考点 02 七选五——2020 届高三《新题速递·英语》 (1)湖南省五市十校 2019-2020 学年高三上学期第二次联考 Campuses should be safe places for children to learn and develop. However, the movie, Better Days, released on Oct 25 , highlights a serious issue—school bullying. Some experts say people should treat bullying seriously and not regard it as a joke. School bullying involves hurtful words, physical attacks, even sexual violence. 36. In quite a few cases, a child is bullied merely because another sees him/her as being weak in strength or character, and he or she is singled out for violence. That the offenders are just children does not mean bullying is simply high spirits or that the children are just being naughty. 37. and it does not matter how old the perpetrator ( 施暴 者) of the violence is or what form it takes. It is not helpful for parents and teachers to ignore the matter by saying it is a private affair between the children and they can solve it by themselves. 38. All violence should be prevented, and the most effective way of preventing bullying on campus is to call the police and let the professionals deal with it. 39. Bullying is a serious offense. While there may be no visible harm, it can leave invisible scars and wounds that can prove fatal over time. According to data from the United Nations Education, Science, and Culture Organization, over 32 percent of male pupils and 28 per-cent of female pupils suffer from campus violence with many suffering serious emotional and psychological problems as a result. 40. A. Whether verbal or physical, violence is violence. B. The bullying is only verbal insults and not threats. C. That doesn't happen; instead the bullying becomes worse. D. People even in their 50s or 60s may still suffer the hurt of childhood bullying. E. Sometimes bullying can arise out of a quarrel or conflict, but often it arises out of nothing. F. Bullying causes injury to health and makes you ill. How many of these symptoms do you have? G. Especially, in China the role of the police is not only to enforce the law, but also to educate the public about punishments for violations. 【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。文章由一部电影谈到了校园欺凌。校园欺凌的出现很多时候没有任何 原因,虽然校园欺凌施暴者的年龄小,但暴力就是暴力,它会给被施暴者造成情感和心理上的长久影响, 因此老师和家长都不能忽略这个问题。学生在遇到校园暴力时也要积极向警察寻求帮助。 36. E. Sometimes bullying can arise out of a quarrel or conflict, but often it arises out of nothing. (有时欺凌是因 为口角或冲突产生的,但很多时候它的产生没有原因)与 In quite a few cases, a child is bullied merely because another sees him/her as being weak in strength or character, and he or she is singled out for violence. (在 相当多情况下,一个孩子被欺凌仅仅是因为他/她在力量或性格方面软弱,抑或他/她被单独挑出来施暴) 承接自然,选项中的 but often it arises out of nothing 就是下文所提到的内容,故选 E 项。 37. A. Whether verbal or physical, violence is violence.(不论是口头的还是身体的,暴力就是暴力)与下文 it does not matter how old the perpetrator(施暴者)of the violence is or what form it takes.(施暴者的年龄和暴 力形式不重要)承接自然,两句都都是对暴力的定义,故选 A 项。 38.C 上文 It is not helpful for parents and teachers to ignore the matter by saying it is a private affair between the children and they can solve it by themselves.(说这是孩子之间的私事,他们可以自己解决,然后家长和老师 都忽略这件事是没有任何帮助的)与 C. That doesn't happen; instead the bullying becomes worse.(那种事情 不 会 发 生 , 相 反 欺 凌 变 得 更 严 重 了 ) 承 接 自 然 , 选 项 中 的 that 就 是 上 文 提 到 的 they can solve it by themselves,故选 C 项。 39.G 上文 All violence should be prevented, and the most effective way of preventing bullying on campus is to call the police and let the professionals deal with it.(所有的校园暴力都应该被预防,最有效的预防方式就是报警, 让 专 业 人 事 知 道 ) 与 G. Especially, in China the role of the police is not only to enforce the law, but also to educate the public about punishments for violations.(尤其在中国,警察的职责不仅是执法,而且还教育公众 对违法者的惩罚)承接自然,选项是对上文的进一步陈述,其中 police 是关键词,故选 G 项。 40.D 上 文 According to data from the United Nations Education, Science, and Culture Organization, over 32 percent of male pupils and 28 per-cent of female pupils suffer from campus violence with many suffering serious emotional and psychological problems as a result.(根据联合国教科文组织的数据,超过 32%的男学生和 28% 的女学生都遭受过校园暴力,很多人因此遭受严重的情感和心理问题)与 D. People even in their 50s or 60s may still suffer the hurt of childhood bullying.(人们甚至在 50 或者 60 几岁时可能仍然遭受童年时代欺凌所带 来的伤害)承接自然,选项是对上文的进一步说明,两部分都提到了校园欺凌给人带来的深远影响,故选 D 项。 (2)陕西西安地区八校 2019-2020 学年高三上学期第一次联考 Live Long and Prosper You can't avoid getting old. But the decisions you make now about how you spend your day will have a great impact on the quality of your life. We collected the latest research and talked to health, financial, and wellness experts to uncover the most important things you can do to

doc文档 2020届高三《新题速递·英语》1月第02期 (考点02七选五)

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