语法填空之名词性从句专项练习 用单词的适当形式完成句子 1.________ he said is of great importance to all of us. 2.Jim fell asleep in the math class today. That is ___________ he stayed up until midnight doing his homework. 3.___________ made me annoyed was that she let out my secret. 4.Our teachers always tell us to believe in ______ we do and ______ we are if we want to succeed. 5.As a new official, he often thinks of ______ he can react more properly(恰当地) on such occasions. 6.Please be aware ________ you will not receive this smartcard during Welcome Week if you do not upload your image online by 4 September 2020. 7.I wonder ____________ you’d like to go to the concert this evening. 8.They set sail again, and saw__________looked like an exit. 9._______ fashion differs from country to country may reflect the cultural differences from one aspect 10.Many diseases arise from ________ people really don't know about in their daily life. 11.The best moment for the football star was ________ he scored the winning goal. 12.—What a mess! You are always so lazy! —I’m not to blame, mum. I am ________ you have made me. 13.________ has helped to save the drowning girl is worthy of being praised. 14.We are talking about ________ we admit students into our club. 15.I think ________ he is an honest boy. 16.Do you think ________ it will rain? 17.Can you figure out ______ the poet really means in this poem? 18.________ the earth came into being remains a mystery, as it happened so long ago. 19.Henry was so hungry. His eyes stared at ________ was left of the brother's dinner on the table. 20.The Defence Misnistry refused to confirm ______ the information was true. 21.Home is ________ all family members are together. 22.The reason was________ I lacked confidence in myself. 23.The journalist echoed the villagers’ doubt in the newspaper _________ the tourist resorts would really benefit the local economy. 24.We can judge one’s character by __________ he treats whoever can do nothing for him. 25.There’s some doubt _________ she will be able to repay the money on time. 26.In front of the whole audience, Premier Li made his promise ________ the government would try its best to solve the problem of poverty in China. 27.Please give the book to _______ wins the first prize. 28.This small town is no longer ________ it was five years ago. 29.He did not see the film last night. That is ________ he had to help his little sister with her homework. 30.It remains to be seen _______ the new teaching method is more effective. 31.It never occurred to me ______ you could persuade him to change his mind. 32.The village has changed beyond recognition, with rows of factories built on _______ used to be farmlands. 33.The number of the graduates choosing to work and live in big cities has declined, one third of ________ we expected. 34.The girls told him that they were on a train trip across Canada and _______ they had only one day in Montreal. 35.__________ different life today is from __________ it was fifty years ago! 36.It is _______ you have done that makes a difference. 37.It is well-known ________ the Atlantic Ocean is only half as big as the Pacific Ocean. 38.To improve the quality of our products, we asked for suggestions _______ had used the printing machines. 39.These teachers have no idea ______ it is like to earn one’s living in industry or commerce. 40.Despite the fact _____they lacked food, the explorers continued towards the goal. 41.__________struck me most in the movie was the father’s deep love for his son. 42.She has been working for nearly four hours, so ______she needs to do now is to have a good rest. 43.The problem is __________ students should deal with their mistakes after class so that they can avoid making them again. 44.___________ he was injured in the car accident made us extremely concerned. 45.It is difficult for us to imagine________ life was like for slaves in the ancient world. 46.It hasn’t been decided ________ they will move to the new house or not. 47.I asked my sister _______she had organized the trip, but she answered, “Not yet.” 48.One day my son asked me __________ there was a ham in a hamburger. 49.The students were delighted at the news ________ their class had won the game. 50.________ we can't get seems better than what we have. 参考答案 1.What 【详解】 考查主语从句。句意:他说的对我们都很重要。分析句子可知         he said 为 主语从句,主语从句缺宾语,根据句意 he said“他说了”后面应该填 what 表示“他说了什么”, 即他说话的内容。故填 what。 2.because 【详解】 考查表语从句。句意:吉姆今天在数学课上睡着了。那是因为他熬夜做作业直到半夜。此 处是表语从句,根据句意可知,此处使用连接词

doc文档 专题18 语法填空之名词性从句专项-2022年高三英语一轮复习之语法填空

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