某事,此

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