专题 05 短文类 01-通知、倡议书、演讲稿、新闻报道 短文类写作包括通知、倡议书 、演讲稿、新闻报道、日记、约稿、宣传稿等类别。 以下对通知、倡议书 、演讲稿、新闻报道类别提供对应的模板和基本写作技巧。 一 、通知 1. 基本模板 NOTICE To enrich our school life and arouse students’ enthusiasm for ______(活动主旨) , ______(活动) is going to be held at ______(活动地点) on ______(活动时间). Contestants are required to ______( 活 动 要 求 ). All entries must be submitted to ______( 报 名 地 点 ) by ______( 截止时间) . All the ______(参赛内容) will be graded carefully by our foreign teachers. Winners of the contest will be awarded with ______(颁发奖品). T hose who show their keen interests in the activity will be highly appreciated. Keenly anticipate your participation. Student Union 2. 写作实操技巧 你校学生会将举办一次以中医药( traditional Chinese medicine)为主题的英语演讲比赛,请你用英语写 一个书面通知。内容包括: 1. 比赛目的; 2.比赛时间及地点:11 月 4 日下午 3 点,报告厅; 3.报名时间及地点:10 月 26-30 日,学生会办公室。 注意: 1.词数 80 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ ________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ ________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ ________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ ________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ ________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 【模板套用】 NOTICE To enrich our school life and arouse students’ enthusiasm for Chinese medicine ( 活 动 主 旨 ) , an English speech contest (活动)is going to be held at in the lecture hall (活动地点) at 3:00 p.m. on November 4, 2020 (活 动时间). Contestants are required to get prepared in advance (活动要求). All entries must be submitted to the office of Student Union (报名地点) from October 26 through October 30 (截止时间) . All the results of the speech (参赛 内 容 ) will be graded carefully by our foreign teachers. Winners of the contest will be awarded with specific certificates as an encouragement(颁发奖品). Those who show their keen interests in the contest will be highly appreciated. Keenly anticipate your participation. Student Union 3. 仿写演练 近期你校将举办英语听力竞赛,请用英文给你校英语俱乐部成员写一则通知,内容包括: 1. 竞赛信息; 2. 表达期待。 注意: 1 .词数 80 左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ ________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ ________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ ________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ ________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ ________________________________________________ _ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 【模板范文】 NOTICE To enrich our school life and arouse students’ enthusiasm for learning English ( 活 动 主 旨 ) , an English listening contest (活动)is going to be held at in our school hall (活动地点) on October 30th (活动时间). Contestants are required to get prepared in advance, such as practicing listening by yourself (活动要求). All entries must be submitted through our school website (报名地点) by October 10 (截止时间) . All the results of the contest (参赛内容) will be graded carefully by our foreign teachers. Winners of the contest will be awarded with specific certificates as an encouragement(颁发奖品). Those who show their keen interests in the contest will be highly appreciated. Keenly anticipate your participation. Student Union 二 、倡议书 1. 基本模板 标题 Dear ______ ( 称谓) It is common to see that ______(陈述现象). Not only ______, but also______ ( 现象的影响). I’m writing to call on us students to ______(呼吁) . Firstly, we are supp

doc文档 专题05 短文类01(通知、倡议书、演讲稿、新闻报道)-2022年新高考英语新题型写作专项解读与训练

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