仁爱版九年级 Unit1 英语语法现在完成时专项练习题 一、 写出下列动词的过去分词。 1 be 2 have 3.send 5 hear 6 dream 7 sell 9 grow 10 watch 11 enjoy 4.forget 8 show 12 invite 二、选择最佳答案。 ( )1 . I _____ at this school for two years. A. am studying B. study C. have studied ( )2 They _________ in the city since last summer. A. live B. . live C. have lived ( )3. – Where is Mr. Liu? ----- He _______the library. A. has been to B. has gone to C. has been in ( )4 Mrs. Wang has lived in Haikou _________ 1992. A. since B. from C. after ( )5. He _______ his homework and is now listening to music. A.. finishes B. has finished C. finish ( )6 I like Hainan. I ________there for three times. A. went B. have been C . have gone ( )7 Have you ever _____ a competition? A enter B entered C entering ( )8“_____ you ______ the film yet?” “Yes, I _______ it last Saturday.” A. .Did …see/saw B. Have…seen/ have seen C. Have…seen/ saw ( )9 Miss Brown _______ to the Great Wall twice. A. have been B. has been C. has gone ( )10 He has a computer of his own. He ____ it two days ago A. bought B. buy C. has bough Shandong for ten years. ( )11.My parents A. have been in B. have been to C. have gone to ( )12 The film ____ for half an hour. A. has been on B. has begun C. began the latest news already. ( )13 We A hear B heard C hearing ( )14 His father _______ for years. A. has died B. has been dead C. died ( )15 ---- Would you like some more food ?----Thank you. I _______ enough. A. will have B. have had C. have ( )16 He tells me he________ China for over five years. A. has gone to B. has been in C. has been to ( )17 I ______ this book for a week .I have to return it now. A. borrowed B. have borrowed C. . have kept ( )18 . ---What a nice bike! How lone ____ you ____ it ----Just five weeks. A. will; buy B. did; buy C. have; had ( )19. Kate’s never seen Chinese films,____ ?   A. hasn’t she  B. has she  C. isn’t she  D. is she ( )20. -Ann has gone to Shanghai. -So ______her parents.   A. has  B. had  C. did  D. have 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. I____ already ____ (see) the film. I ________ (see) it last week. 2. _____ he ____ (finish) his work today? Not yet. 3. My father ____ just ____ (come) back from work. He is tired now. 4. Where’s Li Ming ? He __________ (go) to the teacher’s office. 5. I __________ (work) here since I ______ (move) here in 1999. 6. So far I _______________(make) quite a few friends here. 7. How long ________ the Wangs ______________(stay) here ? For two weeks. 8. I ________ just ___________ (finish) my homework. 9.I (be)to shanghai for several times. 10.____ you ______ (find) your science book yet? 11. Where are the boy students ? They _____ to the school factory.(go) 12. We __________just ___________(talk) about you. 13 . They __________(watch) the TV play three times. 14. Most of us __________(finish)our compositions already 15. He __________(not visit) Beijing yet 四、 句型转换。 1、They have never worked, ?(改成反意疑问句) 2、They have been here for ten years. (对划线部分提问) 3、The old man _________ last year. He for a year. (work) (动词填空) 4、This factory opened twenty years ago.(同义句转换) This factory ________ for twenty years. 5、Miss Gao left an hour ago. (同义句转换) Miss Gao ________ _______ ________since an hour ago. 6、Her mother has been a Party member for three years .(同义句)   Her mother _______ the Party three years ago 7、The Green Family moved to France two years ago. (改为否定句) The Green family to France two years ago. 8、The bus has arrived here. (改为一般疑问句) ___________________________________________ 9. I have been to Macau before. (改为否定句) I _________ _________ been to Macau 10. He hasn’t come to school because he was ill. (就划线部分提问) ______ hasn’t he come to before. school?

doc文档 仁爱版九年级Unit1 英语语法现在完成时专项练习题(无答案)

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