英语期中复习讲义 初一下 目录 成就/Achievement 章节/Section 标题/Title 第一章 核心语法 页码/Page number s YES N0 1 数词 时态 代词 名词所有格 冠词 介词 YES N0 第二章 易错句法 6 “花费”句型 交通方式表达法 there be 句型 like 句型 建议表达法 “玩得开心” 系表结构 & 动副词结构 情景对话 hope 句 型 特殊疑问句 祈使句+一般将来时 It is + adj. for/of sb. to do sth. YES N0 第三章 高频词法 11 音标 worry own invite share 不定代词 afraid look 短语 pre pare ready lucky famous other the other others another 名词 YES N0 第四章 非谓语动词 核心词单 17 7B U1 核心词单 7B U2 核心词单 7B U3 核心词单 7B U4 核心词单 YES N0 第五章 真题演练 2016-2017 初 一 下 树人 2016-2017 初一下 育英二外 期中测试卷 2016-2017 初一下 金陵汇文 期中测试卷 2016-2017 初一下 钟英中学 期中测试卷 2016-2017 初 一 下 郑外 YES N0 YES N0 26 期中测试卷 第六章 第七章 期中测试卷 不规则动词变化表 参考答案 57 62 1/ 73 第一章 核心语法 本章进步目标 ★★★★★☆ Level 5 2/ 73 一、数词 1. volunteers will take part in the Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing this summer vacation. A. Ten thousands B. Thousand of C. Ten thousands of D. Thousands of 2. the students will go to the island for the picnic. A. Three hundreds of B. Three hundred C. Three hundred of D. Hundreds of 3. The new bridge is about long. A. six hundred meter B. six hundred meters’ C. six-hundred-meter D. six hundred meters 4. The homework for today is to write composition about your father. A. a five hundred word B. a five-hundred-words C. a five hundred words D. a five-hundred-word 5. People live a hard life . A. in the forty B. in their forties C. in forty D. on forties 6. --- Could you please tell me how to read the number 567,043 in English? --- It’s . A. five hundred sixty-seven thousand forty-three B. five hundred sixty-seven thousand and forty-three C. five hundred and sixty-seven thousand forty-three D. five hundred and sixty-seven thousand and forty-three 7. Several (百) families take part in the game. 8. December is the (twelve)month of the year. 9. Amy came (two) in the Maths exam. 10. There is a shopping mall on (twenty) floor. 二、时态 1. --- Where is your brother? --- He has gone to Shanghai. He back in three days. A. will B. comes C. will be D. coming 2. --- Don't forget to give my best wishes to your uncle. --. A. No, I don't. B. No, I won't C. Yes, I do D. Yes, I would. 3. Not only you but also Jack as well as I, going to their English teacher tomorrow. A. are; visit B. is; visit C. am; visit D. are; visiting 4. --- Who buy some flowers for our English teacher? --- Mary is. A. is B. is going to C. will D. are going to 5. --- Why are you in such a hurry? --- There two basketball matches between Class 1 and Class 2 in ten minutes. A. is going to be B. will have C. is going to have D. are going to be 6. Look at the timetable. Hurry up! Flight 4307 (take) off at 18:20. 7. If it (be) fine tomorrow, we (go) outing. 8. Both of my friends (be) sixty years old next years. 9. She listened carefully but (hear) nothing. 10. What you (do) during the coming Sunday? 11. I have to go. Someone (wait) for me at the school gate. 12. Go to the bookshop in the shopping mall, and you (find) a lot of postcards there. 13. Listen!The music (sound) good. 14. Look, Simon with the girls in blue (play) badminton. 15. ---Where is your brother? 3/ 73 --- He has gone to Shanghai. He (be) back in three days. 三、代词 1. --- Does this car belong to ? --- Yes, it’s . A. your; mine B. yours; me C. you; mine 2. --- How many cartons of milk can we buy? --- We can buy . We have no money. A. no one B. nothing C. no 3. There are many new buildings on one side of the rode, and many old buildings on A. the other B. another C. both 4. The new books are for . www.szzx100.com A. him and I B.me and you C. you and me 5. I agree on most of what you said, but I don’t agree with . A. everything B. anything C. something 6. There is with your car. A. nothing seriously wrong B. seriously wrong nothing C. nothing wrong seriously D. wrong seriously nothing 7. Granny doesn’t feel well. She doesn’t like . A. to eat something B. anything to eat C. eating nothing 8. My cousin Nick shares a room a friend of . A. to; him B. with; his C. with; him 9. ---Whose books are those? ---They belong to (she). 10. I ate all (I) sandwiches yesterday. Can I have one of ? (you) 四、所有格 1. Here is a picture of by the sea, but it’s not , it is mine. A. my father; my father B. my father’s; my father’s C. my father; my father’s 2. The shapes the rooms so important. A. of; are B. about; is C. of; is 3. mother usually cooks for at the weekend. A. Lily and Nick; their B. Lily’s and Nick’s; them C. Lily and Nick’s; their 4. --- I’ll give you to finish the work. --- OK. A. two week’s

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