人教版英语九年级语法必备--形容词和副词的比较级和最高级(一) 一.请写出下列单词的比较级和最高级。 规则变化 great________________ ________________ tall______________ __________________ nice________________ ________________ late_______________ _______________ busy________________ ________________ dirty________________ _______________ thin________________ ________________ big________________ _______________ beautiful________________ _______________ delicious____________ _______________ beautiful________________ _______________ delicious____________ _______________ 不规则变化 far 1. _____________ _______________ 2. ________________ _______________ old 1_______________ _______________ 2. ________________ _______________ many / much ______________ ______________ bad ______________ ____________ little ______________ _______________ good/well ___________ ___________ 二. 单项选择。 ( ) 1.Which one is the _______, the first one, the second one or the third one? A.heaviest B. heavier C. heavy D. most heaviest ( ) 2.My ball is bigger than ______ ( ) 3. Which is ____________, an elephant or a panda? A.heavy B. heavier ( C. more heavier ) 4.Do you think English is ___________important than maths? A.as B. very ( A.him B. he C.his C. more D. quite ) 5.Our building is ___________theirs. A.as tall as B. as taller as C. as the tallest as D. as more tall as ( ) 6. The pig is _________of all. A.big ( B. tallest C. more taller B. a longer C. longer )9.When the winter comes, it’s get ______________. A.cold and cold ( D. the biggest ) 8.This sweater is too short. Could you give me _______ one? A. a long ( C. biggest ) 7.Lily is the _____________of the three. A.taller ( B. bigger B. warmer and warmer C. colder and colder )10.The ______ sports you do, the _______ you’ll be. A. more, healthyer B. much, healthier C. more, healthier D. more, more healthy 三.用所给单词的正确形式填空。 1.My brother is as_________________as (happier) me. 2.She is __________________( thin) than her sister. 3.Mary is very_________________(taller). 4.This is an ______________________(interested) book. 5.Which is the __________________(good), tea, milk or water? 四.句型转换。 1. Mary is 160cm tall. Tom is 170cm tall .(同义句) Tom is 10 cm _______________ than Mary. 2. My ball is bigger than his.(同义句) His ball is ________ than mine. 3.The book is interesting. That book is interesting, too.(两句合并为一句) _________________________________________________________ 4.I am 12 years old. Mike is 10 years old.(用比较级连成一个句子) I am 2 years _______ ________ Mike. 5. Li Lei is the smartest boy in our class.(同义句) Li lei is _______________ than _________ __________ _________ in our class. 6. My book is much _____________________(interesting )than ________(you). 7. My brother is shorter than me.(改为同义句) I am________________ than my brother. My brother is not_________ ________ ________ me. 人教版英语九年级语法必备--形容词和副词的比较级和最高级(二) 一、使用正确形式填空。 1. Li Ming is the _________________ (高) in our class. 2. John Smith is____________________ (瘦) of the two young men. 3. This rabbit is _________________ (肥) than that one. 4. He is _____________________ (强壮) of the three. 5. Guangzhou is one of the ___________________ (大的) cities in China. 6. The maths problem is quite _______________ (hard) for me. 7. This book is much __________________ (interesting) than any other one in the bookshop. 8. The mountains in the west are _____________ (high) than those in the east. 9. The weather is____________ today, it’ll be even__________ tomorrow.(bad) 10. Jim is a head ____________ (tall) than me. 11. My aunt is quite __________ (kind), and my uncle is much ___________ (kind). 二、选择题。 ( ) 1. The Changjiang River is ______ of all the rivers in China. A. the longer ( C. tallest B. the hotter C. the hottest ) 4. Mike gets up _______________ in his family. A. more early ( B. very taller ) 3. Which is ______ season in Beijing, June, July or August? A. hot ( C. longest ) 2. Tom is ______ than Jack. A. much taller ( B. the longest B. earlier C. earliest D. the most early ) 5. Is Shanghai ______ city in China now? A. a second larger B. second largest C. the second largest 三、改错题。 ( )1. My hair is longer than you. __________ A ( B C )2. I’m as taller as you. ____________ A B C ( )3. He’s the strongest of the two. ____________ A ( B C )4. The red flower is beautifuler than the blue one. ____________ A ( B C )5. Jim runs very faster than Mike. ____________ A B C 人教版英语九年级语法必备--形容词和副词的比较级和最高级(一) 一.请写出下列单词的比较级和最高级。 规则变化 greater greatest ;tall

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