58 北京冬奥会冠军武大靖 2022 年中考英语时文热点话题题型专练 武大靖:实力是证明的最好方式 2018 年 2 月 22 日,平昌冬奥短道速滑男子 500 米决赛,武大靖以 39 秒 584 的成绩打破世 界纪录强势夺冠,为中国赢得平昌冬奥首枚金牌,也是中国男子短道速滑队在冬季奥运会上的 首枚金牌,同时也是 2018 平昌冬奥会中国代表团的唯一一枚金牌。 武大靖在 500 米决赛中第一个滑过终点线,干干净净,没有任何身体接触,没有给对手和裁 判留任何不公平判罚的机会。赛后,央视解说员的评论也不禁让受够了委屈的中国运动员们泪 洒现场,“武大靖用最酣畅淋漓的方式,最霸气的方式赢得了这场比赛。” 其实我们知道,在此前的比赛中,无论武大靖还是中国军团,都遇到了被判犯规的麻烦 , 甚至遭受了来自裁判和国际滑联的委屈,但武大靖顶住压力,战胜了自己,不仅夺得了自己 奥运 生涯 中的 第一 枚金 牌, 而且 写下 了中 国冰 雪运 动又 一次 突破 ,为 中国 体育 书写 了荣 光。 当面对没有退路没有选择,甚至连公平都没有的时候,唯一的办法就是用远高于对手的 实力去赢得石破天惊。武大靖做到了。武大靖说:“只要我滑得够快,就可以不给裁判和对 手留机会,让裁判挑不出任何毛病!”这句话背后让人动容的不仅仅是出色的实力,更是中 国运动员的品性,大国的风度和大国的尊严。武大靖用行动告诉我们,对抗黑暗的方式,不 是变 坏, 而是 让自 己变 强! 【速用示范 】 在武大靖夺冠之前,几乎场场比赛里中国队员都被以“犯规”而罚出局,连他自己也曾在 之 前 的 10 00 米 比 赛 中 被 判 违 规 而 取 消 继 续 比 赛 的 机 会 。 面 对 中 国 队 金 牌 数 为 零 的 战 绩 , 武 大靖这一次的压力,可想而知。纵观现代体育发展史,武大靖这种在万众期待、压抑阻力中 冲破一切的运动员不在少数。命运置我于深谷,我便借此奋斗出一个绝地反击的奇迹。顶住 压力 迎难 而上 ,压 力 便 会化 为催 人前 行的 动力 。 一、阅读单选 A Know More about the Winter Olympic Games In 1921, the International Olympic Committee decided to hold the 1924 International Winter Sports Week in Chamonix, France, and two years after the event ended, the International Olympic Committee officially recognized the event as the first Winter Olympic Games.The athlete Chares Jutlau from the United States won the first gold medal in the history of the Winter Olympics in the mens 500-meter speed skating. The last Winter Olympic Games were held in Pyeongchang, South Korea, in 2018.Short track speed skater Wu Dajing won the only gold medal for China.The Chinese delegation won a total of nine medals, second only to the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Chinese athletes have achiever the best results in history in many sports. The 24th Winter Olympic Games in 2022 will be held in Beijing and Zhangjiakou. Beijing is the first city to host the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics. The ice project will be held in Beijing. The image ambassador(大使) for this Winter Olympic Games is Shen Xue. The opening ceremony will be held at the Birds Nest.Chinas first participation in the Winter Olympics was the U. S. Lake Plesid Winter Olympics. Chinas first gold medalist at the Winter Olympics was Yang Yang. 1.The first Winter Olympic Games were held in France in ________. 2.A.1921 B.1924 C.1926 D.1928 2.________ won the only gold medal for China at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. A.Wu Dajing B.Zhou Ya C.Yang Yang D.Shen Xue 3.China took part in the Winter Olympics for the first time in ________. A.South Korea B.Canada C.the United States D.France 【答案】 1-3.BAC 【短文分析】 文章主要讲述了 1924 年、2018 年以及 2022 年冬季奥林匹克运动会。 【答案解析】 【第 1 题】 细节理解题。根据 “the International Olympic Committee decided to hold the 1924 International Winter Sports Week in Chamonix, France”国际奥委会决定在法国夏蒙尼举办 1924 年国际冬季运动周。可知, 首届奥林匹克冬季运动会在 1924 年举办。故选 B。 【第 2 题】 细节理解题。根据 “Short track speed skater Wu Dajing won the only gold medal for China.”短道速 滑选手武大靖为中国赢得了唯一一枚金牌。可知,武大靖为中国队赢得了平昌冬奥会唯一的一块金牌。故 选 A。 【第 3 题】细节理解题。根据 “Chinas first participation in the Winter Olympics was the U. S. Lake Plesid Winter Olympics.”中国第一次参加冬奥会是美国的普莱塞德湖冬奥会。可知,中国首次参加冬奥会是在美 国。故选 C。 B The 23th Winter Olympics is commonly known as the 2018 Pyeongchang (平昌) Olympics. It is held from February 9th to February 25th in Pyeongchang County, South Korea. This marks the first time South Korea has hosted the Winter Olympics, and the second time the Olympic games have been held in this country, after the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul(首尔). It also marks the third time East Asia has hosted the Winter Games, after Sapporo, Japan (1972), and Nagano, Japan (1998). It is the first time that three consecutive(连续的) Olympic Games can be held in East Asia. Besides the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympics, the rest two are Tokyo 2020 (Summer) and Beijing 2022(Winter). There are ninety-two teams with at least one athlete to compete in the Games. The top three are the Unites States, Canada and Switzerland in the number of athletes while the top three are Norway, Germany and Canada in the number of medal table. In this Olympics, there is a great person that Chinese, even people around the world must have kept in mind. His name is Wu Dajing, a short track speed skater. He won a gold medal in the Men’s 500 meters, setting an Olympic record and two world records. He became only the second person in history to have skated in less than 40 seconds, after American J.R. Celski. It’s quite sure China will make the next Winter Olympics surprisingly great and many Chinese athletes like Wu will do their best in it. Look forward to Bei

doc文档 58 北京冬奥会冠军武大靖 2022年中考英语时文热点话题题型专练

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