湖南省长沙市麓山国际实验学校 2018-2020 年(三年)七年级上学期期中考试英语试题分类汇 编 阅读理解 湖南省长沙市麓山国际实验学校 2020-2021 学年七年级上学期期中考试英语 试卷 III. 阅读技能 (四部分,共 24 小题,记 48 分) 第一节 图表理解 阅读下列图表,从每题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答 问题或完成句子。(共 5 小题,记 10 分) A 41. This is a _______ ID card. A. student B. teacher C. classmate 42.What’s the name of the student? A. Maryland. B. John Doe. B C. American. Lost: A white watch Lost: A schoolbag I lost it in the morning. It’s very notebook in it. I lost it on the way to school. My important for me. My name is Jane. name is Sally. E-mail me at sally321@163.com. My telephone number is 416-3592. Found: A school uniform (校服) Found: A dictionary I found a school uniform on the playground this afternoon. It is blue A red English-Chinese dictionary is in the school library. Is it yours? Please call Alan at 485-7700. and white. Is it yours? You can call 43. If you find a white watch, it may (也许)be __ A. Jane’s B. Henry’s . C. Alan’s 44. If(假如) you lose your school uniform, you can call A. 416-3592 B. 439-6175 to ask. C. 485-7700 45. Which of the following is TRUE (正确的)? A.The watch was lost in the afternoon. B.The uniform is blue. C. Sally lost her schoolbag. 第二节 短文理解 阅读下列短文,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答 问题或完成句子。(共 10 小题,记 20 分) A My English name is Helen. I'm 12. I’m from ( 来 自 ) Beijing. Tracy is 13. She is from London. Her last name is Smith. We are good friends. Tracy likes China and she has a pen friend in Shanghai. My phone number is 932-7706. Tracy’s phone number is 899-7724. Tracy and I are in Paris(巴黎) now. We are in a middle school here. I like music very much. I often sing songs with my friends in my free time. I give (给) Tracy a map of the school. She likes it. Tracy likes the color blue. Her cup, pens and jacket are blue. I like purple. My ruler, cup and phone are purple. 46. Tracy is from ______. A. Beijing B. Shanghai C. London 47. The underlined(加下划线的) word “music” is in Chinese. A. 画画 B. 音乐 C. 体育 48. Helen likes the color ______. A. purple B. blue C. green 49. What’s the same (相同的) about Helen and Tracy? A. They are 13. B. They are in Paris. C. They like English. 50. What can we know from the passage? A. Helen’s last name. B. Tracy’s telephone number. C. The name of Tracy’s school. B Do you know that the color words have other meanings (意义) ? Now let me tell you. First, some color words can be people's last names, such as Brown, Black, Green,White and Red. Second, some color words have interesting meanings. For example, blue means unhappy. A green hand means you are new to something. Black sheep mean bad people in a group( 队). Black coffee means coffee without (没有)milk. White coffee is coffee with milk. People tell a white lie (谎言)because they want to be kind(亲切). A white elephant is not an elephant but expensive (昂 贵的) and useless(无用)things. 51.Which isn’t someone's last name? A.Yellow. B.Brown. C.Black 52.When you have a bad day, you feel (感觉) A.happy B.blue . C.red 53. What does the underlined(加下划线的) words “a green hand” mean in Chinese? A. 新手 B. 害群之马 C.善意的谎言 54.According to(根据) the passage, which of the following is NOT true? A.Color words are interesting. B. Black sheep do not have a good meaning. C.A white lie means expensive and useless things. 55. What is the best title(最佳标题) of this passage? A. The other meanings. B. Color words. C. Brown, black, green and white. 第三节 语篇补全 阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全短 文。选项中有一项为多余选项。(共 4 小题,记 8 分) Hello! My name is Anna. I’m 13 years old and I’m a girl from the USA. My grandparents live with us. 57 56 . They are 70 years old but healthy. Look at the two photos of them. The first one is black and white. They look happy in it. 58 There are three people in it. They’re my grandparents and my father. He looks 15 years old in it. Now my parents have three children. They are my two brothers, Tim and David, and me.Tim is only 3. David is a seven-month baby. My father has a sister. Her name is Olivia and she is my aunt. 59 Their names are Richard and William and they are my uncles. I also have a pet called Phil. He is a black dog. I love my family and my dog. A. And the next one is a color photo. B. My mother has two brothers. C. I have a big family. D. My brothers are in the family photo. E. They are good to me. 第四节 阅读表达 阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。(共 5 小题,记 10 分) I am Frank Green. I'm now a Grade Seven student in No.10 Middle School. Now let me tell you something about my favorite teacher. My favorite teacher is Mrs. Brown. She is

doc文档 湖南省长沙市麓山国际实验学校2018-2020年(三年)七年级上学期期中考试英语试题分类汇编:阅读理解

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