江苏省南京鼓楼区 2019-2021 年三年八年级下学期期末英语试卷分类汇编 阅读填空 江苏省南京市鼓楼区 2020-2021 学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷 六、阅读填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 20 分) A)请认真阅读下列短文,根据所读内容在文章后表格中第 71-80 小题的空格填入一个最 恰当的单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为 71-80 的相应横线上。 注意:每个空格只填 1 个单词。 The Paralympic Games(残奥会) are a part of the Olympics. They happen at the same time as the Olympics, but they are different. The athletes in the Paralympic Games all have disabilities. Some of them have physical disabilities. For example, they might be blind, or they might need wheelchairs. Other people have intellectual disabilities. On 29 July 1948, the day of the Opening Ceremony( 开 幕 式 ) of the London Olympic Games, Dr Guttmann organized the first competition for wheelchair athletes. He named it the Stoke Mandeville Games. It was a milestone( 里 程 碑 ) event in Paralympic history. Sixteen soldiers who were hurt in World War II took part in archery(射箭). The Stoke Mandeville Games later became the Paralympic Games which first took place in Rome, Italy, in 1960. About 400 athletes from 23 countries played in eight sports. Since then they have taken place every four years. People who weren’t soldiers were allowed to play in the games for the first time. In 1976, the Paralympic Games grew bigger. The 1976 Paralympic Games had swimming, table tennis, volleyball, and 10 other sports. The Games saw 1,657 Para athletes from 40 countries take part. This year the first Paralympic Winter Games took place in Sweden, with only two sports —skiing and ice sledge racing. The most recent Paralympic Games took place in Rio in 2016. It had 22 sports and 4,328 (2,657 men and 1,671 women) athletes from 159 countries. About 2. 15 million people watched the games at the stadiums. It set a record( 创 纪 录 ) of 4. 1 billion TV viewers. The Paralympic Games are to give people confidence. Many Paralympic athletes can show other disabled people that if they work hard and don’t give up, they can do anything they want to do. The Paralympic Games Introduction The Paralympic Games are The athletes with 71 at the same time as the Olympics. 72 take part in the Paralympic Games . The Paralympic Games came 74 the Stoke Mandeville Games in1948. The 75 Paralympic Games took place in Rome, in1960. 73 From 76 on people who weren’t soldiers could play in the games. The 77 of athletes and events rose in the 1976 Paralympic Games. The first Paralympic Winter Games had only two sports, 78 skiing and ice sledge racing. The Rio Paralympic Games in 2016 had the 79 TV viewers. Purpose The Paralympic Games are to give people confidence. They also give Paralympic athletes a 80 to achieve their best. B)请根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为 81-90 的相应位置上。 One morning there was a loud knock at Dean ( 牧 师 ) Swift’s door. The servant ( 仆 人 ) opened it. A man handed her a fine duck and said, “Here’s a present for the Dean. It’s from Mr. Boyle. ” Then he walked a 81 . Mr. Boyle was a sporting neighbour and he was a fan of Dean Swift. The next time, the man brought a quail. “Here’s s 82 else for the Dean,” he said simply, and threw it to the servant. “That man has no m 83 ,” the servant complained. “The next time he comes,” said the Dean, “let me know, and I will go to the door. ” It was not long u 84 the man came with a present. The Dean went to the door. “This is Mr. Boyle’s rabbit,” said the man. “See here,” said the Dean in a s 85 voice, “that is not the way to send a message. Just walk inside and pretend ( 假 装 ) that you are Dean Swift. I will go out and pretend that I am bringing him a present. ” The man a 86 and he walked inside. The Dean took the rabbit and went out. Then he knocked gently at the door. The door was o 87 by the man. The Dean bowed ( 鞠躬) and said, “If you please, sir, Mr. Boyle’s compliments ( 致意), and he wishes you could a 88 this fine rabbit. ” “Oh, thank you,” said the man very politely. Then, he gave the Dean a shilling (先令<货币单位>). “And here is something for your trouble. ” The lesson in manners was not forgotten; the man was always very p 89 when he brought the presents. And the Dean always gives the man a “tip” for his problem. Jonathan Swift, often called Dean Swift, was famous as a w 90 . Among other books he wrote Gulliver’s Travels. 答案: (A)任务型阅读 71. held 72. disabilities 73. History 74. from 75. first 76. then 77. number 78. including 79. most 80. chance (B)首字母填空 81. away 82. something 83. manners 84. until 85. serious 86. agreed 87. opened 88. accept 89. polite 90. writer 江苏省南京鼓楼区 2019-2020 学

doc文档 江苏省南京鼓楼区2019-2021年三年八年级下学期期末英语试卷分类汇编:阅读填空

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