牛津英语 2020-2021 学年中考词汇运用 1. Of all the great (发明), I think the computer is the most useful. 2. They are arguing (反对) closing the museum. 3. Bruce Lee was (认为) as a Kung fu superstar by the people all over the world. 4. My best friend Millie will be (缺席的) from the meetings in the following two months because she has gone abroad on business. 5. I tried to ring you but I couldn't get _______ ( 接 通 ), probably because of the terrible weather. 6. It's not in a hurry---we can do it next month _________(无论何时). 7. ---Have you considered __________(解决) the matter ?---Sorry, not yet. 8. They dream of becoming _________(飞行员) driving their own airplanes. 9. In the photo, a Syrian father is standing on his knees in ( 沉 默 )with his dead children in his arms after the attack. 10.Chinese medicine tastes very bitter (苦的)and it 11.What he has used is an (奏效)slowly but surely. (最新的)method of language teaching. 12.That supermarket provides ( 专 门 地 ) designed shopping trolleys ( 手 推 车)for parents with young children. 13. Nothing is __________(不可能)if you put your heart into it. 14. He didn't _____ ( 接 受 ) our invitation because he was too busy with his new work. 15. We felt strange about his _______ ( 沉 默 ) at the party because he used to be active. 16. Kobe Bryant scored 81 points in a game ________(对抗)the Toronto Raptors . 17. 1 am sorry I __________(完全地)forgot it was your birthday yesterday. 18.Safety comes first     (无论什么) you do. 19.We will celebrate my grandfather's     (八十) birthday this Saturday. 20.Rose's father is the     (忙碌的) in the hospital, because he is an excellent doctor. 21.Wild animals on the Earth are becoming fewer and fewer. We should take action to (保护) them. 22.Everyone, you need to have a dream. The future of China     (依靠) on you! 23.Last week Professor Li was         ( 邀 请 ) to make a speech on Chinese traditional festivals. 24.When given the     (选择) of being right or being kind, choose kind. 25.My mother goes shopping every week—there is a shopping mall just ___(在…… 对面) our house. 26.         ( 最 近 ), citizens in Suqian have got the chance to experience a selfservice store. 27.The young man has _(少) money than us, but he is generous and often donates it to Project Hope. 28.In ancient times, food was     (存储) up for winter. 29.China's fight against COVID-19 gives the world     (宝贵的) experience. 30.It's good way to learn a     (外国) language by listening and speaking. 31. On April 5, 2012, the government published new rules about school bus__________ (安全). 32. At first, I ______________ (误认为) Lily for Lucy, so I said sorry to them later. 33.He has just bought an_______________ ( 最 新 的 ) mobile phone, but it’s unsafe.2 34.Tan Dun is one of the greatest _______________ (音乐家)in the world. 35.We all know that Marie Curie was famous for____________(发现) radium . 36. Look, the leader is p_________ medals to the excellent singers on the stage. 37 Ma Yun is the ___________ (very rich; having lots of money) man in the world. 38. Finally, we _________(achieve something that you have been trying to do) in finishing the work. 39. Carelessness was the______________ ( reason ) of the traffic accident . 40.You should tell your parents that you need s ___________when you are studying at home . 41.My dream is to be a doctor like Zhang Wenhong to serve our     (国家). 42.Hearing someone come in, he always     (躲藏) himself behind the curtain when he was a child. 43.Walk     (穿过) the bridge and take the second turning on the right. 44.At weekends, he     (更喜欢) doing sports to watching TV at home when he was young. 45.People in different countries speak different     (语言). 46.Some big cities are becoming more and more     (拥挤的) and polluted. 47.This film was directed by Ang Lee, one of the most famous     (导演). 48.He got a     (牙疼) and had to see the dentist last night. 49.We haven't decided how to     (庆祝) the coming New Year's Day. 50.By     (培训) local doctors and nurses, we hope to help more people. 51.The students didn't understand the grammar until their teacher     (解释) it to them. 52.Tom kept calling me for years,     (甚至) after he graduated. 53.What you learn at school plays a very important part in shaping your behaviour in (社会). 54.Forty people     (包括)six children went to visit the museum. 55.The twin boys are not only of the same     (重量), but also the height. 56.The houses are so expensive that he can't     (承担得起) to buy one. 57.The Forbidden City is open every day     (除了) Monday. 58.Chinese     (文化) has influ

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