必修 5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom(B 卷) 滚动提升检测 (全卷共四大题,满分 100 分。请在 40 分钟内完成) 班级____________学号____________姓名____________得分____________ 一、阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项。(共 10 小题;每小 题 2 分,满分 20 分) A These three countries used to have their own government. Today they are part of Britain. However, they have kept their original language, which is called Gaelic. Many of their people can speak both English and Gaelic. The modern name for the Gaelic language in Northern Ireland is Irish (Northern Ireland can be most of the time directly called Ireland). In Scotland, it is Scottish and in Wales, it is Welsh. It is the same name as the people, for the Scottish people speak the Scottish language. In Scotland there is a castle and major city called Edinburgh. Often there is a performance by bagpipers, who are musicians playing traditional Scottish music on the bagpipes (风笛). The traditional clothing is a kilt (苏格兰短 裙), which is worn by men but looks like a woman’s skirt. It must be short, stopping at the knees, for these musicians must walk as they play. In one of their lakes which is called a loch, people believe they have seen a monster that looks very much like a Chinese dragon. The lake’s name is Ness so they call this creature the Loch Ness Monster. There is a world-famous poet from Scotland. His name is Robert Burns and his poems are found in many English books for students. Ireland’s capital city is Dublin. It was here that Saint Patrick taught the Irish people about God. The people loved their teacher and when a church was built many years later, they called it Saint Patrick’s Church. In the town of Killarney, there is a Blarney Castle. It is said that there is a magic stone there and whoever kisses this stone will be given the gift of eloquence (口才). The United States President John F. Kennedy is descended from the Irish Kennedy family. He had the gift of eloquence. Cardiff is the capital of Wales. Though this is a very small country, it has produced two well-known people. They are the poet Dylan Thomas and the actor Richard Burton. Ireland and Wales are both known for their love of music. Ireland has produced professional dancers who tour the world. Wales has strong singers in both men’s and women’s voices. 1. Scottish bagpipers must march when they play so they wear _________. A. a kilt B. a skirt C. a dress D. short trousers 2. If you kiss the Blarney Stone in Killarney, you will receive the gift of _________. A. humor B. intelligence C. speaking well D. wisdom 3. The Loch Ness Monster has been seen in _________. A. the ocean B. a river C. the mountains D. a lake 4. It can be inferred from the passage that _________. A. Scotland, Ireland, Wales have their own government today B. the Scotland people are very fond of their kilt C. scientists believe the Loch Ness Monster really exists D. John F. Kennedy is one of the Irish Kennedy family members 5. Which of the following can be the best title of the passage? A. Cities in the UK B. Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales C. Stories about Scotland, Ireland, Wales D. The United Kingdom [助读词汇] monster n. 怪物 tour vt. 在……作巡回演出 dragon n. 龙 have the gift of… 有……的天赋 the Loch Ness Monster 尼斯湖水怪 be descended from 为……的后裔 B In Europe, men do not usually wear skirts. But the Scottish national clothing for men is a kind of skirt. It is called a kilt. The Scottish like to be different. They are also proud of their country and its history, and they feel that the kilt is part of that history. That’s why the men still wear kilts at traditional dance and on national holidays. They believe they are wearing the same clothes that Scottish men always used to wear. That’s what they believe. However, kilts are not really so old. Before 1703, Scottish men wore a long shirt and blanket around their shoulders. These clothes got in the way when the men started to work in factories. So, in 1730 a factory owner changed the blanket into a skirt — the kilt. That’s how the first kilt was made. Then, in the late 1700s Scottish soldiers in the British Army began to wear kilts. One reason for this was national feelings: The Scottish soldiers wanted to be different from the English soldiers. The British Army probably had a different reason: A Scottish soldier in a kilt was always easy to find! The Scottish soldiers fought very hard and became famous. The kilt was part of the fame, and in the early 1800s men around Scotland began to wear kilts. These kilts had colorful stripes (条纹) going

doc文档 必修5 Unit 2 The United Kingdom-B卷 滚动提升检测-2021年高考英语一轮总复习单元滚动双测卷(人教版)

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