U1 热衷于,喜欢 1. be keen on = be interested in =be fond of+sth./doing sth.=like+sth./doing very much 在……的末尾 2. at the end of 在……的开头 at the beginning of … 最后 3. in the end = finally = at last 4. a boy called Jon 一个叫 Jon 的男孩 5. write to sb = write a letter to sb 写信给某人 收到某人的来信 6. hear from sb. = receive/ get a letter from sb. 7. in a magazine/newspaper/book 在杂志上/报纸上/书上 8. would like / love to do = want to do 想要做… 9. tell you sth. about myself 告诉你关于我的事情 一米五高 10. one and a half metres tall = one metre and a half tall 11. own a Chinese restaurant nearby 拓展:on one’s own = by oneself n + of one’s own = one’s own + n 在附近拥有一家中餐馆 独自地 属于某人自己的 在一所大学工作 12. work in a college 13. want to be an accountant 想成为一名会计 14. come back = return 返回 return =give back 15. walk to school=go to school on foot 归还 走路去学校 16. enjoy skiing and playing table tennis 喜欢滑雪和打乒乓 17. enclose a photo of myself 随函附上一张我自己的照片 18. My ambition is to be an architect. 我的目标是成为一名建筑师。 19. My hobby is playing chess. 我的爱好是下棋。 20. look for pen friends 寻找笔友 21. think of some questions 考虑几个问题 22. like listening to pop music 喜欢听流行音乐 23. learn to play the guitar 学着弹吉他 24. be close to the mountains 在大山边上 25. share a room with my sister 和我妹妹共住一间房间 26. attend school = go to school 去学校 27. on weekdays 在工作日 28. at weekends 在周末 29. all over the world = throughout the world 在全世界 30. I don’t think Mandy will write to Anna, will she? Anna。 我认为 Mandy 不会写信给 31. a university teacher 一位大学教师 32. a European girl 33. on the roof of the house 一位欧洲的女孩 在屋顶 U2 1.succeed in doing sth = be successful in doing sth 成功做什么 2.in our daily life 在日常生活中 3.once or twice a week 一周一两次 4.be different from... 与……不同 5.be the same as... 与……相同 6.expect to do sth. 期待做某事 7.find out the truth 找出真相 8.must be one of the top students 肯定是尖子生之一 can’t be(否定推测) 9.be similar to... 10.put on my school uniform 不可能是 与……相似 穿上校服 11.have a family business 有一个家族企业 12.be popular with young people 在年轻人中很受欢迎 13.the manager of the company 公司经理 manage the company 14.be responsible for=be in charge of=take charge of be in the charge of 经营公司 对……负责 在……掌管之下 15.in one’s own car 乘某人自己的车 16.drive me to school 开车送我去学校 17.make phone calls to sb =call /telephone/phone sb 给某人打电话 18.on the way to school(home) 在去学校/回家的路上 19. achieve A grades in all my subjects 各门学科都得 A 20. discuss the business over breakfast 早餐期间讨论公司业务 21.fail (in)= not pass=be not able to pass an exam 在考试中不及格 22.collect me from school=pick me up from school 从学校接我 23.join a club 加入一个俱乐部 24.have a meeting 举行一次会议 25. attend Computer Club meetings 出席电脑俱乐部会议 26. ask me to assist them 请我帮助他们 27. continue doing something=go on doing something 继续做某事 continue to do something 继续做另外一件事 28.take us to visit interesting places 带我们去参观有趣的地方 29.never get bored 从未感到厌倦 30. repeat the answer to the question 重复问题的答案 31.need much sleep 需要很多睡眠 过健康的生活 32.live a healthy life 33. do physical exercise 进行身体锻炼 U3 处理麻烦 1. deal(dealt-dealt ) with trouble how to deal with/what to do with... be in trouble 如何处理...(两种) 处于困难中 have trouble in doing sth. 在... have trouble with sth. 某事有困难 get sb. into trouble 方面有困难 使某人陷入困境; 2. hear a big argument 听见一阵争吵声 3. two women tourists 两名女游客 4. shout at each other 相互叫嚷 5.say quietly= say in a low voice 轻声说 6.What’s going on/happening/up? 发生什么事? sth. happen to sb. 某事发生在某人身上 happen to do sth.  碰巧做某事 7.steal (stole, stolen) sb sth = steal sth from sb 偷了某人某物 8.hold out a bag 拿出一只包 9.notice sb doing/ do sth. 注意到某人做某事 10. stare at the crowd 看着人群 11.be gone 不在了;走了 12. move through the crowd 穿过人群 walked across the road carefully 小心过马路 匆忙赶往某地 13.hurry to sp = go/get to sp. in a hurry 匆忙离开/赶快 hurry up/hurry off 14. go after him= follow him 跟着他 15. hurry aboard 匆忙登上甲板 16. be afraid of the man 害怕那个人 be afraid of sth/doing sth 害怕/(做)某事 be afraid to do 害怕/(做)某事 be afraid + that 从句 害怕/(做)某事 给出更多的细节 17. give more details 详细地 in detail 18.meet the ferry 拦截那班轮渡 19. want to report a theft 想举报一起偷窃事件 20.as we walked by 当我们经过时 21. Well done! 干得好! 22. lift something up 把……拎起来 23. see a robbery 看见一起抢劫事件 记得在一家服装店逮捕过一名小偷 24. remember arresting a thief in a clothes shop 25. release him 把他释放 26. smuggle some rare birds 走私一些珍稀动物 27. fight for freedom 为自由而战 宁愿(不)做某事 28. would rather(not) do sth. U4 1.odd numbers 奇数 2.even numbers 偶数 3.calculate percentages and square roots 计算百分比和平方根 4.call the brain a living

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