专题 40 短文填空—首字母填空 【2021 年】 2021 年中考真题英语分项汇 编 专题 19 短文填空 考点 1 首字母填空 A (2021·江苏盐城市·中考真题) Ways to reduce food waste Food waste is a big problem around the world. While some people t 1 away unwanted food, lots of people in other parts of the world face food shortages. In order to reduce food waste, many c 2 in the world like German and France have food banks. People and grocery stores can give extra food to them and they can give the food to t 3 in need. Shanghai Oasis opened China’s first food bank in 2015. In five years, it saved seven million tons of food and h 4 760,000 people. Many fruits and v 5 go to waste because they look ugly. For example, about 25 to 30 percent of carrots don't make it to the store because of their l 6 . So try to buy ugly food next time, since it is j 7 as good as “normal” food. Many Chinese restaurants are telling people to o 8 dishes by using the “N-1”formula. “N” s 9 for the number of people in your group. So if you’re in a group of s 10 people, you should order five dishes. To reduce food waste is a big task, and it needs time. Everyone can do something to make a difference. 【答案】 1.(t)hrow 2.(c)ountries 3.(t)hose 4.(h)elped 5.(v)egetables 6.(l)ooks 7.(j)ust 8.(o)rder 9.(s)tands 10.(s)ix 【分析】 本文主要介绍了为了减少食物浪费的方法:许多国家都用食物银行来储存多余的食物;建议购买外观 不好看的蔬菜和水果;中国饭店采用“N-1”公式点餐。 1.句意:当一些人扔掉不想要的食物时,世界上其他地方的很多人面临食物短缺。根据“unwanted food, lots of people in other parts of the world face food shortages.”可知,此处指“扔掉”,用固定短语 throw away 表 示,此处是陈述事实用一般现在时,主语为 you,动词用原形。故填(t)hrow。 2.句意:为了减少食物浪费,世界上像德国和法国一样的许多国家都有食物银行。根据“like German and France ”及首字母可知,此处指“国家”,用 country 表示,可数名词,many 后跟可数名词复数,故填 (c)ountries。 3.句意:人们和杂货店可以给他们额外的食物,他们可以把食物给那些需要的人。根据“...in need”可知, 此处指那些需要的人,结合首字母可知,用代词 those 指代。故填(t)hose。 4.句意:在五年内,它节省了 700 万吨粮食,帮助了 76 万人。根据“it saved seven million tons of food and ... 760,000 people.”结合短文和首字母可知,食物银行是为了帮助那些食物短缺的人,help 符合语境。 由 saved 可知,此处用动词的过去式。故填(h)elped。 5.句意:许多水果和蔬菜被浪费,因为它们看起来很丑。根据下文“25 to 30 percent of carrots”和首字母 v 可知,此处指“vegetable 蔬菜”,根据 many fruits 可知,此处用复数表示种类。故填(v)egetables。 6.句意:例如,大约 25%到 30%的胡萝卜因为长得不好看而无法进入商店。根据“because they look ugly” 可知,此处指“因为外形丑而无法进入商店”,look“外观”符合语境,由 their 可知,此处用复数。故填 (l)ooks。 7.句意:所以下次尽量买难看的食物,因为它和“正常”食物一样好。根据语境和首字母提示可知,此处指 和“正常”食物一样好,just as good as...表示“和……同样好”。故填(j)ust。 8.句意:许多中餐馆告诉人们用“N-1”公式点菜。根据“restaurants are telling people to...dishes ”可知,此处 指点餐,order 符合语境,不定式符号 to 后跟动词原形,故填(o)rder。 9.句意:“N”代表你们的人数。stand for“代表”符合语境,主语“N”表示第三人称单数,动词用三单形式。 故填(s)tands。 10.句意:所以如果你们六个人,你应该点五道菜。根据“N-1”和“you should order five dishes”可知,此处 指六个人,six“六”。故填(s)ix。 B (2021·湖北武汉市·中考真题) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词,单词的第一个字母已给出 Susan is the daughter of the famous environmental scientist Clark. But the woman has become an environmentalist on her o 11 . In 1992, the first UN Earth Summit(峰会) was held in Rio de Janeiro. Thousands of people from around the world h 12 for it to talk about the Earth’s tomorrow. Twelve-year-old Susan and three of her friends formed a group. They raised money to travel to Rio to a 13 the summit. At the summit, Susan said that the state of the environment w 14 her a lot. “You don’t know how to fix the holes in our ozone layer (臭氧层). You don’t know how to bring back forests that once g 15 where there is now desert. If you don’t know how to fix the Earth, please stop b 16 it!” The six-minute speech silenced all the people and made them fall into deep thinking. After that speech, Susan began to lead “two lives.” On the t 17 days, she was a schoolchild. But during her vacations, she s 18 internationally about the environment. Now, nearly 30 years has passed since Susan made her Rio speech. Although many of the world’s environmental problems have only become w 19 , Susan does agree that some things are different now. More and more people give voice like Susan because they have realized the importance of the environment. “Thirty years ago, I was fighting for my tomorrow. Now, I am fighting for the f 20 of my sons,” says Susan, now a mother of two, who has kept calling people's attention to climate change. 【答案】 11.(o)wn 12.(h)eaded 13.(a)ttend 14.(w)orried 15.(g)rew 16.(b)reaking 17.(t)ypical 18.(s)poke 19.(w)orse 20.(f)uture 【分析】 本文主要讲述了苏珊如何凭借自己的力量成为一名环保主义者的事迹。 11.句意:但这位女士凭借自己的力量成为了一名环保主义者。由前句和句中转折连词“But”可知,此句是 说这位女士依靠自己成了一名环保主义者。on one’s own 独自,为固定短语,故填(o)wn。 12.句意:来自世界各地的成千上万的人前往大会,讨论地球的明天。句中“it”指代联合国地球峰会,由句 中“to talk about the Earth’s tomorrow”可知,此句是说很多人前往大会。head 做动词时,意为“使向……进行”, head for 前往,由句意知用一般过去时,故填(h)eaded。 13.句意:他们筹钱到里约热内卢去参加峰会。由句中“to”和“the summit”可知,这里是说参加峰会。attend 参加,出

docx文档 专题40 短文填空—首字母填空---三年(2019-2021)中考真题英语分项汇编(全国通用)

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