期末专项训练——游览天下 2020-2021 江苏牛津译林版八年级下册 A) Walking into the " Monument Valley”走进“纪念碑谷” Do you like the famous game Monument Valley( 《纪念碑谷》 )? 1 you do, La Muralla Roja is surely a paradise for you. La Muralla Roja is in Calpe, a coastal( 沿海的)town in Spain. It was built many years ago but became 2 only in recent years. In Spanish, La Muralla Roja 3"red wall". 4,most of the buildings are pink. A lot of stairs and 5 connect the buildings. They are different tones( 色调)of blue. The place looks just like a 6 from Monument Valley. La Muralla Roja is high on a cliff(悬崖).So visitors can 7 a wonderful view of the beach of Calpe from there. On a clear day, they can also 8 rocks in the Mediterranean(地中海).But 9 attracts travellers most are the buildings, stairs and bridges. Many people go there to10 pictures. Andres Albajar, a photographer, 11 the place last summer. He said, “ Maybe you have 12 many pictures of it. However, you can't 13 feeling very excited when you walk into it." Summer is coming. Are you 14 a trip to Europe? Perhaps La Muralla Roja is a good 15 for you. You`ll enjoy yourself when you visit it. )1.A. BecauseB. IfC. WhenD. Until )2.A. cleanB. secretC. popularD. terrible )3.A. pollutesB. separatesC. fitsD. means )4. A. HoweverB. ButC.OrD. So )5. A. treesB. wallsC. rocksD. bridges 6. A. sceneB. mountainC. coverD. coast )7. A. missB. feelC. enjoyD. report 8. A.seeB. touchC. removeD. offer )9. A. whenB. whatC. whereD. which )10. A. takeB, drawC. buyD. enjoy )11. A passedB. sawC. rememberedD. visited )12. A. takenB. seenC. boughtD. thrown )13. A. mindB. finishC. helpD. continue )14. A. offeringB. refusingC. avoidingD. planning )15.A. choiceB. natureC. buildingD. block B) Top 5 diving spots in Sanya 位列三亚前五的潜水地 Sanya in South China's Hainan Province is considered as one of the best diving resorts in the South Pacific Ocean The followings are the top five places for diving in the city. Wuzhizhou Island Wuzhizhou Island is regarded as the best place in Hainan Province for underwater diving. It is ome of the few islands in the world without rocks or pebbles (鹅卵石). Yalong Bay The underwater world at Yalong Bay is one of the earliest diving bases in Sanya. It is one of the best sog spots in China to carry out undersea tourism, with the world's largest and most complete soft coral. Xidao Island Xidao Island is shaped like a turtle living in the tropical( 热带的)area. It is also the largest of asenies small islands in Sanya. Dadonghai Bay Dadonghai Bay is embraced by hills on thee sides. The area enjoys agreeable weather all year round, with the water temperature keeping about 20 even in winter. Fenjiezhou Island Femjiezhou Island is also called the Sleeping Beauty Island for what it looks like from afar. It is the only site in the country that allows visitors to dive with dolphins. Tips for underwater diving: 1. The best time for diving is in the morning, when the sun is shining and visibility is better underwater 2. Applicants who are in good health and over 7 years old are eligible to dive. 3. People who are drunk or have heart disease, asthma( 哮 喘 ),high blood pressure, or otitis media(中弭 炎)are nod allowed to dive. 4. Earplugs are forbidden to be used when diving. 5. Be sure to travel with your diving instructor. 6. Several gestural languages must be mastered before diving: OK, going up, going down, uncomfortable poisonous living creatures, and no touching. 1.Wyou want to see the world's largest and most complete soft coral, you can go to A.Wuzhizhou Island B. Yalong Bay C. Xidao Island D. Dadonghai Bay )2.In ,the water temperature keeps about 209C even in winter. A. Wuhizhou Island B. Yalong Bay C. Xidao Island D. Dadonghai Bay 3. Fenjiezhou Island looks like a from afar. A.rock B, turtle C. sleeping beauty D. dolphin )4. The best time for diving in Sanya is A. in the morning B. at noon C. in the afternoon D. at night 5.Gesoural languages wnicn must be mastered before diving include the following EXCEPI A. OKB. going on C. uncomfortable D. no touching C) The best places for travelling alone 最适合独自旅行的地方 Travelling alone can be more interesting than travelling with someone else. You can decide what you want to do and change your mind as often as you want. If you aren't sure where to go, read my list of the four best places to travel alone. A big part of Australian culture is solo(单独的)travel. You can easily get around Australia. The Australian cities are quite safe and there are many things to do, especially in Sydney. Y

doc文档 期末专项训练——游览天下(无答案)2020-2021学年江苏牛津译林版英语八年级下册

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