第一章 模块同步 第 17 讲 M5U3 知识点梳理 【词汇梳理】 一、词汇拼写过关 1. It is reported that our country has made a (突破) in space science. 2. Yesterday afternoon she came to see me with the (意图) of getting my help. 3. It is well-known that taking a walk every day can b 4. As far as I know, he is a kind teacher but s 5. Having made great efforts, they s 6. The government has made an our health. with his students. in saving the people trapped in the fire. (宣布) that the new law will come into effect on the first day of next year. 7. That the final exam will be very difficult has caused much 8. She got hold of the branch in a (忧虑) among the students. (拼命的) attempt to save herself. 9. The people in the disaster area believe under the leadership of the government everything will return to n . 10. The teacher p Mary for her rapid progress in English. 11. I think being a teacher by (职业) is a very glorious thing. 12.If you see a mobile phone for a long time, you will suffer from its 13. To c (辐射). , I wish all of you a Happy New Year. Thank you all! 14. Poor as he is, he promises to save his daughter’s life at all c 15. The government . (提倡) late marriage and late childbirth to control the population. 16. I don’t want to eat rice. Is there any (可供选择的)food? 17. Since you are well prepared for the match, you will 18. This scientist has made great achievements in the f 19.The child b 20. Your j (肯定地) win it. of medicine. well at school, which pleases his parents very much. of the present international situation is very reasonable. 答案: 1.breakthrough 6.announcement 11.profession 16.alternative 二、同义句转换 2.intention 7.anxiety 12.radiation 17.definitely 3.benefit 8.desperate 13.conclude 14.costs 18.field 19.behaves 4.strict 5.succeeded 9.normal 10.praised 15.advocated 20.judgments 1. Although he researches cloning, his intention has never been to... Although he _______ ______ ________cloning, his intention has never been to... 2. Instead, he thinks research efforts should concentrate on creating new tissues and organs that... Instead, he thinks research efforts should _______ _______creating new tissues and organs that... 3. I’m desperate to have a child of my own. I’m _________\_________ to have a child of my own. 4. China has succeeded in producing clones of cows and goats, and ...ways in which cloning can benefit mankind. China has __________ _________ ________ _________ clones of cows and goats, and ...ways in which cloning can ________ _______ ________ mankind. 5. The human race is using up Earth’s resources. The human race _________ __________ ________ _________ Earth’s resources. Earth’s resources ________ ________ _________ _______________ by The human race. Earth’s resources _________ _________ ___________ 6.I would like to comment on your article “The perfect copy”. I would like to __________ _________ _________ your article “The perfect copy”. 7. I think the scientific adventure mentioned in your article are fantastic. I think the scientific adventure ________ _________ in your article are fantastic. I think the scientific adventure ________ _______ ______ in your article are fantastic.(用定从) 8. I am in complete agreement with human cloning. I _________ _________ ___________ human cloning. 9. Sally worked late in the evening to finish her report so that she could hand in it in time. Sally worked late in the evening to finish her report ________ _______ _______hand in it in time. 10. It snowed heavily so that the crops ruined. The crops ruined ______ _______ ________ ________ the heavy snow. 11. As he was not seen by anyone, Jim stole the money. _____ ______ by anyone, Jim stole the money. 答案: 1.does researches on 2.focus on 3.anxious/eager 4.been successful in producing, be beneficial to 5.is running out of, is being used up, is running out 6.make comments on 7.referred to, which is mentioned 8.completely agree with 9.in order to 10.as a result/consequence of 11.Not seen 【知识点梳理】 Part1 重点词组及短语 1. the worlds first cloned mamma 世界上第一个克隆哺乳动物 2. cause much debate round the world 起了全世界的很多争论 3. on the one hand,on the other hand 一方面,另一方面 4. point out 指出 5. produce valuable human tissue 制造有价值的人类组织 6. toy with 玩弄 7. on one’s way to doing sth. 接近做某事 8.an exact copy of a plant or an animal 一个植物或者动物的精确复制品 9. lead to more disease 导致更多的疾病 10. in general 总体上 11. be praised for their wonderful scientific advance 因为他们杰出的科学进步被表扬 12. concentrate on...集中注意力于……13. create new tissues and organ 创造新的组织和器官 14. with the in

doc文档 第一章第17讲-M5U3Science and nature知识点梳理-备战2021年高考英语一轮复习必过知识点(牛津版)

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