Unit 1 Back to school 要点精练 Ⅰ. 单词拼写 1. The European marketplace offers excellent ____________ (潜能) for increasing sales. 2. It took him a long time to ____________(获得) the skills he needed to become a good dancer. 3. We must make the most efficient use of the available financial ____________(资源). 4. The new government’s first ____________(挑战) is the economy. 5. Her husband became much more ____________ (积极的) and was soon back in full-time employment. 6. If you want to pass your exams you’d better change your ____________(态度)! 7. His wife’s death disturbed the ____________(平衡) of his mind. 8. They are making a lot of claims for ____________(改善) working conditions. 9. The minister refused to comment on ____________ (个人的)cases. 10. He still felt ____________(有责任的) for her death. 11. Each exercise ____________(聚焦) on a different grammar point. 12. Tell me the main points now; leave the ____________(细节) till later. 13. His ____________ (建议)that the system should be changed was rejected. 14. The artist combines different ____________(技巧) in the same painting. 15. She got a bank loan to rent and equip a small ____________(车间). 16. Most of the people on the course were ____________(职业的) women. 17. She’s collecting ____________(材料) for her latest novel. 18. I had seen the ____________(海报) for the jazz festival in Monterey. 19. I was very interested in your English drama club when I saw your picture ____________ (海报). 20. Here are some ____________(技巧) on how to learn Chinese. 21. We were all attracted by his ____________ (技艺)and felt proud of the folk art. 22. I’m writing to ask for a valuable chance to be a ____________ (主持人)in your English Society. 23. When having some ____________(困难的) problems, you might consider asking your teachers for help. 24. We have special textbooks about Chinese classics and ____________(专业的)teachers. 25. As a national treasure, Kungfu has hundreds of different ____________ (类型). 26. That day’s ____________ (生物)class was the most interesting in a long time. 27. As for the Chinese reading ____________ (材料), I strongly recommend Chinese Folk Tales to you. 28. Some people like to add honey to their ____________ (布丁). Ⅱ. 单句语法填空 1. He was looking forward ____________ working with the new manager. 2. Mary’s brother is my schoolmate, but two years senior ____________ my grade. 3. Building a home from scratch can be both exciting and ____________ (challenge). 4. We all need to better understand the ____________ (think)of the other side. 5. You really must try to start thinking ____________ (positive). 6. Her grandfather guided her to ____________(acquire)a love for her homeland. 7. It was ____________ (amaze)how my mother coped with bringing up three children on less than thirty dollars a week. 8. ____________ (confident)is the key to success. 9. The hotel has special ____________ (facility)for welcoming disabled people. 10. The programme presented a ____________ (balance)view of the two sides of the conflict. 11. Shall we hold another round of talk next week ____________(focus) on some technical problems? 12. The sleeves covered his hands to the ____________ (tip)of his fingers. 13. The 350-page report was based ____________ statements from witnesses to the events. 14. His music is commercial. It is aimed ____________ the masses. 15. If it’s a legal matter you need to seek ____________ (profession) advice. 16. I managed to stick ____________ the diet and keep off sweet foods. 17. We should offer to remind our relatives and friends as well as our parents ____________ (save)energy. 18. The rainforest in Brazil is reducing at an ____________ (alarm)rate. 19. There are all kinds of short courses, so you can visit the website for ____________ (detail) information. 20. ____________ (unfortunate), his daughter was injured seriously in a car accident. 21. ____________ (join)this club can give you a taste of Chinese traditional art forms. 22. ____________ (base)on the above, I hope more and more students will join in this activity. 23. Of course you can also visit other tourist ____________ (attract)by yourself. 24. I made a ____________ (propose)that we should plant more trees in our campus. 25. They had no choice but ____________ (leave)their home. 26. Let’s take action and make some ____________(contribute) to our school’s environmental protection. Ⅲ. 完成句子 1. You should always believe that if you keep working hard, you will have a _____________________. 你要坚信, 只要你坚持努力学习就会有一个光明的未来。 2. The children ___________

doc文档 01 Unit 1 Back to school【要点精练】-2021-2022学年高一英语单元复习过过过(译林牛津版2020必修第一册)

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