考点 04 语法填空——2020 届高三《新题速递·英语》 (1)2020 届湖北省宜昌市夷陵中学高三四月测验 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 A group of researchers and scientists from China and other countries are working together 41. (record) and collect digital images of cultural relics from the Mogao Caves, which were a key stop 42. the Silk Road throughout China's ancient history. Nearly 500,000 high quality digital photographs 43. ( produce) since the international project started in 1994. The Mogao Caves 44. (study) in many countries have long been a meeting point for different cultures. Today the caves are just as international as they were at the time45. people travelled the Silk Road. Tourists from all over the world visit Dunhuang to see the caves, and the Getty Museum in Los Angeles has reproduced a copy of the caves and46. (paint) for people to admire in America. By sharing so many digital photos over the Internet, the group hopes to promote even 47. (wide) interest around the world in China's ancient history, culture, and traditions.48. one researcher who is working on the project explains, “49. (appreciate) one's own cultural heritage is very important for understanding oneself. Recognizing the cultural heritage of other countries 50. (do) good to international communication and understanding." 【答案】 41. to record42. along43. have been produced44. studied45. when 46. paintings47. wider48. As49. Appreciating50. does 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。文章讲述了莫高窟文物数字图像采集工作的进程、历史重要性以及采 集来的数字图像的用途。 41. 考查不定式。句意:从中国和其他一些国家来的科学家正在一起工作,来记录和收集莫高窟文物数字 图像,莫高窟曾是中国历史上丝绸之路上的一个重要驿站。空格处单词表达科学家们一起努力工作的目的, 所以使用不定式作目的状语。故填 to record。 42. 考查介词。句意同上。根据句意,莫高窟是沿着丝绸之路上一个重要驿站。“沿着”可翻译为 along,所 以应填 along。 43. 考查现在完成时的被动语态。句意:自从 1994 年这个国际项目开始后,大约已经生成五十万份高质量 的数字影像。由 since 可知,这句话应使用现在完成时。主语 digital photographs 与 produce 之间是被动关系, 所以应使用被动语态。且主语是复数形式,故填 have been produced。 44. 考查过去分词。句意:很多国家都研究的莫高石窟已经是不同文化之间的一个交集点。这句话的位于 动词是 have been,所以空格处应填非谓语动词。主语 The Mogao Caves 与 study 之间是被动关系,所以使 用过去分词作定语。故填 studied。 45. 考查定语从句的关系词。句意:现在这些石窟就像当年人们走丝绸之路时一样具有国际性。这是一个 定语从句,先行词为 the time,且先行词在从句中作时间状语,所以关系词用 when。故填 when。 46. 考查名词的数。句意:世界各地的游客来敦煌看石窟,洛杉矶盖蒂博物馆复印了这些石窟和画,让人 们在美国就可以欣赏。“and”前后连接两个并列的连词,由 caves 可知,空格处也应填名词。“paint(画 画)”的名词形式为 painting,且我们知道莫高石窟的壁画不只是一个,所以填名词的复数形式。故填 paintings。 47. 考查形容词比较级。句意:通过在网上分享这些数字影像,这个小组的成员希望提高世界各地的人们 对中国历史、文化、传统更广泛的兴趣。空格位于名词前,应用形容词形式。 even 修饰形容词的比较级, 故填 wider。 48. 考查状语从句的连词。句意:正如从事这个项目的一名研究员所说的:“欣赏自己的文化遗产对于了解 自己是很重要的。欣赏其它国家的文化遗产对国际交流和文化遗产很重要。”根据句意,这是一个方式状语 从句,“正如”可翻译为 as,故填 As。 49. 考查动名词作主语。句意同上。根据句意,空格处单词作主语,且空格处单词与其后边单词还有主谓 关系,所以空格处应填动名词。故填 Appreciating。 50. 考查主谓一致。句意同上。句子主语是 Recognizing the cultural heritage of other countries,是动名词形式 作主语,所以句子谓语动词应使用第三人称单数形式。故填 does。 (2)2020 届河南郑州外国语学校高三第三次线上调研考试 阅读下面短文在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 China has been selected to host the World Skills Competition in Shanghai in 2021, an event it hopes to us for building a stronger team of skilled workers nationwide and to improve international 56. (exchange) in technical skills. Hosting the event will help guide the whole society 57. (respect) the spirit of skilled workmanship. It will also help create 58. social atmosphere of respecting labor and admiring skill. China has 165 million skilled workers, including 47.9 million who are classed as highly skilled. They were first classified by the government in 2003. They 59. (include) as one of the major State-level talent groups along with theoretical scientists in 2015, 60. (mark) a significant rise in their social status. China’s 61. (early) modern skills training can date back to the Qing Dynasty. It was in 1866 62. the Foochow Shipbuilding Institution in Fujian province was established. In 1978, the adoption of the reform ad opening-up policy highlighted a shortage of 63. (talent) technicians. As a result, the number of students at technical institutes rose sharply. More recently, technical education 64. (receive) greater support from the central government to help shape the nation’s producing power. Every year, more than 100 million people have access 65. technical education and training. 【答案】 56. exchanges57. to respect58. a59. were included60. marking 61. earliest62. that63. talented64. has received65. to 【文章大意】这是一篇说明文。2021 年,世界技能大赛将在上海举行。这场大赛有望帮助我们组建全国范 围内更厉害的技术工人团队,并促进国际间技术能力的交流。还可以引导整个社会对高级技工的尊敬 。 2003 年,中国认证了高级技工,并在 2015 年将其与理论科学家一起作为国家级水平的人才。并讲述了中 国技术人才培养的历史。 56. 考查名词的数。句意:这场活动有望帮助我们组建全国范围内更厉害的技术工人团队,并促进国际间 技术能力的交流。International exchange 前没有不定冠词修饰,exchange 又是可数名词,所以空格处用复数 形式。故填 exchanges。 57. 考查动词不定式。句意:主办这场活动将会帮助引导整个社会去尊重熟练的工艺。“guide sb. to do st

doc文档 2020届高三《新题速递·英语》5月第02期 (考点04语法填空)

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